

单词 quivering
释义 quivering 英'kwivəriŋ美'kwivəriŋ 高COCA²⁸⁸⁹⁵BNC³⁰²⁵⁴iWeb³³⁴⁸¹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
a shaky motion;

the shaking of his fingers as he lit his pipe

the act of vibratingquiver-ing动名词⇒adj.颤抖的n.颤抖动词quiver的现在分词形式.近义词 weak弱的spasm抽筋tremor震动quiver颤抖shaking摇动wobbly摆动的vibration震动shaky不稳固的pulsation脉博shakiness震动trembling发抖的palpitation悸动quavering震动的unsteady不稳定的

用作形容词Snape was still ignoring Hermione'squiveringhand.斯内普仍旧没有理会赫敏颤抖的手臂。
She put her head over his shoulder and dug her chin down with bruising force, holding him with all the strength in herquiveringbody.她的头放在他的肩膀上,以能造成瘀伤的力量把下巴戳下去,以她颤抖的身体全部的力量抓着他。用作名词Snape was still ignoring Hermione'squiveringhand.斯内普仍旧没有理会赫敏颤抖的手臂。
Ulquiorra shows up where the nowquiveringLoli and Menoli are.小乌出现在颤抖着的洛丽和美孟丽面前。adj.shuddering
同义词 shaking,shivering,tremblingfluttering,quavering,vibratingjittery,jumpy,shaky,tremulous
aquiveradjective tremulous
flickernoun spark, glimmer
jitteryadjective nervous
antsy,anxious,apprehensive,edgy,excitable,fidgety,high-strung,jumpy,on edge,on pins and needles,panicky,quivering,restless,shaky,skittish,spooked,tense,trembling,uneasy,uptight
jumpingadjective vaulting
oscillationnoun swinging
quakyadjective tremulous
aquiver,palpitating,quavering,quivering,quivery,shaky,shivering,shivery,trembling,tremulant,twittery,wobbly The beauty was still in her, indeed, but the agony, the blind passion, and the awful vindictiveness displayed upon those quivering features.
虽然她风韵犹在,但是痛苦、狂热的激情和强烈的报复情绪三者交织在脸上,整个面孔似乎都在颤抖。 tdict

What a wonderful sight it is when strings of their lights are reflected in the quivering water at nights!
夜间一行行一串串的灯火,倒影在颤摇的水光里,真是静美极了! putclub

“ We never came away from there as quivering wrecks and needing a lie down, ” he said.
他说:“我们从来没有远离类似颤动沉船的环境,我们需要休息。” yeeyan

After five more his muscles stopped quivering.
在砸了第六下后,他的肌肉停止了颤动。 yeeyan

Hauling the quivering fish aboard, the old man thought it a good omen.
老人在把颤动的金枪鱼拉上船板以后,心想这可是一个好兆头。 ebigear

He slowly lowers his quivering hands, opens his eyes, and begins to draft his daily to- do list.
他慢慢地放下颤抖的手,睁开眼,开始草绘他一天要做的事。 yeeyan

His lips were quivering and would not form words.

I so love the touch of his fingers, so gently, yet slightly quivering with excitement, as if through his tender skin, I could sense his fire-like passion in his jumping heart.
我喜欢他指尖的触觉,那样的柔和,又微微有些因激动引起的颤抖,仿佛透过他那滑嫩的皮肤,我可以感受到那颗火热的跳动着的心。 qintai

I could kind of feel the young fellow quivering.
我感觉到年轻的小伙子似乎在哆嗦。 yeeyan

I pulled back slightly to see tears in his eyes and his chin quivering.
我把身子稍稍往后倾,看到他眼里的泪水和颤抖的下巴。 joyen

Like others in the region, the Saudi index is now quivering on low volumes.
像该地区的其他国家一样,沙特的股票指数现在也在低谷中徘徊。 ecocn

One of the boys spoke, with quivering lips, and with his head down.
其中一个男孩嘴唇颤抖,低着头在说话。 www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn

Put it on vibrate, and it’ll give you and your guy’s hot spots a body- quivering buzz.
把它调成震动状态,它就会给你和你的另一半的敏感点带来令你们身体颤抖的嗡嗡声。 yeeyan

Readers who learn that she swiftly and happily remarrieda fact unmentioned in this book may feel some impatience for the quivering woman on the page.
熟知她很快幸福再婚本书中没有提到的事实的读者可能会对字里行间颤抖的妇人感到有些不耐烦。 ecocn

She had been hurt to the quick, and her sensitive nature was quivering with the shame of it.
她受到了严重的伤害,他那敏感的天性因为那耻辱而颤抖。 ebigear

She was weeping silently, the corner of her calico apron lifted to her eyes, occasionally suppressing a long, quivering sob.
她在默默地流泪,用印花布围裙的一角擦拭着眼泪,不时地强忍住一声长长的、颤颤的呜咽。 yeeyan

She was quivering with fear.
她因恐惧而在发抖。 iciba

She was quivering with excitement.
她因激动而抖动。 iciba

Specific physiological symptoms accompany this feeling of anxiety: sweating, shaking knees and hands, quivering voice, flushing, rapid heartbeat and nausea.
伴随着这种焦虑感,身体上就会反应出一系列特殊的症状,比如盗汗,膝盖和手会不由自主的抖动,声音颤抖,脸红,心跳加速以及恶心等。 yeeyan

The darkness seemed to be rippling, the air itself quivering.
黑暗似乎泛起了涟漪,空气本身也在颤动。 okread.net

The insulted visitor moved to the spot where he had laid his hat, pale and with a quivering lip.
这个被侮辱了的客人走到他放帽子的地方,面色苍白,嘴唇直颤。 ebigear

The thumb- size bundle of neurons acknowledges the yellow belly within but then moves to stanch its quivering power.
这个拇指大小的神经元束能认知内在的懦弱,但是随后会转移到平息颤抖的能量。 yeeyan




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