

单词 rabbit meat
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So that we can provide2000 tons rabbit meat, 140,000 pieces of rabbit skin, 200,000 young rabbit and 200,000 tons of rabbit hair every year, all with the quality of international standards.
达到每年向市场提供品牌化、规模化,符合国际标准的兔肉2000吨,兔皮14万张,乳兔20万只,兔毛20吨的生产目标。 fabiao

As more rabbit meat containing protein, high nutritional value, containing less fat, fat people is the ideal meat.
由于兔肉含蛋白质较多,营养价值较高,含脂肪较少,因此是胖人比较理想的肉食。 tialloy

Each kind of Chinese type product and so on flavor rabbit meat, beef, mutton, pork.
各种中式风味的兔肉、牛肉、羊肉、猪肉等制品。 nj-xwjx

In addition, the beauty rabbit meat to lose weight, the fish brain heart care, and better than that of the same flesh-eating meat, the meat can be called in for the best, worthy of recommendation.
此外,兔肉美容减肥,鱼肉健脑护心,与食肉一样优于畜肉,堪称为肉食中的佳品,值得推荐。 hxen

In this article, the technology for making a special- taste rabbit meat floss was introduced and the critical points for the processing were stressed.
本文介绍了怪味兔肉松的制作技术,强调了关键工艺环节。 ilib

In this7 days, three meals a day can eat high protein, for example the lean meat, chicken, beef, lamb, rabbit meat, fish and all kinds of seafood, etc.
在这7天内,一日三餐只能吃高蛋白的精瘦肉类,比方鸡肉、牛肉、羊肉、兔肉、鱼肉和各类海鲜等。 fs500

The experiments show that the most important factors influencing the quality and the ratio of rabbit meat cooked ham are the quantities of saltwater. starch additives and the boiling temperature.
试验表明,影响兔肉挤压火腿品质和出品率的主要因素是盐水注射量、淀粉添加量和煮制温度。 cnki

Using the rabbit meat as the main raw material, add natural spices, the new- flavour rabbit meat silk was developed.
以鲜兔肉为主要原料,添加天然香辛料,开发研究新风味兔肉丝休闲食品。 dictall

We took dinner in Santa Cruz. I ordered the rabbit meat, very delicious, and my honey ordered grilled squid.
我们在首都桑塔克鲁斯市吃晚餐,我点的是兔肉,非常好吃,我老公点的是烤鱿鱼。 travellerspoint

We took the dinner in this town. I ordered the delicious rabbit meat again, and my honey ordered a beef steak.
我们在小镇上吃了晚餐。我再次点了美味的兔肉,老公点的是牛排。 travellerspoint

When they are fully grown the leopards will, like all the other big cats at the centre, eat up to18kg40lb of meat a week, including a mixture of horse, calf and rabbit meat.
当它们长大为成年的豹子后,就象保护中心的其他大型猫科动物一样,每周要食用18公斤40磅的肉,包括混合的马、牛和兔肉。 blog.sina.com.cn

Rabbit meat is low in fat, high in protein and does not have the cholesterol level of chicken, beef or pork.
兔肉低脂肪、高蛋白,并且胆固醇的含量又比鸡肉、牛肉和猪肉低。 cat898

Which countries produce and import the most rabbit meat?
哪个国家生产和进口最多的兔肉? ecocn




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