

单词 racist
释义 rac·ist 英'reɪsɪst美'resɪst ★★☆☆☆高M八COCA⁸⁹⁰⁹BNC¹²²⁷⁵iWeb⁸⁰²⁵Economist⁵³⁵⁷

a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others
based on racial intolerance;

racist remarks

discriminatory especially on the basis of race or religion来自 racism,种族主义,-ist,人。蒋争熟词记忆race种族-ist者⇒种族主义者的race种族-ist者⇒种族主义者的近义词 bigoted固执己见的antiblack反黑人的prejudiced有偏见的racialist种族主义者anti-Semite反犹分子discriminatory歧视的chauvinistic沙文主义的xenophobic恐惧外国人的…discriminative有识别力的

用作形容词I find hisracistviews totally repugnant.我十分厌恶他的种族主义观点。用作名词He is aracistwho refuses to employ blacks.他是个种族主义者,拒绝雇佣黑人。
He was stabbed to death in aracistattack.他遭到种族主义者的袭击,被刺死了。adj.bigoted
同义词 bigoted,intolerant,prejudiced,xenophobicchauvinistic,hideboundbiased,illiberal,narrow-minded,small-minded
反义词 tolerant,unbiased,unbigoted,unprejudicednoun.bigot
同义词 bigot,chauvinistsegregationist,supremacist,xenophobeklansperson,prejudiced person
bigotnoun intolerant, prejudiced person
chauvinist,dogmatist,extremist,fanatic,partisan,prejudiced person,racialist,sectarian,segregationist,sexist,superpatriot,supremacist,true believer,zealot
bigotsnoun intolerant, prejudiced person
chauvinists,diehards,doctrinaires,dogmatists,enthusiasts,extremists,fanatics,fiends,maniacs,monomaniacs,opinionated persons,partisans,persecutors,puritans,racists,sectarians,segregationists,sexists,sticklers,superpatriots,zealots
fascistnoun dictator
Blackshirt,National Socialist,Nazi,anti-Semite,authoritarian,autocrat,brownshirt,jingoist,racist,totalitarian,tyrant,xenophobe
intolerantadjective impatient, prejudiced
prejudicedadjective biased
supremacistnoun advocate of the supremacy of a group
bigot,dogmatist,extremist,fanatic,racialist,racist,zealot And one of the few places you can easily find virulent racist literature is at a gun show.
能轻易找到怀有恶意的种族主义者文学的地方不多,枪支展算得上其中之一。 yeeyan

By identifying the enemy as Islam and not foreigners, and by casting his rhetoric in terms of freedom rather than race, he becomes harder to label as a reactionary, racist or neo- Nazi.
他将敌人锁定为伊斯兰而不是外国人,以及将言论建立在自由而不是种族上,因而更难把他定义为保守的种族主义者或是新纳粹分子。 ecocn

The concern that the Gates controversy brought to light involves people who would probably never consider themselves racist, but whose attitudes and beliefs perpetuate discrimination.
关于盖特事件的论战揭示了这样一些人,他们可能从来不认为自己是种族主义者,而他们的态度和信念却让歧视一直存在。 ebigear

There is no evidence I said anything racist to him.
没有证据证明我对他说什么种族歧视的东西。 yeeyan

“ This guy is, I believe, a racist, ” Beck said.
贝克说“我认为,这个人是一个种族主义者。” yeeyan

And although Glasgow’s Muslims suffer plenty of racist slurs and attacks, these seem to be milder than south of the border.
尽管苏格兰的穆斯林也遭受了诸多种族诽谤和攻击,但终究要好过南部的英格兰。 yeeyan

Baseball Hall of Famer Jackie Robinson, the first black to play in the major leagues, resigned his post as an aide to Rockefeller because he could not back a Republican ticket he saw as racist.
棒球名人杰基.罗宾逊是全美职业棒球联合会第一个黑人球员,辞去了他作为洛克菲勒助手的职位,因为他不能支持一个在他看来是“种族主义者”的共和党竞选班子。 yeeyan

Because not only are we not comfortable talking about racial issues, but we also usually have one or two racist attitudes ourselves.
因为在谈及种族问题时,我们不仅是感到不舒服,而且通常我们自身也有一两种种族主义倾向。 yeeyan

But in many cases white Americans are not so much racist as selfish or indifferent or trapped in circumstance and history as much as the blacks themselves.
但很多情况下,与其说美国白人是种族主义者不如说他们自私、冷漠或者像黑人自己一样为现实状况和历史所左右。 yeeyan

For all the wackiness you’re likely to find on some gun rights websites, they should serve as a reminder about the racist roots of gun control.
在有关枪支权利的一些网站上,你可能会找到所有古怪的情况,它们提醒着人们枪支管理的种族主义根源。 yeeyan

I am extremely terrified of Chinese people, but I am not racist.
我超级害怕中国人,但我不是种族主义者。 yeeyan

I remember having a vague sense her being Asian had something to do with my attraction, but I dismissed that sense at the time, feeling it was racist.
我有个模糊的印象,就是她作为一个亚裔这个事实跟对我的强烈吸引力有关系,但当时的我很抗拒这种感觉,觉得这是种族主义。 yeeyan

In addition, a majority of those imagining the encounter predicted that they would not pick the racist student as their partner.
此外,大部分没有亲身经历这一事件的学生,都认为不会选择那个有种族歧视的“学生”作为他们的伙伴。 ecocn

In Russia, human- rights groups fear that racist attacks against foreigners will soar as the economy slows.
在俄罗斯,人权团体担心,因为经济衰弱,种族主义者袭击外国人事件将急剧增加。 ecocn

Much of this projection is racist.
这些投射很多就是种族歧视。 kle100

Obama has been labelled as a threat to democracy and an anti- white racist by senior presenters on the TV channel Fox News.
奥巴马被贴上威胁民主的标签,福克斯电视台高级主持人称他是一个反白人种族主义者。 yeeyan

The most radical say, as the Palestinians do, that the idea of an ethnically based state is racist and archaic.
就像巴勒斯坦一样,最激进的分子认为,种族国家的观念是种族论的,是落伍的。 ecocn

This outburst of racist violence marked the end of organized Irish participation in the Civil War, though individual Irishmen continued to serve as soldiers in the Union Army.
这场种族主义暴行的爆发标志着爱尔兰人有组织地参加南北战争的终结,但是个别爱尔兰人仍旧继续加入联邦军。 yeeyan

To beat back the argument that the test was racist, I persuaded a group of prominent black ministers to support my position.
对于教师考试是种族歧视行为的指责,我说服了一批知名的黑人牧师表达来支持我的立场。 yeeyan

Yesterday, of course, on Fox News commentator Glenn Beck said that he believes President Obama is a racist.
昨天,当然是在福克斯新闻台,新闻评论员格伦·贝克说他认为奥巴马总统是个种族主义者。 hjenglish

Racist attitude had to be rubbished once and for all.

Racist whites began to form posses that would go out at night to terrorize blacks—and take away those newly obtained firearms.
白人种族主义者们开始组建民兵队伍,他们在夜间出行,恐吓黑人--抢走那些刚拿到手的武器。 yeeyan




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