

单词 quit drinking
释义 quit drinking
But what she had said was true: since I'd quit drinking, quit going to rehab, and quit going to AA meetings, the rehab participants and AA victims had taken to coming my way.
不过她说的倒是实话:自从我戒酒,不再去康复会,也不再去戒酒者互诫会,康复会和戒酒会的会员就一直在和我往来。 yeeyan

But about a year after I quit drinking, I was on a “ no addiction” addiction, so I decided to give it all up.
但当我戒酒一年以后,我开始上瘾于“不为任何事情上瘾”,所以我决定把这些事都戒了。 yeeyan

Hey, what're you doing? Didn't you say you're going to quit drinking?
喂!你这是干吗呢?你不是说要戒酒吗? nciku

I quit drinking years ago.
我几年前就戒酒了。 hjenglish

In that case you've quit drinking, right?
这样说,你是戒酒了? ysljdj

It is possible, they say, that a medication can be created to protect the brains of developing fetuses, even if pregnant women cannot quit drinking.
他们说,有可能研究出一种能保护胎儿脑部发育的药品,即便是那些不能戒酒的孕妇也能产生效果。 blog.sina.com.cn

I've just quit drinking.
只不过我戒酒了。 kuaiyilin

New Year's Eve seems a perfect time to explore this topic: Tonight we may enjoy a midnight toast; come morning, we might resolve to cut back or quit drinking altogether.
在新年前夕探索这一课题可谓适当其时:今晚我们可能会尽享消夜,而新的一天开始的时候,我们可能共同下决心少喝或者戒酒了。 dxy




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