

单词 radiate
释义 ra·di·ate 英ˈreɪdiːˌeɪt美ˈrediˌetAHDrāʹdē-āt' ★☆☆☆☆高四六研IMST46八COCA¹²⁴¹⁹BNC³⁸²⁵⁰iWeb¹⁰⁸⁷³Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺

vi. & vt. 发射; 散发

send out rays of light or heat

vi. & vt. 伸展

spread out

arranged like rays or radii; radiating from a common center;

radial symmetry

a starlike or stellate arrangement of petals

many cities show a radial pattern of main highways

having rays or ray-like parts as in the flower heads of daisies
send out rays or waves;

The sun radiates heat

send out real or metaphoric rays;

She radiates happiness

extend or spread outward from a center or focus or inward towards a center;

spokes radiate from the hub of the wheel

This plants radiate spines in all directions

have a complexion with a strong bright color, such as red or pink;

Her face glowed when she came out of the sauna

cause to be seen by emitting light as if in rays;

The sun is radiating

experience a feeling of well-being or happiness, as from good health or an intense emotion;

She was beaming with joy

Her face radiated with happiness

issue or emerge in rays or waves;

Heat radiated from the metal box

spread into new habitats and produce variety or variegate;

The plants on this island diversified

radiate, circulate, diffuse, disseminate, expand, extend, propagate, spread




She opened a window to allow the air to circulate.她打开窗户使空气流通。


They use the press to disseminate right wing views.他们利用报刊来传播右翼观点。


Light diffused from the window.光从窗户射进来。


They extended the road for three more miles.他们把那条路又延长了三英里多。
The headmaster extended our holidays by a week.校长把我们的假期延长了一个星期。


This county has expanded its area under cultivation by more than 50,000 mu .该县扩大了50,000亩耕地。

Heat expands metals.热使金属膨胀。
He does exercises to expand his chest.他做体操扩胸。


We should not only learn knowledge, but also propagate it.我们不仅应学习知识,而且应传播它。
The Greek civilization was propagated all over Europe.希腊文明传播至整个欧洲。


The sun radiates light and heat.太阳放射光和热。
The electric heater radiated warmth.电暖器散发出热量。词根词缀: -radi-射线,放射 + -ate动词词尾
用作动词 v.
~+名词radiate confidence显露出信心radiate happiness洋溢着高兴的神情radiate heat发热radiate influence扩大影响radiate joy洋溢着快乐的神情radiate light发光radiate warmth散发出温暖~+介词radiate from从…辐射〔发出,伸展出〕
radiate from v.+prep.

从…辐射〔发出,伸展出〕 (of lines or sth like lines to show or take a direction outwards from a centre)

radiate from sthLight radiated from the window.光从窗户射进来。
Dangerous emissions radiate from plutonium.危险的辐射物从钚放散出来。
When the mist cleared, welcome warmth radiated from the sun.雾散去,太阳发出暖洋洋的光芒。
Roads radiate from the city in every direction.道路从城市通向四面八方。
Avenues radiate from the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.在巴黎,街道以凯旋门为中心向四方伸展。
This pattern shows lines of different colours radiating from a middle point.这图案表现了从中心点放射出的各种不同的色彩。
She radiated the happiness from her eyes.她的眼神中流露出了快乐。钱博士radi辐射+ate拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,=ed,在此用作动词和形容词后缀⇒辐射,发射
radi辐射-ate…的拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,=ed,在此用作动词和形容词后缀⇒辐射,发射。非常记忆radial辐射状轮胎〖熟词〗+te特〖拼音〗⇒辐射状轮胎特别受欢迎词根记忆radi光线+ate使…→发光,发热词根记忆radi光线+ate使…→发光;发热词根记忆radi光线+ate使…→发光近义词 out出up向上throw扔light光ray光线glow光辉beam微笑shed除掉send发送issue议题exude流出shine照耀blink眨眼gleam闪烁spoke轮辐shoot发射spread传播branch分部diverge分歧diffuse扩散release释放emanate散发scatter散播sparkle闪耀twinkle闪耀glitter灿烂give out分发disperse分散send out派遣pour out倾诉light up点亮pour不断流动radial光线的circulate流通discharge排出glow with发出irradiate照耀throw off抛弃spread out伸开emit发出,发射illuminate照明stellate星形的brim with洋溢着shoot out突然出现diversify使多样化overflow with充满着off表示状态的关闭或离开…give off散发光、气味等…branch out横生枝节, 扩大范围…spoke out大声地说大胆地说出…bristle with密集, 充满, 被布满…
S+~+ n./pron.The sun radiates light and heat.太阳放射光和热。
The electric heater radiated warmth.电热器散发出热量。
Her face radiates joy.她的脸上洋溢着快乐。
She seemed to radiate inner contentment.她似乎流露出了内心的满足。Peradiatevt.发射Pbreviradiate短形的Plongiradiate长放线状的长突的




用作动词Eight roadsradiatefrom the square.八条大道从广场呈辐射形伸展出去。
Heatradiatedfrom the stove.炉子散发的热量。
Heatradiatesfrom the heating radiator and spreads to every corner of the room.热从暖气片散发出来并传播到室内各个角落。
The radiance of electric lightsradiatesfrom the ceiling.电灯的光芒从天花板上辐射下来。
She simplyradiatedconfidence.她完全是一副信心十足的样子。verb.give off;scatter
同义词 beam,diffuse,diverge,emanate,emit,gleam,light up,shine,transmitafford,broadcast,circulate,disseminate,distribute,expand,glitter,illumine,irradiate,issue,pour,proliferate,propagate,ramble,ramify,shed,spread,sprinkle,strew,yieldbranch out,give out,send out,shoot out,spread out,throw out
反义词 dull,take,collect,conceal,gather,hide,hold,keep
beamverb make electronic transfer
emit,send out,transfer file,transmit,transmit signal
blazeverb burn brightly
beam,burst out,coruscate,explode,fire,flame,flare,flash,flicker,fulgurate,glare,gleam,glow,illuminate,illumine,incandesce,jet,light,radiate,scintillate,shimmer,shine,sparkle
castverb emit, give
circulateverb flow
actuate,circle,fly about,get about,get around,go about,gyrate,mill around,mobilize,move around,radiate,revolve,rotate,set off,travel,wander
coruscateverb gleam
disperseverb distribute;scatter
banish,besprinkle,break up,broadcast,cast forth,circulate,deal,diffuse,disappear,disband,disburse,discharge,dislodge,dismiss,dispel,disseminate,dissipate,dissolve,divvy,dole out,eject,intersperse,measure out,partition,propagate,radiate,rout,scatter,scramble,send off,separate,shed,sow,split up,spray,spread,strew,take off in all directions,vanish And this annealing phenomenon could potentially allow you to get ten more years of operating life and then allow you to re- radiate.

From there, say the naval strategists Holmes and Yoshihara, an outside power such as the United States can“ radiate” power along China's coastal periphery.
美国海军战略家詹姆斯·赫尔姆斯与吉原俊井认为,美国等外部势力能据此沿中国海岸一线“辐射”自身影响力。 yeeyan

That is about100 joules per second that you radiate100 watts.

Although such studies cannot prove that real black holes radiate and evaporate, they lend strong support to the ideas that went into Dr Hawking’s line of reasoning.
尽管这样的研究无法证明真实的黑洞会辐射和消失,但它们给霍金博士理论推导基于的依据带来了强有力的支持。 ecocn

And ostriches and em us, too, are bare- necked— in their case to radiate away the heat generated when they run.
另外驼鸟和食火鸟也是光脖子的,它们这是为了加快释放奔跑过程中产生的热量。 ecocn

Because it makes its home in an extreme environment, the desert hare is biologically designed to radiate excess heat through its lanky limbs and oversized ears.
因为生长在极端环境中,沙漠兔子形成了独特的生物学构造,通过瘦长的四肢和超大的耳朵辐射多余的热量。 yeeyan

But it's a fantastic amount a hundred watts that you radiate for the simple fact that your body has to be kept at that temperature.

Discoveries made in one view may very well radiate out to affect artifacts within other views on the same model level; they may also flow both up and down model levels within the same viewpoint.
在一个视图中所进行的发现可能会很好地辐射开来,影响到同一模型级别的其它视图中的工件;它们也可能在相同的视点上流上和流下模型级别。 ibm

Fill your mind with the truths of God and radiate the sunshine of His love— this is youth.
使你的心中充满上帝的真理,传播他的欢乐之源:爱——这才是保持年青的方式。 yeeyan

Hawking showed that black holes radiate energy and decay over timethe aforementioned Hawking radiation.
Hawking说明了黑洞向外辐射能量并随着时间衰减前文提到的 Hawking辐射。 yeeyan

In demonstrating that a structure like the bill can radiate heat the finding also adds weight to the idea that some dinosaurs used large bony structures to regulate their temperatures.
通过展示出像这样的喙一种结构能散热,该发现还增加了对于某些恐龙曾用巨大的骨架调节体温观点的重要性。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Nukes this large are very heavy, release too much fallout and in any case radiate much of their destructive energy into space.
核武器这个庞然大物过于沉重,会留下太多的后遗症,以及在爆炸情况下由它送进太空的辐射波的破坏能量也太大。 yeeyan

On a smaller scale, comparable faults radiate into the landscape around Etna.
在更小的尺度上,埃特纳周围的辐射式断层可以与之相提并论。 yeeyan

Poor fiscal policy choices made leading up to the global financial crisis have been magnified as the ripple effects of the meltdown continue to radiate through markets around the world.
而经济崩溃产生的一系列连锁反应继续辐射着全球市场, 一步步导致全球金融危机的那些不当财政政策的影响已经被不断放大。 baohe

She should radiate her confidence and soul through her eyes, smile, and laughter.
她的眼中、微笑中和笑声中要能够放射出自己的自信和人格。 yeeyan

The feeling may radiate through the chest and into the throat and neck.
这种感觉可能从胸部放射到咽喉部和颈部。 yeeyan

The dyes in question are fluorescent—having absorbed the light, they re- radiate it.
正在讨论的染料是荧光的,能吸收和再辐射光。 ecocn

The energy, the truth, the vibration that you radiate as a result invites people or animals or plants to come into your energy field and experience a healing vibration.
其结果就是你辐射的能量,真理,振动会邀请人们或动物或植物来到你的能量场中体验疗愈波动。 blog.sina.com.cn

The hemisphere of the asteroid facing away from the sun will radiate the stored solar heat into space, so infrared photons will be emitted.
这离开阳光照射的半球的表面将会把存储的太阳热能辐射到太空,因而散发出红外光子。 yeeyan

Then the baby Buddha will radiate light in all the cells of your body, and you will begin to shine this light.
这样这个小佛就会在你身体的每个细胞里发光,你就能开始散发这种光芒。 yeeyan

We radiate electromagnetic radiation in the infrared part of the spectrum.

We radiate the feelings and thoughts that we hold inside, whether we speak them or not.
无论我们是否说出心中的感觉和思绪,我们都在向外界传播它们。 kekenet

Within each of us is the capacity to be fully alive, to be infinitely creative, to radiate openness, availability, and love, to look forward with great interest to whatever the next moment brings.
任何一个人都能充满无限生机,富有创造力,率真坦然,有所作为并传播爱,用心期待着下一刻给我们人生带来的任何精彩。 yeeyan




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