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词汇 rags
释义 rag·s 英ræɡ美ræɡ COCA¹⁶³³³BNC¹³⁰⁶⁰

a piece of old cloth


old, worn or torn clothes


a newspaper especially one of low quality

a small piece of cloth or papera week at British universities during which side-shows and processions of floats are organized to raise money for charitiesmusic with a syncopated melody usually for the pianonewspaper with half-size pagesa boisterous practical joke especially by college students
treat cruelly;

The children tormented the stuttering teacher

cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations;

Mosquitoes buzzing in my ear really bothers me

It irritates me that she never closes the door after she leaves

play in ragtime;

rag that old tune

harass with persistent criticism or carping;

The children teased the new teacher

Don't ride me so hard over my failure

His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie

censure severely or angrily;

The mother scolded the child for entering a stranger's car

The deputy ragged the Prime Minister

The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup

break into lumps before sorting;

rag ore

用作名词 n.
动词+~chew the rag闲谈have not a rag to one's back衣不蔽体介词+~from rags to riches由贫致富in rags穿着破破烂烂的衣服a bundle of rags一堆破旧的衣服
用作名词n.from rags to riches

从贫穷到富有from extreme poverty to wealth

近义词 jaw颚bait饵ride骑cloth布rib肋骨bit少量piece件tag标签cod鳕鱼dun讨债wisp小束thread线mock嘲弄nark密探rile激怒twit嘲笑scrap碎片taunt辱骂devil魔鬼chafe擦痛chide斥责rally集会scold责骂vex使恼怒sheet被单razz轻蔑声duster抹布nettle荨麻bother烦扰gravel碎石rebuke指责get to到达get at达到tease揶揄者remnant残余reproof斥责trounce痛打torment苦痛tabloid小报chew up损害tag end末端Lambast狂打lecture讲课annoy使恼怒tatter使破烂fragment碎片irritate激怒lambaste痛打call down祈求shred撕成碎片tantalise挑逗frustrate挫败reprimand训斥bedevil使痛苦call names骂人make fun of取笑chew out严厉责备bawl out大声斥责take to task责备rag week学生募捐周remonstrate表示异议ragtime拉格泰姆音乐…dress down狠狠地训斥poke fun at拿 … 开玩笑…crucify钉在十字架上处死…berate〈正式或文〉严厉责备…tantalize以可望而不可即之物逗…
用作名词n.He cleaned the machine with a piece of oily rag.他用一块沾满油污的旧布擦机器。
The highest quality paper is made mostly fromrags.上好的纸多半是用破布制造的。
The beggar was dressed inrags.那个乞丐衣衫褴褛。
I don't like the local rag.我不喜欢这种本地报纸。
用作名词She twisted araground my hand.她用一块破布包住我的手。
He plugged the hole in the pipe with an oldrag.他用一块旧破布把管子上的那个洞塞住了。
He wrapped a cleanragaround his ankle.他把一小块乾净的布缠住脚腕。
It's just an oldragI had in the closet.这只不过是我挂在壁橱里的旧衣服罢了。
Why do you read that worthlessrag?你为什么看这种没有价值的报纸?
I like it much better than the localrag.它比地方报纸好多了。noun.clothes
同义词 duds,scraps,tatters
clothesnoun apparel
clothes/clothingnoun personal attire
Sunday best,accouterment,apparel,array,caparison,civvies,costume,covering,drag,drapery,dress,duds,ensemble,equipment,finery,frippery,frock,full feather,garb,garments,gear,getup,habiliment,habit,hand-me-downs,livery,mufti,outfit,overclothes,panoply,rags,raiment,regalia,rigging,sack,sportswear,tailleur,tatters,things,threads,toggery,togs,tout ensemble,trappings,trousseau,underclothes,vestment,vesture,vines,wardrobe,wear,weeds,zoot suit
clothingnoun attire
accouterment,apparel,array,caparison,civvies,clothes,costume,covering,drag,drapery,dress,duds,ensemble,equipment,feathers,finery,frippery,frock,full feather,garb,garments,gear,getup,glad rags,habiliment,habit,hand-me-downs,livery,mufti,outfit,overclothes,panoply,rags,raiment,regalia,rigging,sack,sportswear,tailleur,tatters,things,threads,tog,toggery,tout ensemble,trappings,trousseau,underclothes,vestment,vesture,vines,wardrobe,wear
clothingsnoun attire
accouterment,apparel,array,caparison,civvies,clothes,costume,covering,drag,drapery,dress,duds,ensemble,equipment,feathers,finery,frippery,frock,full feather,garb,garments,gear,get-up,glad rags,habiliment,habit,hand-me-downs,livery,mufti,outfit,overclothes,panoply,rags,raiment,regalia,rigging,sack,sportswear,tailleur,tatters,things,threads,tog,toggery,tout ensemble,trappings,trousseau,underclothes,vestment,vesture,vines,wardrobe,wear
dudsnoun clothes
Sunday bests,accouterments,apparel,arrays,civvies,costumes,coverings,dresses,finery,fripperies,frocks,garb,garments,habiliments,outfits,rags,raiment,sportswear,tatters,threads,wardrobes
garbnoun clothing
apparel,appearance,array,attire,clothes,costume,dress,duds,feathers,form,garment,gear,guise,habiliment,habit,outfit,rags,raiment,robes,semblance,things,threads,uniform,vestments,wear As she had no longer any clothes, they dressed her in the cast-off petticoats and chemises of the Thenardier brats; that is to say, in rags.
她的衣服被典光以后,他们便叫她穿德纳第家小姑娘的旧裙和旧衫,就是说,破裙和破衫。 ebigear

INSIDE his hovel of branches and rags, a grizzled pauper called Badshah Kale keeps a precious object. It is a note, scrawled by a policeman and framed by Mr Kale, proclaiming that he“ is not a thief”.

“ Remember the simple soul of your brothers and sisters in rags, ” she counseled herself.
“记住那些裹在破布片中的你的兄弟姐妹们的真诚的灵魂,”她给自己忠告。 yeeyan

A father cannot for his own credit let his son go in rags.
一个父亲为了顾及颜面,不可能自己穿金戴银而让孩子破衣烂布。 yeeyan

All my righteousness is like filthy rags.
我所有的正义都像肮脏的破布。 yeeyan

Another woman came down the path, grey-haired and in rags. Carrying an old, round, red- lacquered basket with a string of paper money hanging from it, she walked haltingly.
小路上又来了一个女人,也是半白头发,褴褛的衣裙;提一个破旧的朱漆圆篮,外挂一串纸锭,三步一歇的走。 putclub

But there was one problem. Cinderella was still wearing rags.
但是有一个问题。灰姑娘仍然穿着破衣服。 hjenglish

Eventually, papermakers were able to invent a variety of mechanical and chemical techniques engineer decent- quality paper out of pulped wood, a supply that unlike cloth rags appeared limitless.
造纸者最终发明出了多种机械、化学技术,利用木浆生产出了质地优良的纸张,原料供应和破布不同无限扩大。 yeeyan

Every time Papa saw Samie lying around in the warm sun with his feet wrapped up in turpentine rags, he would laugh until big tears rolled down his cheeks.
爸爸每次看到萨米脚上包着破布躺在农场里晒太阳,就忍不住笑得眼泪都出来了。 yeeyan

He quit his “ normal” job, began buying and cutting the scrap fabric into squares to be used as rags.
于是辞去“正事”,开始买进这种废弃的布筒,将它裁剪成几平米的小布块,作为抹布出售。 yeeyan

He seemed to be held together with tape and rags, and I found that adorable, too.
他似乎是被胶布和碎布绑到一起,发现这个我同样很倾慕。 yeeyan

He sees all his friends, dressed in rags, picking up the trash and putting it in black bags as more trash falls from above.
他看见了他所有的朋友都穿着破烂的衣服在捡垃圾,然后将其装进黑袋子里。 可是随之而来的却是更多从天而降的垃圾。 yeeyan

In the light of Calvary, all our supposed goodness is nothing but filthy rags.
在各各他的圣光下,所有我们设想的善良都只不过是肮脏的抹布。 yeeyan

In some communities, people with mental disorders are banished to the edge of town where they are left semi- naked or in rags, tied up, beaten and left to go hungry.
在有的社区,精神障碍患者被驱赶到城镇边缘地区,他们被人抛弃,终日衣不遮体或裹着破衣烂衫,被捆绑起来,遭人殴打并挨饿。 who

It was in winter, in a very cold month of December, she was shivering, half-naked, in rags, her poor little feet were all red in their wooden shoes.
那是一个冬季,一个严寒的十二月,她半裸着身体在破衣烂衫中颤抖,可怜的小脚在木鞋中冻得通红。 ebigear

She had exchanged rags with the first young scamp she came across who had thought it amusing to dress like a woman, while Eponine disguised herself like a man.
她遇到想穿穿女人衣服寻开心的一个不相干的小伙子,便用她原有的破衣,换来她身上的这套服装,扮成个男子。 ebigear

She was in rags; her bare feet were thrust into wooden shoes, and by the firelight she was engaged in knitting woollen stockings destined for the young Thenardiers.
她穿的是破衣,赤着脚,套一双木鞋,凑近炉火的微光,在替德纳第家的小姑娘织绒线袜。 ebigear

Some people or other had clothed him in rags out of charity.
一些不相干的人由于行善让他穿上那样的破衣烂衫。 ebigear

Thank Heavens you’re not in rags.
感谢上帝,你没有衣衫褴褛。 iciba

The victim was first bound with barbed wire and his mouth stuffed with rags.
受刑者首先被带刺的铁丝网捆绑限制住,并在嘴里塞满破布。 yeeyan

They can manufacture rags into paper.

They were spreading out over the mat roofs tattered quilts and sundry other rags, which serve them for beds, in order to sun and air them.
他们正在竹棚顶的席子上摊开他们的被褥以及各式各样用以铺床的破布,让它们晒晒太阳吹吹风。 yeeyan

This man was dressed in a great- coat which was perfectly new and too large for him, and in a frightful pair of trousers all hanging in rags and black with mud.
那人穿一件过于宽大的全新大衣和一条破烂不堪、满是黑污泥的长裤。 ebigear




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