

单词 race track
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名词 racetrack:
a course over which races are run用作名词Horses are raced on race courses every Sunday.赛马场每星期日都举行赛马。
In former days there was a race course here.从前这儿有个赛马场。
He runs around the track every morning.他每天清晨绕着跑道跑步。
The newrace trackis nearly six miles in extent.这条新跑道将近六英里长。noun.course for racing
同义词 arena,cinder track,race course,running track,speed track
fieldnoun arena with special use, as athletics
amphitheater,battlefield,circuit,course,court,diamond,fairground,golf course,green,gridiron,grounds,landing strip,lot,park,playground,playing area,race track,racecourse,range,rink,stadium,terrain,theater,track,turf If there is ever a recipe for a multi- car pile up, Turn OneT1 of almost any race track is the mixing bowl and a bunch of racers hungry for victory are the ingredients.
把多车堆挤比喻成药方的话,赛道上的第一个弯角就是药碗,一大堆渴望胜利的车手就是药材。 iciba

The method for ultrasonic detection of air bubble in race track is studied in this paper.
针对输液管道内气泡问题,探讨了检测方法。 chemyq

Brazil's star Formula One pilot Felipe Massa announced Thursday his return to the race track after two months of recovery from a crash, Xinhua reported.
据新华社报道,因在撞车事故中受伤的巴西车手马萨在休养两个月后于24日宣布将重返 F1赛场。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

He is always talking about them. And, he knows his way around a race track.
他常谈起赛车,而且凡是和赛车有关的事他好像都知道。 hjenglish

Imagine you're driving on a circular race track.
想想一下一正行驶在一个环形跑道上。 yeeyan

It sets the children's wading pool, plastic cement race track, sand pool outdoors.
户外设有嬉水池、沙池、塑胶跑道; bgyvfs.net

It has even splurged on a Formula 1 race track.
它甚至不惜重金兴建了一条 F1赛道。 ecocn

Liu Xiang, you didn't fall on the race track, but failed under the Olympics spirit.
刘翔,你没倒在赛道上。却倒在了奥运精神下。 nowpublic

Mouri, Ran and Conan went to the race track immediately and found Kenzo.
于是毛利、兰和柯南来到赛马场,找到了健三。 blog.sina.com.cn

Recently I watched a video in which the Japanese put a Crown Athlete3.5 against a BMW530i on race track.
最近我看了关于皇冠运动型3.5 PK宝马530i的录像,皇冠令人惊讶的击败了宝马。 wap.xcar.com.cn

Rio de Janeiro hospitals have been sending obese people to share medical test equipment with horses at the local race track, drawing complaints from activists who say the practice is humiliating.
一直以来,里约热内卢的各家医院都在将肥胖的人送往本地的赛马场,让他们与马匹分享体检设备。这样的做法引起了社会活动家们的不满,他们认为这具有侮辱性。 symbol-19

Sultan's Race Track allows cavalry recruitment in a city, and the ability to stage races. It also improves public happiness.
苏丹赛马场允许城市组建精锐骑兵部队,同时可举办马术竞技,令城邑居民快乐满足。 www.totalwar.honga.net

The new autonomous vehicle technology developed through the five- year research programme will be tested on a car driven around a privately hired race track.
这项新的自动驾驶技术开发周期为5年,该项目会在一个私人出租的车道测试车辆的驾驶性能。 yeeyan

Whether working at a professional golf course, a race track, a tennis court, or a large estate, turf management grads have high earnings potential while working outdoors.
无论是在专业高尔夫球场,一个赛马场,一个网球场,或大型屋苑,草坪管理毕业生有较高的收益潜力,同时在户外工作。 strong-study




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