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词汇 Québécois
释义 QuébécoisEconomist¹⁶⁶⁷⁶
For20 years the Bloc Québécois has been a spoiling force in Ottawa.
20年来,魁北克集团已已经一直是渥太华的一支分裂势力。 ecocn

In the past they have often backed the Parti Québécois, which twice held referendums on independence and came within a few thousand votes of winning one of them in1995.
原来,这些选民一般都支持魁人党,该党就独立问题举行了两次全民公投,在1995年那次公投上,该党只差几千票就能获胜。 ecocn

The NDP did especially well in French-speaking Quebec, at the expense of the separatist Bloc Québécois.
在法语魁北克斩获颇丰,得到分裂魁北克集团的费用赞助。 ecocn

The Parti Québécois, the main opposition, has called for a moratorium.
主要反对党魁人党 Parti Québécois则呼吁暂停。 ecocn

The separatist Bloc Québécois was all but wiped out after almost two decades in which it has won a majority of seats in the French- speaking province at federal elections.
分裂主义者魁人党自近二十年前赢得以法语为母语的魁北克省的多数票位后,现在已经几乎要消失了。 ecocn

Although support for independence in French- speaking Quebec has declined, many Quebeckers still see sending the separatists of the Bloc Québécois to Ottawa as the best way to defend their interests.
尽管在说法语的魁北克地区,对于寻求独立的支持已经减少,很多魁北克人仍然认为把魁人政团中的分裂主义者赶到渥太华才是维护他们利益的最佳途径。 ecocn

In 2010 just37% of their funding came from the public till, versus 50% for the NDP and the Liberals and a whopping82% for the Bloc Québécois.
2010年,保守党仅有37%的资金来自于公共收银台,新民主党为50%,而魁人政团竟然高达80%。 ecocn

In a provincial election in Quebec, Jean Charest, the Liberal premier, won a majority and a third term, but the separatist Parti Québécois did better than predicted.
在加拿大魁北克省的选举中,自由党的主要成员 Jean Charest赢得了多数选票以及又一任期,然而独立派的魁人党在选举中表现得比预料的要更好。 ecocn

In a poll released just before his announcement, support for the Liberals had fallen to 26%, down five points since September, and barely ahead of the separatist Parti QuébécoisPQ.
在他发表公告前,一个民调显示,自由党的支持率下降到了26%,比九月份下降了五个百分点,勉强领先于分裂魁人党。 ecocn

Quebec's separatist Bloc Québécois lost90% of its seats and was nearly eliminated from Parliament.
魁北克独立党魁北克集团丢掉了90%的席位,几乎被议会淘汰。 ecocn

Some in Ottawa question whether members of the committee from the separatist Bloc Québécois can be counted on, even if sworn to secrecy.
一些政府官员质疑道,即使宣誓保密,委员会里一些来自独立党派 Bloc Québécois的成员就可以信赖吗? ecocn

The separatist Bloc Québécois usually wins at least40 of Quebec’s75 seats.
独立派Bloc Québécois通常至少要占据魁北克75个席位中的40个。 ecocn

The party could either stay independent or pursue an alliance or merger with the Liberals, the Bloc Québécois, or the Greens.
其可以保持独立,或者寻求与自由党、魁人政团或绿党的联盟或合并。 ecocn




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