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词汇 raged
释义 rage·d 英reɪdʒ美reɪdʒ COCA²²³⁷⁹BNC¹⁷⁶⁹⁴Economist¹³⁷⁸⁹
vi. 大发脾气

show violent anger

vi. 猛烈地继续下去

continue violently

a feeling of intense anger;

hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

his face turned red with rage

a state of extreme anger;

she fell into a rage and refused to answer

something that is desired intensely;

his rage for fame destroyed him

violent state of the elements;

the sea hurled itself in thundering rage against the rocks

an interest followed with exaggerated zeal;

he always follows the latest fads

it was all the rage that season

behave violently, as if in state of a great angerbe violent; as of fires and stormsfeel intense anger;

Rage against the dying of the light!








用作动词 v.
~+副词rage badly恶劣地大发脾气rage dangerously危险地继续下去rage explosively爆炸式地大发脾气rage fearfully害怕继续下去rage fiercely激烈地继续下去rage furiously难以控制地大发脾气rage impotently无能为力地继续下去rage inarticulately难懂地大发脾气rage incessantly不停地大发脾气rage inwardly生闷气rage magnificently有意义地继续下去rage mentally精神不正常地大发脾气rage momentarily瞬息间地大发脾气rage perniciously很有害地大发脾气~+介词rage against对…大发脾气rage against sb's remarks对某人的话发脾气rage against restraint愤怒地反抗rage at one's friends对朋友们大发脾气
rage against〔at〕 v.+prep.

对…大发脾气 express great anger directed towards (usually sth)

rage against〔at〕 sb/sth for sth/v-ingHe raged against me for disagreeing.他因我有异议对我大发雷霆。
I raged at my own inability.我深为自己的无能而恼火。
It's no use raging at unjust laws, there's nothing you can do to change them.对那些不公平的法律生气是没有用的,你无法改变它们。
rage through v.+prep.

强行通过 move violently through (sth such as a place)

rage through sthA flu epidemic raged through the school.流感在这个学校里蔓延。
The infection raged through the city.传染病在城市里迅猛流行。
The storm that raged through the western islands last night has now died down.昨晚席卷西部岛屿的暴风雨现在逐渐停息了。近义词 roarraiseexplodeflare up反义词 be pleasedkeep one's cool
S+~+AShe raged when her jewels were stolen while under police protection.在有警察保护的情况下她的珠宝被偷,她十分生气。
The wind raged wildly.狂风大作。
The dispute raged on for a year.这场辩论激烈地进行了一年。
The argument over the new airport is still raging.关于新机场的争论仍然十分激烈。引出直接引语“The hell with,” Pilarraged.“It is speed that counts.”“见鬼去吧!”皮拉怒气冲冲地嚷道,“速度才是重要的。”



在非正式的语体中, rage能引出直接引语,作“怒气冲冲地说道”解。

用作名词He was mad withrage.他快要气疯了。
I was gnashing my teeth withrage.我咬牙切齿愤怒已极。
He flew into arageat the news.他听到这个消息勃然大怒。
The storm showed elementalragein its violence.这场风暴显示了大自然的狂暴力量。
The fury talent doesn't generate anyragepoint anymore.这个狂暴天赋不再产生任何怒气点数。
The storm'sragecontinued.暴风雨肆虐不已。
The colors pink and blue are all therageat this moment.蓝色和粉红色现在可以说是风行一时。用作动词You are not yourself when youragelike that.你那样大发雷霆有点失常。
That is why the stormsrageso fiercely on the sea.这就是海上刮起这样凶猛的暴风的原因。
He disappears quickly as the gale continues torage.就在大风肆虐时,他很快消失了。
The feverragedthrough out the country.那热病蔓延全国。 angry
同义词 blow up,boil over,erupt,rampage,roar,seethe,tearbristle,chafe,fret,fulminate,fume,overflow,rant,rave,scold,scream,splutter,steam,storm,surge,yellbe beside oneself,be furious,be uncontrollable,blow a fuse,blow one's top,champ at bit,fly off the handle,foam at the mouth,go berserk,have a fit,have a tantrum,let off steam,look daggers,make a fuss over,rail at,rant and rave,snap at,throw a fit,work oneself into sweat
反义词 be calm,be quiet,compliment,flatter,praisebe happy At theWorld Editors Forum in Hyderabad last week, the battle raged on over whether newspapers were wise or foolish to give away their content free on the web.
上周在海德拉巴召开的世界编辑论坛大会上—报纸提供在线免费阅读,明智还是愚蠢,人们展开了激烈的辩论。 yeeyan

Over the summer, as soldiers have died in Helmand, arguments have raged at home about the treatment and equipment they receive.
这个夏天,在赫尔曼德阵亡的士兵引起了国内讨论关于他们的待遇和装备的问题。 ecocn

What is happening off Somalia’s shores is basically an extension of the corrupt, violent free-for- all that has raged on land for17 years since the central government imploded in 1991.
在索马里海域上发生的一切只是这个国家自1991年中央政府垮台之后17年来滋生于其国土上的腐败和无尽暴力的延续而已。 yeeyan

As the fighting raged, hotel guests who had barricaded themselves inside rooms attempted to contact those on the outside.
随着枪战的持续,在设有障碍物的房间里躲藏起来的酒店客人们在尝试与外界联系。 yeeyan

But on economic matters Mr. Obama sought to distance himself from ideological debates on the role of government and the free market that have raged in Washington for decades.
但是在经济问题上,奥巴马却努力避开有关政府的角色以及自由市场方面的思想辩论,这个辩论在华盛顿激烈地进行了几十年。 ebigear

Fire and wind raged all around, snapping juniper trees and incinerating the sagebrush.
四周风火肆虐,猛咬着杜松树,把山艾树烧成了灰烬。 yeeyan

For the past decade an ideological battle has raged between reformers—be they liberals or social democrats— and those, such as Mr Chávez, who would return to the authoritarian past.
在过去十年,改革者自由人士或社会民主人士和主张回到过去专制时代的人如查韦斯先生之间爆发了意识形态的战争。 yeeyan

I wanted to show her that the man who screamed and raged wasn’t the real me; I wanted to become worthy of what I saw in her.
我想让她知道那个咆哮粗鲁的人并不是真实的我;我希望在她的眼中我是个有价值的人。 yeeyan

In Israel a forest fire that raged for several days in the hills above Haifa, the country’s third city, killed42 people,36 of them trainee prison guards trapped in a bus.
以色列第三大城市海法的森林大火已在城市的山丘上肆虐多日,造成42人死亡,其中包括36名因困在一辆公交车上而罹难的监狱守卫新生。 ecocn

In one of Australia’s hottest summer seasons on record, about50 fires also raged across New South Wales, the most populous state, without loss of life.
在澳大利亚有记录的最热的夏天,已经有大约50起的火灾在人口最多的州——新南威尔士州发生,不过还没有人员伤亡。 yeeyan

Increased schooling created a more stable society, less prone to the conflicts that have raged elsewhere in Central America.
增加的教育创造了一个更加稳定的社会,不会涉及肆虐中美洲其他地方的冲突。 yeeyan

India grew at 6.7 per cent even as the global financial crisis raged around it.

NATO and human rights groups said Libyan forces have targeted aid ships coming in and out of Misrata, where a bloody see-saw battle has raged between Gadhafi's forces and the rebels.
北约和人权团体说,利比亚军队将进出密城的救援船锁定为目标,卡扎菲的军队与动乱者之间的一场可怕的拉锯战已经拉开了序幕。 yeeyan

So attached was he to his own daughter that he raged against her engagement as an act of treachery.
他如此依恋自己的女儿,她的订婚引发伯恩-琼斯的盛怒,认为是对他的背叛。 ecocn

The debate over whether population growth is the prime cause of poverty and underdevelopment has raged in the Philippines for years.
关于人口增长是否是国家贫穷和欠发达的根本原因已在菲律宾激烈争论多年。 ecocn

The fire raged for more than four hours and more than60 fire engines responded, Xinhua reported, but fire hoses could not reach the upper half of the28-story building.
大火肆虐了四个多小时,共有超过60台大型灭火设备出动,但起初消防龙头无法喷射到这栋28层楼的上半部分。 yeeyan

The battle raged all day.
激烈的战斗持续了一整天。 yeeyan

Up to400 fires raged around the southern city of Melbourne, where embers rode on furnace-like winds pushing the front forwards, devouring hundreds of homes and vast areas of forest and farmlands.
多达400处火情在澳大利亚南部城市墨尔本周围地区肆虐横行。熔炉似的高温大风卷着余火不断向前推进,吞噬数以百计的房屋,大面积的森林和农田。 hjenglish

While the insurgency raged, backed by Pakistan, the government could blame its neighbour.
当在巴基斯坦背后支持下暴乱肆虐之际,政府可以指责他的邻邦。 ecocn

While tornadoes, floods, and fires have raged across the United States, in China the mix of weather is just as variable.
当飓风、火灾和洪水肆虐全美时,中国的各色天气也是那么变幻无常。 yeeyan

With the outcome in doubt, bitter partisan and personal attacks raged, bearing a striking resemblance to those of the early Republic.
一旦结果不确定,党派之争和个人抨击就肆虐起来,很像共和国建国之初的情形。 yeeyan

Within these areas are huge storm systems that have raged for years.
在这些区域里,有着肆虐多年巨大的风暴系统。 yeeyan




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