释义 |
RacanBNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹ 基本例句 拉康¹⁰⁰ Prime MinisterRacansaid that after the incident he immediately went to the town of Yiocan in east Croatia with Parliament leader Toncici to meet with Yugoslav Foreign Minister Svilanovic.拉侃总理说,事件发生后,他立即和国会议长汤奇奇赶到克罗埃西亚东部的怡欧克镇,会见南斯拉夫外长史维拉诺维奇。 Croatian Prime MinisterRacansaid in a short statement, asking Yugoslavia to make an open apology for the incident. The Croatian TV station described it the severest one since the two countries ended war in 1995.克罗埃西亚总理拉侃在简短的声明中,要求南斯拉夫为此一事件公开道歉,克罗埃西亚电视台形容这是两国在一九九五年结束战争以来的最严重事件。 Racanwas born in February 1944, near Leipzig in Germany, in a work camp where his parents had been deported.His father had been killed, but a German family saved his pregnant mother's life.拉昌1944年2月24日出生于德国,1970年毕业于萨格勒布大学法律系,1965年至1974年任萨格勒布社会研究所研究员。 |