

单词 quote
释义 quote 英kwəʊt美kwotAHDkwōt ★★★★☆高四六研GI宝牛4八TCOCA²⁷⁴⁵BNC⁹²¹²iWeb²⁵¹⁴Economist⁸²²⁸

vt. 提供引证

give a reference, etc.to support a statement

vt. 提出价格; 报价

name a price

a punctuation mark used to attribute the enclosed text to someone elsea passage or expression that is quoted or cited
repeat a passage from;

He quoted the Bible to her

name the price of;

quote prices for cars

refer to for illustration or proof;

He said he could quote several instances of this behavior

put quote marks around;

Here the author is quoting his colleague

quote, cite, repeat

这组词都有“引用”的意思。它们的区别是:quote指引用原文或别人的原话、文章,也指摘引别人的内容或意思,并且说明出处,可以是为了证明自己的论点,也可以是为达到修饰特殊效果; cite指为了证明自己的论点或某一特定的原因而引证别人的话或词句; repeat只指重复别人的话或词句,不注明出处。 例如:

I'll just cite some figures for comparison.我要引用一些数字作个比较。
He quoted his own experiences in Mongolia and India.他提出他在蒙古和印度的经历作为引证。
The statement has been uncritically repeated by other writers.这些话已为其他一些作家不加鉴别地反复引用。cite,quote,repeat





用作动词 v.
~+名词quote verse引用诗quote the words of Lu Hsun引用鲁迅的话~+副词quote copiously〔extensively,widely〕旁征博引quote directly直接引用quote freely随便地引用quote frequently通常引证quote profitably有益地引用~+介词quote at使定价为…quote at ten dollars定价为10美元quote for为…而定价quote from引用…quote a passage from the Bible引用《圣经》中的一段quote a passage from a book引用书中一段quote in full引用全文quote in part引用部分quote out of摘自…
quote from v.+prep.

引用,引述 use the exact words of sb or printed matter

quote from sth to-vHe quoted from the Bible to support his belief.他引用《圣经》的原话来证明他的信念。quote sth from sthShe quoted a verse from the Bible .她引用《圣经》中的诗节。
It's easy to quote phrase from any of Shakespeare's plays.从莎士比亚的任何一个剧中都可以轻而易举地引述格言。钱博士quo多少,在此转作动词,表示给出一个数字+t动词的过去分词后缀,在此用作动词和名词后缀+e→给多少钱;在书中多少页⇒报价;引用
故事记忆观音留下 Note便条天庭在搞 Vote选举善举需要 Quote引证取经之地 Remote遥远的定要老孙 Devote奉献速回道出 Anecdote轶事quo多少,在此转作动词,表示给出一个数字+t动词的过去分词后缀,在此用作动词和名词后缀+e→给多少钱;在书中多少页⇒报价;引用。非常记忆qu去〖拼音〗+o洞〖编码〗+te特〖拼音〗⇒他引用去山洞找特务的例子拉选票GRE红宝书读: 抠他, 把他的话从嘴里抠出来-引证
谐音记忆音“括它”⇒把它括起来 不就是引用、引证吗?词根记忆quot数目+e→引用,引述近义词 citementionrefer to
S+~+ n./pron.The author frequently quoted Shakespeare.作者不断地引用莎士比亚的话。
Don't quote me on this, but I think the company is in serious difficulties.不要向公司重复我所说的,可我认为公司面临着严重的困难。
The newspaper quoted him telling a group of people that he would resign soon.报纸引述他的话告诉一批人他将辞职。
We cannot do better than quote Dickens' own words.我们最好引用狄更斯的原话。
She asked the newspaper reporters not to quote her remark.她要求新闻记者不要引用她的话。
We might quote Mark Twain's remark about the weather.我们也许会引用马克·吐温对天气的看法。
He quoted some old Chinese sayings to illustrate his points.他引用了中国的一些俗话来解释他的观点。
She quoted the report to support her point.她援引报告中的话来支持自己的观点。
The judge quoted various cases in support of his opinion.那位法官引证不同的事件以支持他的意见。
He quoted his own experiences in Mongolia and India.他提出他在蒙古和印度的经历作为引证。
He quoted several cases of unjust imprisonment.他列举了几宗不公正的监禁案件。
Can you quote a recent instances?你能举一个最近的例证吗?
They quoted 756 dollars for the single New York—London fare.他们对纽约到伦敦的单程机票开价是756美元。
He is quoted as having said that there will be an election this autumn.有人引用他的话说,今年秋季将举行一次选举。
S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.Let me quote you the words of Shakespeare.让我给你引用莎士比亚的话。
He quoted me a recent instance.他给我举出一个最近的例子。
The teacher quoted his students many examples on the blackboard.教师在黑板上给学生举出很多例子。
I can quote you a price lower than anybody else's.我能向你提出低于任何人的价格。
What price would you quote me for that painting?对于那幅画,你能向我提出什么价格?
They quoted us 400 pounds.他们向我们报价400英镑。Punquotevi.结束Pmisquotev.错误地引用Pquotern.引用者报价者Pquoteworthya.值得引用的值得引证的Punderquotevt.开出较市场价低之价格





用作动词She asked the reporter not toquoteher remarks.她要求记者不要引述她的话。
Pleasequoteyour price in terms of pound.请您报盘时用英镑报价。
Can youquoteme a recent instance?你能给我举一个最近的例子吗?用作名词A directquotewas taken from his speech.直接引用他的演讲。verb.repeat something spoken, written by another
同义词 cite,name,recall,refer toadduce,attest,detail,excerpt,extract,instance,paraphrase,parrot,proclaim,recite,recollect,reference,retell
反义词 hide,insert
citationnoun excerpt
enumerateverb list, count
add up,calculate,cite,compute,count noses,detail,figure,identify,inventory,itemize,keep tabs,mention,name,number,particularize,quote,recapitulate,recite,reckon,recount,rehearse,relate,run down,run off,specialize,specify,spell out,sum,take account of,tally,tell,tick off,total
enumeratesverb list, count
adds up,calculates,cites,computes,counts noses,details,figures,identifies,inventories,itemizes,keeps tabs,mentions,names,numbers,particularizes,quotes,recapitulates,recites,reckons,recounts,rehearses,relates,runs down,runs off,specializes,specifies,spells out,sums,takes account of,tallies,tells,ticks off,totals
excerptnoun citation;something taken from a whole
excerptverb take a part from a whole
choose,cite,cull,extract,glean,note,pick,pick out,quote,select,single out
exemplifiesverb serve as an example
bodies,cites,clarifies,clear up,demonstrates,depicts,displays,elucidates,emblematizes,embodies,enlightens,epitomizes,evidences,exhibits,illuminates,illustrates,instances,manifests,mirrors,personifies,quotes,represents,shows,spells out,symbolizes,typifies And yesterday, at a town hall meeting, he promised the crowd that he will not, quote, ' pull the plug on Grandma. ' Then, there was an awkward moment when Grandpa stood up and booed.
昨天,在一次城市聚会之后,他像人群承诺,他不会,我这里引用他的原话说“拔出老奶奶身上的插头”,然后,老爷爷们都站起来嘘他,这个时刻挺尴尬的。 hjenglish

No one can quote you a price lower than mine.

There is also a belief that, to quote a diplomat, “ Romania and Bulgaria came in too soon”, and have been sliding away from reforms ever since.
也有这样的看法,这里引用一位外交人员的话说:“罗马尼亚和保加利亚进得太快了”,自从他们加入后,就远离了改革的方向。 ecocn

Thus, to quote an example from the book before us, from Max.
现在不妨从摆在我们面前的书中引用一个例子。 yeeyan

Any quote or remarks made by these people in the current situation has no credibility.
在目前的局势下,这些人的任何引用和评论都是不可信的。 yeeyan

Before I launch into my own views on the issue, let me quote a few key ideas.
在我开始对这个问题给出我自己的意见以前,让我先引述一些关键的概念。 yeeyan

But you have a problem; each of the Insurance companies has a different mechanism for accepting quote requests and providing quotes to you.
不过,您有一个问题:每个保险公司都有不同的机制来接受报价请求和向您提供报价。 ibm

Conclude with a quote or call to action.
以一个引证结束,或者号召大家去行动。 yeeyan

Every time we stop to write something down, another person pops us in front of us, asking what publication we’re from and offering us a quote.
每次我们停下来写点东西时,另一个人会突然出现在我们面前,问什么我们为哪个出版物服务并给我们提供报价。 yeeyan

Everyone loves the quote“ laughter is the best medicine, ” and as a nurse, I have experienced the benefits of smiling and laughter with my patients.
人人都爱引用“笑是最好的良药”这句话。作为一名护士,我和我的病人都亲身体会过笑的益处,无论是无声微笑还是开怀大笑。 yeeyan

For instance, they may provide you with an existing system that you can access through HTTP to a quote presented as an XML document in their own unique, proprietary format.
例如,他们可能向您提供了一种现有的系统,您可以通过 HTTP来访问以 XML文档采用他们自己的惟一专用格式的形式给出的报价。 ibm

For the purchasing request from the buyer, the agent process first constructs a product quote request for each supplier.
对于购买者提出的购买请求,代理流程将首先对各供应商构造产品报价请求。 ibm

If a client needs to get a stock quote from the server, it sends a request message to the server, and the server sends out a response message to the client.
如果客户机需要从服务器获得股票报价,则将向服务器发送请求消息,服务器将随后向客户机发送一条响应消息。 ibm

If you quote this mentality to face problems, then you will achieve nothing.
如果你们报着这种心态去面对问题,那么你将一事无成。 yeeyan

If your use level is above your entitlement, a quote will be generated for you by IBM with the required additional license entitlements.
如果您的使用级别超出了应得级别,那么 IBM会为您生成一个报价,其中含有需要追加的许可费用。 ibm

Let me just quote him.

One piece of information is the stock quote, which either comes out of the cache or is retrieved from the backend.
其中的一条信息就是股票报价,此信息要么从缓存中获得,要么从后端系统检索获得。 ibm

She spots an interesting quote from a columnist in the business section.
她从业务版面点了一个专栏作家的有趣的引用。 yeeyan

That’s okay. Give them a quote.
那就这样吧,给他们一个报价。 yeeyan

The pen sends a message to the paper, which transmits the quote to her office.
这支笔给报纸发送了一条信息,将这个引用传送到她的办公室。 yeeyan

Then they quote back what is exactly the proper scripture.

They want to be able to quote, cite and reference earlier works because this is fundamental to all critical discourse.
他们希望能引用、例举和参考之前的著作,因为这对于所有批评性文本的根本所在。 yeeyan

This way, we can collect everything we need to provide them with an accurate quote without needing to have an actual conversation.
这样,我们可以收集到一切我们所需信息,我们不需要有实际的谈话就可以为他们提供一个准确的报价。 yeeyan

To get a quote, the client gets the representation of an operation for the only port in the service.
为获取报价,客户机为该服务中唯一的端口获取一个操作的表示。 ibm

You may quote me on that.
你们可以引用我这句话。 hxen




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