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quo·tient 英ˈkwəʊʃənt美ˈkwoʃəntAHDkwōʹshənt ☆☆☆☆☆高IMS八TGCOCA²⁷⁴⁸³BNC³²⁵⁷⁰iWeb¹⁸⁶⁸⁴ 基本英英词源搭配记法近义反义例句Thesaurus例句 n.份额¹⁰⁰;数商复数quotients 基本运算数学计算
Noun: the ratio of two quantities to be dividedthe number obtained by division来自拉丁语quot,多少。来自原始印欧语*kwo,疑问代词词干,词源同quality, quantity。用于数学名词商。q。v。参见该条缩写自拉丁语quod vide。来自quod,哪里,什么,词源同what, vide,看,词源同visit。 quality来自拉丁语qualis,种类,类型,要求。来自原始印欧语*kwo,疑问代词词干,词源同quantity, what, who。引申词义质量,品质。 quantity来自拉丁语quantus,多大,多少。来自qui,谁,什么,如何,该。来自原始印欧语*kwo,疑问代词词干,词源同quality, who, how。 vide来自拉丁语,看,词源同visit, video。 what来自原始印欧语*kwo,疑问代词词干,词源同who, where, why, how。 vide来自拉丁语,看,词源同visit, video。 visit来自拉丁语videre,看。来自原始印欧语*weid,看,知晓,词源同video, wise, wit, -it,表反复或过去分词格。该词原指神灵到人间巡视,后词义通用化。intelligence quotient智商Emotional Quotient情商differential quotient微系数,微商,导数…quotient graph商图quotient relay商继电器partial quotient偏商respiratory quotient呼吸商,呼吸商数,呼…concentration quotient浓度商caloric quotient热量商数achievement quotient成绩指数以教育成绩…oxygen quotient氧商, 氧系数, 氧…right quotient右商permeability quotient渗透商activity quotient活度系数protein quotient医 蛋白商recovery quotient复原商,复原商数…assimilation quotient同化物,同化商…phonation quotient语声商数endurance quotient耐力商数assimilatory quotient光合商,同化商… quot(i,-ent表形容词⇒n.份额;数商n.应得部分;数商除法所得的结果率;比值近义词 amount数量measure措施proportion部分share分享,共享percentage百分率
名词100% 用作名词He got a smallquotientof his father's property.他得到了他父亲财产的一小部分。 The result is thequotientof the two operands.结果是两个操作数的商。 His intelligencequotientis very high.他的智商很高。noun.outcome 同义词 computation,remainder,result fractionnoun incomplete number bit,division,fragment,part,partial,piece,portion,ratio,section,segment,slice,subdivision fractionsnoun incomplete number bites,chunks,cuts,divisions,ends,fragments,halves,pieces,portions,sections,shares,slices intelligencenoun ability to perceive, understand IQ,acuity,acumen,agility,alertness,aptitude,brainpower,brains,brightness,brilliance,capacity,cleverness,comprehension,coruscation,discernment,gray matter,intellect,judgment,luminosity,mentality,mind,penetration,perception,perspicacity,precocity,quickness,quotient,reason,sagacity,savvy,sense,skill,smarts,subtlety,the right stuff,trenchancy,understanding,what it takes,wit rationoun percentage, relation of part to whole arrangement,correlation,correspondence,equation,fraction,proportion,proportionality,quota,quotient,rate,relationship,scale ratiosnoun percentage, relation of part to whole arrangements,correlations,correspondences,equations,fractions,proportionalities,proportions,quotas,quotients,rates,relationships,scales sharenoun portion, allotment allowance,apportionment,bite,chunk,claim,commission,contribution,cut,cut in,cut up,divide,dividend,division,divvy,dose,drag,due,end,fifty-fifty,fraction,fragment,halver,helping,heritage,interest,lagniappe,lot,measure,meed,parcel,part,partage,percentage,piece,pittance,plum,points,proportion,quantum,quota,quotient,quotum,rake-off,ration,segment,serving,slice,split,stake,taste,whack Mr Livermore sums up his solution to this problem with a new piece of management jargon, “ cultural intelligence”, and a new measure, CQ, the cultural- intelligence quotient. Livermore总结了所有的解决办法,归纳为一个新的管理学术语“文化智能”,也指文化智商,一种新的智力评测标准。 ecocn Q I'm going to call this thing here Q, which you've seen before. The reaction quotient. 我们把这部分叫作,以前你们也见过它,反应商。163 What is the value of thinking of project teams in terms of Intelligence Quotient? 用团队智商这样一个概念来考虑项目团队的价值何在呢? yeeyan While journalists are more publicly open than many other industries in at least some ways, there’s a notable hypocrisy quotient. 在某种程度上,新闻业比其他行业的公开度要高,但是还是会有伪善的成分在里面。 yeeyan And so now, when we look at the Q for the reaction, the reaction quotient, it doesn't contain any of the pure species. 现在当我们看反应的 Q反应,商它不包含,任何纯态物质。163 And while women may spend a lot on beauty products, men do their share of spending in order to up their sex- appeal quotient. 而当女人们在这些美容产品上花钱的时候,男人们也在干差不多的事儿——努力让他们看起来更有魅力。 yeeyan Based on the encephalization quotient, the brightest animals on the planet are humans, followed great apes, porpoises, and elephants. 以脑力商数为依据,地球上最聪明的动物是人类,紧跟其后的是大猿、海豚和大象。 yeeyan Environment ministers at a United Nations meeting in Nairobi last week saw the US plan as a powerful signal to other governments to raise the green quotient in the next round of recovery plans. 参加上周在内罗毕举行的一个联合国会议的环境部长们把这个美国计划视为其它政府在下一轮的恢复计划中提高绿色商数的一个强有力的信号。 yeeyan Even if it can be established that, on average, women have a higher“emotional-intelligence quotient” than men, that says little about any specific woman. 即使能够证明平均而言,女人的情商比男人高,那也不说明任何一个特定女人的情况。 ecocn Genetics, as research on4,000 sets of twins has demonstrated, accounts for about50 percent of your happiness quotient. 遗传学,正如对4000对双胞胎研究所显示的,在快乐份额方面占大约50%。 yeeyan Her six- question self- assessment test is a good starting place to measure your own RQ, or romantic quotient. 她的6个问题的自我评估测试是自我估测RQ或浪漫商数的好起点。 yeeyan How's your HQ humor quotient? 你的幽默商数又是如何呢? yeeyan I could even try to rev up the romance quotient for next year. 我甚至可以在来年的浪漫测试中提高自己的分值。 yeeyan In fact, counting your blessings may be the single most helpful thing you can do for your happiness quotient, say experts. 专家说,事实上,计算你的祝福可能是你可以为你的快乐份额做的一件最有帮助的事情。 yeeyan Indeed there is a new energy on this planet, and this energy seeks to now further activate your awareness and light quotient. 确实地球上有一股新能量,且此能量正设法更深入地激活你们的觉知和光商。 blog.sina.com.cn Joe Gregorio says, admitting to having met his blogging-hyperbole- quotient for the day. Joe Gregorio表示,他承认自己已经到做足那分博客宣传份额的日子了。 infoq Nothing like a little public pressure to ratchet up the creativity quotient. 逐步提示创造力的能力时没什么比施加一点公众压力更好的了。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn Similarly, you can do the quotient rule just for practice. 同理,大家可以练习做一下除法法则。163 Something as seemingly insignificant as a freshly opened jar or coffee can also add to a person's happiness quotient. 一些细微的小事,例如初尝刚打开的新鲜果酱或咖啡也可以增加一个人的幸福指数。 kle100 Take daily responsibility for your happiness quotient. 将你的幸福感成为日常的责任。 yeeyan The answer to a division problem is the quotient. 对于除法问题的答案叫做商数。 hjenglish There are a number of enthusiasts who believe firmly in the common traits observed in people of the same sun sign and the compatibility quotient between the various signs. 有相当一部分的星座爱好者坚信这样的共性,这些共性是从相同星座和不同星座的和谐系数中观察所得。 kekenet Traveling with a friend can be an adventure too, but the adventure quotient is usually higher when you are alone. 和朋友一起旅行也可以是冒险,但只有你一个人时冒险的份量通常会更高。 yeeyan Using an economic- analysis tool called a “ location quotient, ” Currid calculates that New York matters far more to fashion, art, and culture than to finance. 克里德用一种叫“区位商数”的经济学分析工具计算出,纽约对时尚,艺术和文化的意义远胜于它对金融行业的意义。 yeeyan |