

单词 radar
释义 ra·dar 英ˈreɪdɑː美ˈredɑrAHDrāʹdär ★★☆☆☆高四六研IST4八COCA⁶⁴⁷³BNC⁸³⁶⁵iWeb⁵⁰⁶⁵Economist⁴²⁸⁴


a method of finding the position of solid objects by receiving and measuring the speed of radio waves returning from them


equipment used for this

measuring instrument in which the echo of a pulse of microwave radiation is used to detect and locate distant objects诞生于1941年,是radio detecting and ranging无线电探测的首字母简略词。
用作名词 n.
形容词+~early-warning radar预警雷达marine radar船用雷达~+名词radar beacon〔bombing, control, installation〕雷达信标〔轰炸,控制,装置〕radar fence〔scope, screen〕雷达警戒网〔显示器,荧光屏〕介词+~by〔on〕 radar用雷达
非常记忆r草〖编码〗+ada艾达〖熟词Ada〗+r草〖编码〗⇒坐在草地的艾达用草做了个雷达发音记忆“雷达”近义词 sensor传感器locater定位器detector探测器microwave radar微波雷达position finder测位仪,测位器…radiolocation用电波探测器探测…radio detection and ranging无线电定位
用作名词n.The ship, with the help ofradar, sailed in thick fog.这艘船借助于雷达在浓雾中航行。
They are following the flight of an aircraft byradar.他们正在用雷达追踪一架飞机的飞行。
Enemy ships were detected on theradar.敌舰的影像已显现在雷达上。Panti-radar反雷达Pradarmann.雷达员Pradarscopen.雷达屏雷达示波器

用作名词There are enemy aircraft on theradarscreen.雷达萤屏上出现了敌人的飞机。
They plotted aircraft movements byradar.他们借雷达标示飞机的动向。noun.radio detecting and ranging
同义词 sonardirection finding,scanning system,tracking system
beaconnoun light used as signal, guide
alarm,alert,balefire,beam,bonfire,flare,guidepost,heliograph,lamp,lantern,lighthouse,lodestar,pharos,rocket,sign,signal fire,smoke signal,warning signal,watchtower
detectornoun indicator
findernoun a locating device
bombsight,gunsight,homing device,periscope,radar,sight,sonar,telescopic sight,viewfinder
findersnoun a locating device
bombsights,gunsights,homing devices,periscopes,radar,sights,sonar,telescopic sights,viewfinders It is similar to radar in that it sends out electromagnetic waves and then analyses those waves that bounce back, to determine what they bounced off.
在原理上,它和雷达很相似,首先发射电磁波然后通过分析反射回来的电磁波来测定是什么反射了它们。 ecocn

It is technically incorrect to talk about bat‘ radar’, since they do not use radio waves.
严密来说,说蝙蝠有“雷达”系统是错误的,因为他们并不使用无线电波。 yeeyan

The radar contains4 quadrants, one for each of the following categories: Techniques, Tools, Platforms and Languages.
雷达包含了4个象限,每个象限对应如下一种类别:技术、工具、平台及语言。 infoq

The radar image of the station therefore looks like a dense collection of bright spots from which the outlines of the space station can be clearly identified.
空间站的雷达图像因此看上去就像是一堆密集的亮点,通过这些亮点,空间站的轮廓线能清楚地识别出来。 yeeyan

All modern vessels of any size are fitted with radar installations.

But the factthe plane has not appeared on radar when it neared land gives me cause for concern.
但是实际上飞机在接近着落的时候没有出现在雷达上,这是引起我关注的原因。 yeeyan

But radar can be blinded by bad weather, and not all volcanoes are within range of suitable equipment.
但是,雷达可以受恶劣天气蒙蔽,也并不是所有的火山都在适当的设备范围内。 ecocn

By the early hours of the following morning, on Feb25, military radar detected an unidentified flying object120 miles offshore approaching the coastline.
在2月25日清晨的早些时候,军用雷达探测到了离岸120英里的一架不明飞行物正在接近海岸线。 yeeyan

Enemy planes were picked up by our radar.

Happiness should be our one major goal in our short lives. If happiness isn’t currently on your radar, start focusing on what needs to be done for it to become a reality.
快乐可以说是我们短暂人生中所追求的一个主要目的,如果快乐现在还没有在你的雷达上,马上集中做你需要做的,让它成为现实。 yeeyan

He argues that radar astronomy, which is used to probe things like asteroids and the surface of Venus, already gives off signals that could be picked up by aliens.
他争论说,通常探测像小行星和金星的表面的事物的雷达天文学已经发出了许多信号,而且都有可能被外星人接收到。 ecocn

In the case of Eyjafjallajokull, the watchful eye of Icelandic radar meant the cloud’s behaviour was reasonably well understood, even at the time.
在艾雅法拉这种情况下,冰岛雷达警惕的观测意味着云层行为可以合理地完好理解,即使是在喷发当时。 ecocn

It incorporates active radar with an inertial reference unit and micro-computer system, which makes the missile less dependent upon the fire- control system of the aircraft.
它把主动雷达和一个被动参考单元以及微电脑系统结合在一起,可使得导弹更少的依靠飞机上的发射控制系统。 www.etiri.com.cn

Moreover, improvements in sensor technology and computer networks mean that the system would not need a large radar in central Europe.
此外,传感器技术和计算机网络方面的进步意味着这个系统在中欧地区将不需要大型雷达。 ecocn

Only a society close to our level of development would be able to pick up an intentional broadcast while failing to notice TV and radar.
只有接近我们发展水平的外星人社会,在我们未能通知电视和雷达的条件下,才可能检测出有意的广播。 yeeyan

Our radar pinpointed accurately the attacking planes.

Secondly, the probe could have an active radar or lidar defense that targets debris and uses lasers to vaporize the dust particles.
第二,探测器可能有主动雷达或者激光雷达防御系统,可以发现碎片,并用激光来汽化这些颗粒。 yeeyan

So if, for instance, one EN- V detects another by radar, it can check what that other is intending to do and agree on how to pass it safely.
所以,比如一辆 EN- V用雷达探测到另一辆,它能检测出那辆车打算做什么,并就如何安全超过它两车达成一致。 ecocn

The difference is that radar depends on radio waves. These have long wavelengths and therefore bounce only off large things.
不同之处是雷达发出的是无线电波,这种波波长较长,反射体只能是大个物体。 ecocn

The revolutionary airborne radar system penetrates through foliage to track people and vehicles on the ground.
这种革命性的机载雷达系统可以穿透植被跟踪地面人员和车辆。 www.etiri.com.cn

The team is his shield, his radar.
这个团队是他的盾牌,他的雷达。 yeeyan

The transformation has been deep and permanent, but it did start with a little blip on the radar where I was homeless at one point.
这种转变是深刻的也是永久的,但是在开始时,在我还无家可归的时候,它只是雷达上的一个小点。 yeeyan

The radar is embedded in an advanced surveillance system.
该雷达被置入一个先进的监视系统。 www.etiri.com.cn

These are tricky to locate from the surface, but a new radar system should help.
很难从地面找出这些隧道,但是一种新的雷达系统可以提供帮助。 yeeyan

They acquired the target by radar.

They combined these findings with radar information on the height of the cloud to work out if there was any connection between the two.
他们把这些发现与云层高度的雷达知识相结合,计算出两者之间是否有任何联系。 ecocn

This often means flying in remote areas with no radar coverage.
这通常意味着在没有雷达覆盖的边远地区飞行。 ecocn

Unlike temptations, habits are learnt by repetition and so they can sneak in under the radar.
与有货不同,习惯起于重复,所以他们能在人体雷达下偷偷生存。 lovelytits4u

Radar is a new development in radio science.
雷达是无线电科学的一项新发展。 edu.sina.com.cn




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