

单词 racehorse
释义 race·horse 英ˈreɪsˌhɔːs美ˈresˌhɔrsAHDrāsʹhôrs' ★☆☆☆☆高COCA³⁷³⁷⁰BNC³⁴⁹⁶⁰iWeb²⁸¹³³
a horse bred for racingrace-horse骑/马⇒n.赛马用的马近义词 race horse竞赛马bangtail赛马用的马

用作名词The mystery of a stolen championracehorsestatue is solved.一匹冠军马雕塑被偷之谜已经真相大白。
It passes through, but not much faster than aracehorsecan run.光线虽能通过, 但它运动的速度不会比一匹赛马更快。as in.pony
同义词 cayuse,crib,glass,mustang,nag,pinto,trot
ponynoun horse
cayuse,crib,glass,mustang,nag,pinto,trot A 1,000- pound racehorse swims off the coast of Malta after being taken into the sea for exercise in preparation for the next race.
为了准备下次比赛,一匹1000磅的赛马被赶下海后游过马耳他海岸。 yeeyan

One that achieves unexpected recognition or success, as a racehorse, a movie, or a marketed product.
意外震动,爆冷门:获得意外的声誉或成功的一样东西,如一匹赛马、一部影片或一种市场产品。 odict.net

The greatest racehorse in the world still needs a great jockey to a win a race.
世界上最好的赛马一定需要最好的骑马师在刻意赢得比赛。 yeeyan

The88-year-old Lady Diana was delighted, and resolved to buy herself a racehorse.
年逾88的戴安娜女勋爵很高兴,并决定为自己买一匹赛马。 ecocn

To sprint around a racetrack as a means of exercise. Used of a racehorse.
遛马作轻快小跑让马绕跑道小跑作为一种锻练的途径。 iciba

After all, he named the racehorse he bought in1993 Proudtobetogether.
毕竟,凯文为自己在1993年所买的跑马命名为“为一起而自豪”。 mtime

Her2001 bestseller, “ Seabiscuit”, about an underdog-turned- champion racehorse, brings the horse vividly to life.
她2001年的畅销书《奔腾年代》就是一本关于一个失败者出身的冠军赛马的故事,小说给马赋予了灵动的生命。 ecocn

His investigation of galloping horses for Leland Stanford, a California politician and racehorse owner, is well known.
他为加州政客和赛马主利兰•斯坦福做的奔马调查众所周知。 ecocn

I had been thinking about a racehorse.
我原来一直想的是投资赛马。 yeeyan

In 1999, Mr Yip satisfactorily completed the Certificate in Racehorse Management offered by the Hong Kong Jockey Club.
一九九九年,叶楚航完成了由香港赛马会提供的竞赛马匹管理证书课程,成绩优良。 dystable

In the racial horse race, the white racer's racehorse won.
在种族赛马活动中,白人赛手的马获胜。 uplele

Life's no racehorse, that wins or loses.
生命不是赛马,没有输赢。 china-sufi

Real estate magnate Bat-Erdene Khadbaasan instructs his racehorse trainer before Naadam, an annual festival outside the capital.
房地产巨头巴特额尔德尼·卡巴松正在那达慕大会前指导他的赛马师。 那达慕大会是首都城外一年一度的盛会。 yeeyan

The Rankin“ boys”, only two years apart in age, had once been inseparable, but had fallen out over a racehorse they had inherited from their widower father.
两个兰金“男孩”只差两岁,曾经亲密无间,但后来为了从他们独身的父亲那里继承一匹赛马而争吵。 iciba

The racehorse got away from the starting gate.
赛马从起跑门外起跑。 teacher.swun.edu.cn

Three years ago I would've said that a racehorse didn't care who his owner was.
若是三年前,我会说,赛马才不在乎谁是它的主人。 readnovel

To sentence a man of true genius to the drudgery of a school is to put a racehorse on a treadmill.
让真正的天才在学校下苦功,等于让赛马拉脚踏车。 blog.sina.com.cn

You can't put a jackass on a plane and expect it to get off as a racehorse. But try we will.
你不能把一头驴放在飞机上,然后指望它们下飞机之后就能像赛马一般健步如飞,但我们还是在尝试着这么做。 yeeyan

Racehorse speeds have levelled out.
赛马速度已经无可超越了。 ecocn




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