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词汇 quirks
释义 quirks kwɜ:ks COCA²⁸⁸⁹³BNC³⁴³⁷⁵Economist¹⁷⁶⁰⁶
n.奇事;巧合quirk的名词复数;怪癖原型quirk的复数 Play with different quirks& attributes; try them on, see if they’re a good fit for you.
游刃于不同的癖好和特性之间,并试一试,看它们是否适合自己。 yeeyan

Steve Jobs is a force of nature, a truly iconic man whose quirks are nearly as famous as the products he sells.
史蒂夫·乔布斯是大自然鬼斧神工的产物,是个真正的偶像式人物,他的怪癖和他的产品一样为人瞩目。 hjenglish

The disorders include obsessive, anti- social and paranoid behaviors that are not mere quirks but actually interfere with ordinary functioning.

The keyboard is full- sized, but it has some quirks.
键盘是全尺寸的,但也有一些不同。 yeeyan

Because of regulatory quirks most did not go overseas until the 1960s, and despite the huge advantage of their customer base at home few were able to maintain the global presence they had aspired to.
二十世纪六十年代以前,由于管理机构的繁文缛节,多数银行没有海外业务。尽管他们在国内拥有巨大的客户优势,很少有银行能够维持心仪已久的国际业务。 ecocn

But the visitors have also marked out a grand tour all of their own, shaped by China’s fast- developing consumer culture and by distinctive quirks of culture, history and politics.
但受中国发展迅速的消费文化和其在文化,历史,政治上形成的与众不同的癖好影响,游客也会为自己制定一个宏大的旅行路线。 yeeyan

Each editor has its own quirks, levels of Web standards compliance, and choice of page rendering engines.
每个编辑器都有其自身的特点、对 Web标准的遵从程度和对页面呈现引擎的选择。 ibm

Even moderate amounts can be dismissed as personality quirks by co-workers and subordinates.
即便是适量的这种特质也会因为被同事或下属称作性格怪癖而改掉。 yeeyan

Events such as the financial crisis and climate change are not quirks of the marketplace, or quirks of nature. They are not inevitable events in the up-and- down cycle of human history.
金融危机和气候变化等事件并非市场作乱或大自然播弄的结果,它们并不是人类起伏不定的历史中不可避免的事件。 who

Have a child with her own special set of traits and quirks and abilities, a child you will cherish for herself.
拥有另一个孩子,一个拥有自己独特的个性、怪癖和能力的孩子,一个因为爱她而珍惜她的孩子。 yeeyan

I found these quirks in a little light testing.
我发现这些状况经过一些测试。 ibm

In negotiations, they are understanding of quirks.
在谈判中也总能未卜先知。 ecocn

Instead, because of the quirks of quantum mechanics, they should glow ever so faintly, like smouldering embers in a dying fire.
相反,由于量子力学的奇怪特性,它们应该像快熄灭的火发出的阴燃余烬那样发出极其微弱的光。 ecocn

It is also one of the few Windows Phone 7 handsets that doesn't come with lots of fiddly design quirks.
它同时也是极少数没有附带大量繁琐的怪异的设计的 WP7手机之一。 yeeyan

Most spam comes from robots, so they have some characteristic quirks in their usage of a site that you can exploit.
很多垃圾信息都来自机器人程序,在使用站点方面,它们往往具有某些独特的特点,因此您可以利用这些特点。 ibm

Once interpreted as signs of pathology, Qaddafi's eccentricities were redefined as mere personality quirks.
一旦被病理学解释为无疾病的影响,卡扎夫的怪癖被重新定义为单纯的人格异常。 yeeyan

Our regulars are here because we provide a unique opportunity that appeals to their quirks, kinks and creative needs.
我们的常客来这里是因为我们提供了独一无二的机会让他们来宣泄自己的讥讽、纠结和创作需要。 yeeyan

Quite many new and old bugs and quirks are expected, so stabilization period is longer.
我们预料会出现很多新的和旧的缺陷和古怪的行为,因此稳定期会更长。 infoq

Remember, wireless connectivity has its share of quirks.
记住,无线接入会有问题。 yeeyan

Still, there are some strange, avoidable forms of statelessness that reflect quirks of history.
此外,还有一些奇怪的、本可避免的无国籍形式,反映了历史的阴差阳错。 ecocn

Such twins almost always look alike and often have similar quirks.
这样的双胞胎几乎总是长得很相像,而且经常有同样的怪癖。 yeeyan

Their rapid growth stems from three market quirks.
它们的高速增长源于三个市场特质。 ecocn

There are other quirks.
还有其它奇怪的事。 ecocn

These quirks lead to some serious complications in our lives, especially when we find ourselves in a place that triggers obsessive- compulsive behavior, like a restaurant. Once Ms.

They probably do not know or care about WSDL and XML, and all the quirks that they bring to the table.
他们可能不知道或者不关心 WSDL和 XML,以及所有他们摆到台面上的异常事件。 ibm

XML can have lots of constructs and syntactic quirks and parsing is hard.
XML有很多结构和奇怪的语法习惯,很难进行解析。 ibm

Quirks in China have a way of disappearing.
这种怪异的法规正在中国销声匿迹。 ecocn

Quirks mode handles the older HTML, and works with and checks for unclosed tags, , and all the rest.
特殊模式处理所有旧式的 HTML,检查没有关闭的标签等等。 ibm




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