

单词 radiographic
释义 ra·dio·graph·ic 英,redɪo'græfɪk美,redɪo'græfɪk 高COCA⁴⁸⁷⁹³BNC⁴⁷⁹⁴³iWeb²⁴⁰⁶²

relating to or produced by radiographyradiographic processingX线摄影处理…radiographic film射线照相胶片,射线底…radiographic source射线源radiographic testing机 放射线检验…radiographic examination射线照相检查…radiographic test放射线探伤,放射线照…radiographic densityX线照相密度, X线…radiographic inspection射线检验,辐射线照相…radiographic imageX线摄影像, 放射摄…radiographic effect放射线照相效应…radiographic factor放射照相要素…radiographic contrast射线照像对照,射线底…radiographic feature放射学特征, 放射学…radiographic exposure医 放射线照射…
radiograph-ic…的⇒adj.放射光线照相术的 A host of different radiographic options are available for lung cancer staging and are frequently used in combination with one another for best effect.
许多影像学技术可用于肺癌的分期,而且往往是几种技术联合使用,这可以达到更好的效果。 yeeyan

The design principle and realization method of a new kind of radiographic welding seam inspection system for steel tube were introduced.
介绍了一种应用于钢管焊接接头检验的射线透视系统的设计原理与实现方法。 cnki

The purpose of this study is to determine whether functional outcomes and radiographic results after ankle fracture are affected by the status of the syndesmosis screw.
本项研究的目的在于探究踝关节骨折后患者的功能及影像学结果是否受胫腓联合螺钉状态的影响。 oaopdoc

The radiographic examination can not be used to classify the stage of the syndrome.
射线检查可不能用于分类舞台的综合症。 bjzkhj.com

By making radiographic images of everyday objects, I’ve found some surprising answers.
通过对日常物体的放射线影像,使我找到了令人吃惊的解答。 yeeyan

Conclusions GIP is a very rare chronic interstitial pneumonia, and has no characteristic clinical manifestations. Radiographic findings are similar to other idiopathic interstitial pneumonias.
结论 GIP是非常罕见的慢性间质性肺炎,无特异性的临床表现,影像学表现类似于特发性间质性肺炎。 cnki

Hospital X- ray machines work by passing an X-ray pulse through a body onto radiographic film.
医院的 X光机工作原理是 X光射线脉冲穿过人体在射线胶片上感光成像。 yeeyan

If the toe is healing poorly several weeks after the procedure, debridement, oral antibiotics, and radiographic evaluation may be warranted.
如果经过治疗后几个星期,脚趾愈合不佳,可能需要进行清创,口服抗生素,影像学评价。 dxy

Main Outcome Measurement: Patients were followed until radiographic union was achieved, with this being the principle determinant of a successful outcome.
主要结果测量方法:随访患者至影像学愈合,以此作为治疗成功的主要评价标准。 mdchome

No ankle demonstrated progression of arthritis on the basis of the radiographic grade.
无踝关节被证实进展为基于影像学分级的关节炎。 oaopdoc

No obvious radiographic evidence of loosening was noted at the time of the latest follow-up.
在最近随访时未发现明显移植骨脱落的影像学证据。 adoop.cn

Objective To summarize and analysis clinical features and radiographic characteristics of the delayed traumatic intracranial hematoma.
目的总结和分析外伤性迟发性颅内血肿的临床特点及其影像学特征。 cnki

Pathologic doctor must learn more basic pathological knowledge and rich experience on frozen section and clinic, radiographic knowledge, in order to ensure correct diagnosis.
病理医师要有雄厚的病理基础和冰冻切片诊断的丰富经验及较全面的临床、影像学知识才能保证诊断的可靠性。 cnki

Study Design. A retrospective, age- and sex- matched radiographic study.
研究设计:一个年龄、性别配对的回顾性影像学研究。 adoop.cn

The early clinical and radiographic results of primary total hip arthroplasty using a minimally invasive anterior approach to the hip performed on a fracture table were studied.
过去有关于利用骨折手术台经前路微创行初次人工全髋关节置换术的临床和影像学结果的研究。 oaopdoc

The static compression factor of the spinal cord seems to be a radiographic predictor of the development of myelopathy.
脊髓的静止压迫是影像学检查可预测的脊髓病发展的因素之一。 mdchome

We present prospectively collected data for clinical and radiographic follow-up and patient outcomes.
我们报道病人的临床资料、影像学及随访结果。 mdchome

With Chemicals, dark room storage and staff to organize them, you could own a CR for the same monthly cost while being environmentally conscious, depending upon the size of the Radiographic Operation.
与化学品,黑暗的房间存储和组织他们的工作人员,你可以自己一个 CR相同的每月费用,而环保意识,取决于射线操作的大小。 chinaradiology

Radiographic inspection of all cross-point of welds, as well as all welds showing doubtful ultrasonic indications.
对所有焊接交叉点及超声波显示有可疑迹象的所有焊缝的射线检查。 www.1x1y.com.cn




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