

单词 ragtag
释义 rag·tag 英ˈrægˌtæg美ˈrægˌtægAHDrăgʹtăg' ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁴⁵¹⁰⁰BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺iWeb³⁴⁰²⁰Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺

disparaging terms for the common peoplerag,破布,tag,标签。比喻用法。ragtag-接触⇒adj.群氓的¹⁴;贱民的²⁸;衣衫褴褛的⁵⁸近义词 messy散乱的motley杂色的shabby破旧的sloppy肥大的dubious怀疑的scruffy邋遢的untidy不整齐的rabble乌合之众disparate不同的unkempt乱蓬蓬的raggedy有些破的ragged衣衫褴褛的riffraff乌合之众…assorted各种各样的multifarious多种的miscellaneous多方面的ragtag and bobtail贱民; 乌合之众; 各色…

用作形容词He had aragtagband of criminals ready to pick up the slack.他就让一群乌合之众的犯人来收拾这个烂摊子。as in.mangy
同义词 decrepit,dirty,impoverished,indigent,mean,moth-eaten,poor,shabby,shoddy,sick,sleazy,squalid,tattered
反义词 kemptneatas in.ragtag and bobtail
同义词 canaille,common ruck,Everyman,lowest social class,rabble,rank and file,riffraff
mangiestadjective scruffy
mangyadjective scruffy
ragtag and bobtailnoun lowest common denominator
Everyman,canaille,common ruck,lowest social class,rabble,ragtag,rank and file,riffraff A visit to the embattled city of Ajdabiya finds the anti- Qaddafi resistance slightly less ragtag than before, but still not quite professional.
对严阵以待的阿吉达比耶的访问发现,反卡扎非武装和原来相比显得没那么乌合之众了,但是仍然不很专业. yeeyan

In the flat barren terrain, it enabled the colonel to observe and then bomb exposed rebel lines, sending his ragtag opposition positioned on main roads into retreat.
平坦贫瘠的地貌使得上校能够侦察出叛军阵地跟着对其进行轰炸,并纠集起他那声名狼藉的部队到叛军撤退的主要通道上。 ecocn

It was a luxury the ragtag team obviously couldn't afford.
显然,这支乌合之军买不起。 yeeyan

It all marks a huge improvement on the ragtag troops with motley weapons who patrolled here three years ago.
与三年前在此巡逻的装备混杂的平民部队相比,一切已有了巨大的改进。 ecocn

The Empire's control of the galaxy and the efforts of a ragtag Rebellion marked key moments in galactic history.
帝国对银河系的控制以及下层社会的起义运动是银河历史的重要篇章。 starwarschina

The once- ragtag rebels forces, hardened by war and flush with victory, are now far better equipped than their dwindling adversaries.
曾一度窘迫的反对派军队,在战斗中变强并为胜利所激励,现在拥有比他们败退中的对手好得多的武器装备。 ecocn

“ We were kind of a ragtag group of engineers and physicists who were essentially amateurs in molecular biology, ” Collins says.
“我们只是一群混杂的工程师和物理学家,在分子生物学领域都很业务。” Collins说。 yeeyan

A second is a coalition with the National Alliance, a ragtag mix of freemarketeers, old-fashioned conservatives and nationalists some with dodgy pasts.
第二个是建立一个全国联盟,该联盟由自由市场经济人,过时的保守主义者以及民族主义者其中一些过去有污点混合组成。 topsage

But when Lawrence looked at his ragtag band of Bedouin fighters he realized that a direct attack on Medina would never succeed.
不过 Lawrence知道其麾下贝多因民兵的战斗力是多么地低下,因而对麦地那的直接进攻是必败无疑的。 yeeyan

He is also turning his ragtag primary operation into a presidential campaign machine.
此时麦凯恩正在将他那一群由乌合之众组成的初选团队转化为一台运转良好的总统竞选机器。 ecocn




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