

单词 auto plant
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The foreign guests are going to visit the Changchun No.1 Auto Plant tomorrow morning.
外宾明天上午要去长春第一汽车厂参观。 iask.sina.com.cn

I rode the dilapidated bus on which Klement traveled to from his job at a Buenos Aires auto plant.
还有那辆破败不堪的公共汽车,我也坐着往返于他上班的汽车厂。 tianya

New plant takes up the area of five hundred thousand square meters. It is designed and constructed according to demands of modernized auto plant.
新厂区占地面积50万平方米,按照现代化汽车厂的要求设计和建设。 joxue

President Obama's auto plant visits in Detroit, and another next week to a Ford company plant in Chicago, have a dual purpose.
奥巴马总统对底特律汽车厂,以及下个星期对福特公司在芝加哥的生产基地的视察,具有双重目的。 aj-edu




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