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race·d 英reɪs美reɪs COCA¹²⁰¹⁴BNC¹⁰⁷⁶⁹Economist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰ 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配短语近义反义句型用法例句Thesaurus例句 n.赛跑³⁹;竞争¹⁰n.人种⁴;种族²³;血统¹v.赛跑;竞赛²³原型race的过去式和过去分词过去分词raced现在分词racing三单races n.名词 UC人种,种族any of the main group into which human beings can be divided according to their physical type C速度比赛,赛跑; 竞争a competition in speed; competition v.动词 vt. & vi. 和…比速度; 使参加比赛compete in a race against; cause an animal or vehicle to run a race vt. & vi. 使快速移动cause to move or go very fast; rush Noun: any competition;the race for the presidency a contest of speed;the race is to the swift people who are believed to belong to the same genetic stock;some biologists doubt that there are important genetic differences between races of human beings biology a taxonomic group that is a division of a species; usually arises as a consequence of geographical isolation within a speciesthe flow of air that is driven backwards by an aircraft propellera canal for a current of water Verb: move fast;He rushed down the hall to receive his guests The cars raced down the street compete in a race;he is running the Marathon this year let's race and see who gets there first to work as fast as possible towards a goal, sometimes in competition with others;We are racing to find a cure for AIDS cause to move fast or to rush or race;The psychologist raced the rats through a long maze n.名词 race, nation, people, state, tribe这组词都可表示“民族”。其区别在于: 1.race作“种族”解时,侧重人种学含义,往往包括几个民族和国家,这些民族的人民有某一相同的的自然特点如肤色。 2.nation指有共同的历史,使用同一种语言,居住在同一个大的地区,侧重于人民。例如: The story is about the Indian nations in the western United States.这个故事是关于美国西部印第安民族的。3.tribe指有共同的语言与风俗习惯,尤其是以古老生活方式生活的“部落”。例如: Schools will help to civilize the wild tribes there.学校将有助于使那儿的野蛮部落文明化。4.state指国家或者邦〔州〕,侧重政权。例如: In our country, the people are protected by the state.在我国,人民受国家的保护。 That country is now an independent state.那个国家现在是个独立的国家。They believed that the state was “above class distinctions”.他们认为国家是“超乎阶级区分之上”的。 5.people指有共同文化、共同利益或理想的一群人,强调文化和社会的统一,而不是国家和民族的统一。例如: They will discuss giving further help to the oppressed peoples.他们将讨论给予被压迫民族更多援助。race, competition, contest, emulation这组词的共同意思是“竞赛,竞争”。其区别在于: 1.race可用在大选中的竞争。 2.competition指在某项目或某次比赛中与对手所进行的“较量与竞争”,也可指“竞争的对手”。例如: Competition between business firms keeps prices down.商业公司之间的竞争使价格下降。 At the Olympic Games our representatives were in competition with the best swimmers from all parts of the world.我们的代表队在奥运会上与世界各地的最佳游泳选手角逐。3.emulation意为“竞赛”,多指抽象的竞争,指在相互仿效的情况下,形成赶超局面,以努力取胜的竞争。例如: The workers in this factory work hard in emulation of the workers in other factories.这工厂的工人努力工作以赶超其他厂的工人。 The young man worked hard in emulation of his famous father.这位年轻人努力工作,要迎头赶上他出名的父亲。4.contest多用于有评判委员会的“比赛”。例如: The newspaper is now running an enormous scenario contest.这家报纸正在举办大型电影剧本创作竞赛。 He won the contest for the deputy leadership.他在副手竞争中获胜。 v.动词 race against, race with这两个短语都有“同…赛跑”的意思,接人时两者可互换,用against更强调对抗性,用with则指参加一般的比赛。另外,“与时间赛跑”只能说race against time〔the clock〕。 race, gallop, run这组词的意思都是“跑”。其区别是: race指与他人比较走得快慢,强调速度上的比赛; gallop多指马全速奔跑,也可指人飞快地跑; run指以一定的速度跑。例如: I'll race you to the end of the road.我和你比赛,看谁先跑到这路的尽头。 Don't bother galloping after the bus, you'll never catch it.别费劲去追赶那辆公共汽车了,你怎么也赶不上的。 I used to run when I was in middle school.我在中学的时候常常跑步。nation,people,race这些名词均含“民族、种族”之意。 nation特指居住于同一区域,有共同历史、语言、文化及心理素质等的人类群体。 people侧重指有共同文化、社会基础的人民整体。 race专指有共同祖先和相同肤色、面部特征等遗传特征以及共同风俗等的人群。 run,jog,race,trot这些动词均有“跑”之意。 run最普通用词,指由于各种原因而急速奔跑。 jog指从容不迫地慢跑。 race多用于赛跑,指以最快速度奔跑。 trot强调小跑时上下弹跳的动作,是介于跑与走之间轻快的快速运动。 1300年左右进入英语,直接源自古北欧语的ras,意为跑,冲。 用作名词 n. 动词+~advocate the race提倡竞争avoid the race避免竞争begin a race开始竞赛carry on race进行竞赛compete in a race参加赛跑curb the race抑制竞争defy the race蔑视竞争,向竞争挑战drive a race推动竞赛encounter the race遭遇竞争enter a race参加竞赛face the race面临竞争fix up a race安排比赛get into the race with与…竞赛go to the race去看赛跑have a race进行一场比赛hold a race举行一场比赛intensify the race加强竞争lead in the race跑在前头,领先lose a race输掉比赛meet the race迎向竞争offer the race提出竞争organize a race组织比赛promote the race促进竞争provide the race提供竞赛renew the race重新比赛row a race参加划船比赛run a race推动比赛scratch a race退出比赛sharpen the race使竞争激化stage a race举行比赛stand in the race with sb与某人竞争stop a race停止比赛survive the race在竞争中生存undercut the race削价竞争undersell the race削价竞争win a race比赛获胜形容词+~black race黑种人human race人类master race优秀民族white race白种人yellow race黄种人the Argan race雅利安人种the Caucasian race高加索人种the Hebrew race希伯来人种bitter race激烈的竞争close race不相上下的比赛congressional race国会竞选even race势均力敌的比赛fair race公平的竞争fierce race激烈的竞争formidable race激烈的竞争free race自由竞争friendly race友谊赛great race大规模的竞争healthy race正当的竞争hotly-contested race竞争激烈的比赛international race国际竞争keen race激烈的竞争obstacle race越障碍物比赛open race公开赛political race政治竞争ruinous race两败俱伤的比赛severe race激烈的竞争sharp race激烈的竞争spirited race激烈的竞争stiff race激烈的竞争straight race全力以赴的竞赛strong race激烈的竞争unfair race不公正的竞争unfettered race自由竞争unscrupulous race肆无忌惮的竞争名词+~acceleration race汽车短程加速赛arms race军备竞赛automobile race汽车赛boat race划船比赛car race汽车赛dog race赛狗footrace赛跑horse race赛马motor race汽车赛motorcycle race摩托车赛rat race激烈的竞争relay race接力赛space race空间竞争governor's race州长竞选~+名词race horse赛马介词+~train sb for a race训练某人赛跑~+介词race against和…比赛race against time争取时间race between…之间的竞赛race between two schools校际比赛race for president总统竞选race of life人生的历程race on foot竞走比赛用作动词 v.~+名词race car赛车race the engine快速转动引擎race horse赛马race pigeons放鸽竞飞race time与时间赛跑~+副词race awkwardly笨拙地移动race courageously勇敢地参加比赛race feverishly热情地参加比赛race gloriously辉煌地参加比赛race greedily渴望参加比赛race lawlessly无法无天地参加比赛race spectacularly壮观地参加比赛race tirelessly孜孜不倦地参加比赛race about四处走动race by跑过去race up向上跑,急剧上升~+介词race against time与时间赛跑race along沿…疾驶而过race for为…参加比赛race for a prize为得奖参加比赛race for president竞选总统race to与…比赛,跑步去race with和…赛跑 用作名词n.a race against time和时间赛跑 desperate effort to do or finish sth before a certain time in the race有希望的 having hope out of race无希望的 hopeless race with同…比赛 competing in speed win the race在赛跑中取胜 win in run 用作动词v. race against v.+prep.
争抢时间; 不得不迅速地行事 have to do sth quickly; be forced to hurry race against sb/sthI'll race against you to get home first.我要和你比赛谁先到家。 He is a famous runner, and has raced against some of the best people in the world.他是一位著名的赛跑家,曾同世界上一些最强的选手比赛过。 The farmers were racing against the rainy season, trying to gather in the summer crops.农民们正赶在雨季到来之前抢收夏熟作物。race sth against sthHe raced his bicycle against a motorcar.他骑自行车与汽车比赛速度。race against time/the clockI don't like racing against time; I would rather do my work carefully and well.我愿意仔细干工作并把它干好,我不愿匆忙行事。 We are racing against time to build up our country.我们正在争分夺秒地建设我们的国家。 Doctors raced against the clock to save his life.医生们争分夺秒地抢救他的生命。 If you got up earlier you wouldn't spend half the morning racing against the clock.如果你起得早一点,你就不会半个上午忙个不停了。 race through v.+prep.
使匆忙地阅过 (cause to hurry to complete sth) race through sthDon't race through the list like that, read each name carefully.不要那样匆忙地念名单,要仔细地念出每个名字。race sth through sthThe government raced the new law through all its stages so as to complete it before the election.为了使新法律在选举前完成,政府匆忙地使其通过了各个程序。 race to v.+prep.
快速地把…送到… deliver sb/sth to sth/sb race to sthShe raced to the door.她快跑到门口。race sb/sth to sthHe raced me to the station in his car.他用他的轿车全速把我送到车站。 We raced the sick woman to hospital.我们迅速将那位生病的妇女送往医院。 He raced the manuscript to the printers.他很快地把手稿送交给印刷工人。 race up v.+adv.
迅速上升 rise very quickly; hurry to the top race upThe cost of living had been racing up in the past year.去年生活费用一直急剧上涨。 We had just settled into autumn when the temperature raced up to summer conditions again.刚入秋,气温又急剧回升到夏天的水平。 race with v.+prep.
同…比赛 compete in speed; move at full speed against sb race with sbHe raced with that runner for a prize.他和那个选手赛跑争夺奖品。近义词 flyrundartdashrushtearstatetribechasegallopcontestn. nationcontentioncompetitionpursuitv. compete 用作名词n.The various races are not sharply separated.各种族都不能截然分开。 Race was a matter of importance to him.对于他来说,血统是很重要的。 The students sat in at the administrative building to protest against discrimination of race.学生们在办公大楼静坐,抗议种族歧视。 The human race is hammering at an economic problem.全人类都在钻研一个经济学问题。 The human race and animals could have been getting along well together.人类与动物应可和睦相处。 Which race does the plant fall under?这种植物应归到哪一属? Three fast runners entered the race, but Jim beat them all hollow.三名短跑运动员参加比赛,而吉姆把他们统统击败。 He is determined to stick out the race even if he finishes last.他下定决心即使跑最后一名,也要坚持跑完。 Bill burned himself out in the first part of the race and could not finish.比尔在比赛的第一赛程就耗尽了力气,结果无法跑完全程。 The crowd cheered the runners on as they started on the last lap of the race.当运动员开始跑最后一圈时,观众为他们加油。 Six students from No. 14 Middle School entered for the race.十四中的6个学生报名参加了赛跑。 Fifty competitors have entered for the spring long-distance race.已经有50名选手报名参加春季长跑。 We attempted a race.我们试图进行一次比赛。 Have they announced when the race will begin?他们宣布比赛什么时候开始了吗? He gambled all his winning on the last race.他把所有赢得的钱都押在最后一场比赛上。 Jim bore off most of the prizes at the races.吉姆获得了比赛的大部分奖项。 Jim carried off most of the prizes at the races.吉姆夺得了比赛中的大部分奖牌。 It's been billed as the race of the year.海报上宣传这是本年度的大赛。 We thought the horse would win, but he fell behind halfway through the race.我们曾认为这匹马会取胜,可是他在比赛中途落后了。 Eight boats entered for the race.有8艘船报名参加划船比赛。 They gambled on the result of a race.他们为比赛的结果打赌。 His race is nearly run.他的气数将尽。 He entered the mayoral race.他参加了市长竞选。 We will have a race for monitor tomorrow.明天我们将竞选班长。 The race for president has finished.总统竞选已经结束。用作动词v. 用作不及物动词 S+~+AHe's a very good swimmer and often races.他是优秀的游泳选手,经常参加比赛。 The children raced towards me.孩子们飞快地向我跑来。 He jumped into his car and raced back home.他跳上他的汽车,急速开回家。 Ships raced along on the river.船只在河上疾驶而过。 Several days raced by.一晃几天过去了。 The motor engine raced before it was shut off.汽车发动机关闭之前快速空转。S+~+to- vLet's race to see what is happening.咱们跑去看看发生了什么事情。 用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.My horse has hurt his toe so I can't race him.我的马伤了脚趾,我不能把它投入比赛。 Some medieval towns raced donkeys or buffaloes.有些中世纪的城市用驴子或水牛竞赛。 I'll race you home.我和你比赛看谁先到家。 He raced his car across the desert.他开车驶过那片荒凉的沙漠。 Don't race the engine while it's cold.马达冷却时不要快速空转它。 n.名词
race作“种族”解时,具有人类学或人种学含义,常指独特的、具有固定身体特征如肤色,毛质、骨骼等的一个种类。在一般用法中可指由于共同的历史而被认为是同一种族的群。race也可用于动植物,指“物种”。 race指种族整体概念时是不可数名词,指一个具体的种族时是可数名词。 race作“速度比赛,赛跑”解时,常与介词against, with等连用,是可数名词。引申可作“竞争”解。 v.动词
race的基本意思是“与…比速度,参加比赛”,一般指的是通过比赛决出谁的速度更快。作“使快速移动”解时,可指人,也可指物尤指机器。 race可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。 名词76%,动词24% 用作名词Every morning he spent two hours training for therace.他每天早晨花两个小时练习赛跑。 We are all involved in a ratrace, whether we want to be or not.不管我们愿不愿意,我们都进行着激烈的竞争。用作名词The Chinese belong to the yellowrace.中国人属于黄种人。 He is againstraceprejudice.他反对种族歧视。 He is a man of noblerace.他是贵族出身。用作动词I'llraceyou to the bus stop.我要和你赛一赛,看谁先跑到汽车站。 Eight horses willracefor the cup.将有八匹马参赛争夺奖杯。verb.run, speed in competition 同义词 bolt,chase,compete,contest,dart,dash,fly,gallop,hurry,hustle,rush,scamper,scramble,shoot,sprint,tearboil,bustle,career,course,fling,haste,hasten,hie,lash,outstrip,post,pursue,scud,scuttle,skim,spurt,swoop,whisk,wingplunge ahead 反义词 dally,dawdle,delay,procrastinate,slow,stay,wait,walk For three weeks, lead ions have raced around the accelerator ring at relativistic speeds, crashing head-on with other lead ions traveling in the opposite direction. 三周来,铅离子在加速环中以相对论级别的速度运动,运动方向相反的铅离子互相发生正面撞击。 yeeyan The crunch has lasted long enough to spawn its own publishing mini-boom, as authors have raced to give their diagnoses in print. 紧缩危机已经持续了足够长的时间,甚至令对其竞相诊断的经济学家们发了一笔小小横财。 yeeyan With a cry of horror and despair, the old man shouted to his wife to call for help as he raced to the barn to save their beloved horses. 老人一边冲向马圈去救他们的爱马,一边喊他的老伴出来帮忙。 yeeyan “ Wow!” hollered Jeremy as he raced among the tallest trees he had ever seen. “哇!”杰瑞米冲到他所见到的最高的树林里面大声的喊道。 ebigear An ambulance raced Fleming to the hospital, with Strong close behind. 救护车急速将她送到医院,沙琳在后面紧随。 blog.sina.com.cn And now we have raced back to find out that it is a training exercise. 现在我们还得返回去查出只是一次演习. yeeyan For years, two groups have raced to create ever- heavier elements. 许多年来,有两个研究团队在创造更重元素方面展开竞赛。 ecocn Fractures raced down to the base of his skull and around the sides of his head. 骨折一直延伸到头骨底部,并向头部两侧扩展。 ecocn Hayden grabbed his gym bag, and we raced downstairs. 海登拿起他的运动包和我一起跑到楼下。 yeeyan He raced for it and skipped up three steps at a time. 他沿着它跑并一步三个台阶。 yeeyan I raced back to my home tears stinging my eyes and blurring my vision. 我跑回家,泪水模糊了我的双眼。 yeeyan It raced, dived and disappeared like a river under thickets of deletions. 它奔腾着,俯冲着,消失——又像灌木丛下的小溪一样隐去。 yeeyan NATO had grid references for the posts, hundreds of metres inside Pakistani territory, yet had bombed sleeping soldiers and others who raced to help. 手握深入巴境内数百米的军事检查站地图的北约,却将炮火射向沉睡中的士兵及其他积极前来提供帮助的人们。 yeeyan Parents, in turn, raced to the facility to take their child home. 得到消息,家长立即赶往营地将自己的孩子接回家中。 iciba Ruth raced down the steep hill, breathing hard. 露丝呼吸困难地快速冲下陡峭的山丘。 yeeyan Shopkeepers pulled down their shutters as protesters raced through the streets. 当抗议者冲向街头时商店经营者们放下了卷帘门。 ecocn Soldiers jumped from their cots and raced outside, many wearing shorts and flip- flops, together with their helmets and weapons. 士兵们急忙从他们的床上跳下来,冲向门外,许多人还穿着短裤和拖鞋,他们抓起头盔和武器慌乱开火。 yeeyan Trying to stay calm, I raced across town and made it to his office within15 minutes. 尽量的保持镇静,我跑着穿过市区,在15分钟内赶到了他的办公室。 eol |