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词汇 railed against
释义 railed against短语⁷⁹⁹⁷⁸⁺
A17th- century magistrate railed against the temple's “ lofty mansions and splendid furnishings.”
早在十七世纪的时候,一位地方官就曾痛斥少林寺“宅邸高耸,器具奢华”。 yeeyan

And throughout his life he railed against the Anglo-Saxons.
而终其一生他都在埋怨盎格鲁撒克逊人。 ecocn

But a year ago, in one of the first major Tea Party victories, the county elected a new executive who railed against budget deficits and promised both to cut taxes and to balance the budget.
然而,一年前,在茶党首批大胜浪潮中,该县选举了一位谴责预算赤字,同时保证削减税收并实现平衡预算的新执行官。 yeeyan

Doctors have long railed against black carbon for its devastating health effects in poor countries.
医生们一直在指责贫困国家的烟尘对于健康的破坏性的作用。 yeeyan

FOR years, anti-poverty campaigners railed against low commodity prices, which depressed farmers' incomes in developing countries.
多年来,扶贫人士一直抨击低迷的粮价削弱了发展中国家农民的收入。 ecocn

For years, German media and politicians railed against U.S. and British private-equity companies as a plague of destructive “ locusts” who inflicted harm on German society.
近年来,德国媒体和政客们责备英美私募公司像“蝗灾”那样给德国社会带来邪恶的冲击。 yeeyan

For many of Gadhafi's supporters, the military operation to oust him was another example of the Western interference and neocolonialism that he railed against.

He's railed against state- run corporations and Russia's unhealthy addiction to fickle revenues from natural resources.
他责备由国家管理的企业,以及俄国对于易变的天然资源收入的非正常嗜好。 yeeyan

In1999, even before terrorist attacks raised America's national temperature, several Republicans in Congress railed against Mr Li's business interests in the Panama Canal.
在1999年,远在恐怖袭击使得美国民族主义升温之前,国会里的几个共和党人曾抱怨过李先生在巴拿马运河的商业利益。 kle100

Like earlier leaders, Reagan railed against a distant, faceless force that beggared the common man.
他与美国早期的一些领导人一样,反对一种遥不可及的、不露面的力量,认为是这股力量让普通人沦为乞丐。 yeeyan

On the stage, speakers railed against the government and its royal and military enablers.
在台上,发言者抨击政府及支持政府的王室与军方。 ecocn

Then the counterculture overreached, Nixon found his“ silent majority”, and railed against his own bugbear elites: the now familiar culprits in academia, Hollywood and the press.
然而反主流文化运动矫枉过正,尼克松发现他自己成为了“沉默的大多数”,于是开始抱怨起令他自己忧心不已的新派的精英们:近来大家熟悉的在学术界、新闻界和好莱坞的肇事元凶们。 ecocn

You may feel stuck if your fundamentalist parents railed against sin or if your suave intellectual friends mock anyone who seems enthusiastic.




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