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词汇 quip
释义 quip 英kwɪp美kwɪpAHDkwĭp ★☆☆☆☆高四GS宝八COCA²⁰⁸⁹¹BNC⁴⁵²⁴⁷iWeb²⁰³⁶⁵Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

a witty sayingwitty remark
make jokes or quips;

The students were gagging during dinner

来自拉丁语quippe,确实,当然,来自PIE*kwo,疑问代词词干,词源同quality,quantity.引申 词义切中要害的话或评论,后用于指俏皮话,妙语。GRE红宝书qu去, ip = IP: 去打IP电话说妙语, 因为IP电话比较省钱.
GRE难词记忆equip→pique n.因自尊心受伤害而生气→一句讽刺话伤害了他的自尊心,令他很生气 equip→piquen.因自尊心受伤害而生气⇒一句讽刺话伤害了他的自尊心,令他很生气近义词 kid小孩joke笑话jibe嘲笑jest说笑pun双关语gag箝口物crack破裂retort反驳remark评论sally俏皮话epigram警句witticism妙语pleasantry幽默banter轻松说笑wisecrack俏皮话one-liner俏皮话bon mot珠玑妙语

用作动词The chairmanquippedthat he would rather sell his airline than his computer systems.董事长风趣的说道,比起他的计算机系统,他宁愿卖掉他的航空公司。用作名词He ended his speech with a merryquip.他以十分风趣的话结束了演讲。noun.witty communication, often verbal
同义词 banter,gag,gibe,pleasantry,pun,repartee,retort,satire,wisecrack,witticismbadinage,crack,drollery,insult,jeer,jest,joke,mockery,offense,riposte,sally,spoofbon mot
反义词 flattery,praise,seriousness
clever remarknoun witty comment
bon mot,clever comment,witticism,witty remark
comebacknoun snappy retort
answer back,back talk,impertinence,quip,rejoinder,repartee,reply,response,retaliation,riposte
cracknoun insulting joke
dig,gibe,insult,joke,quip,remark,return,smart remark,taunt,wisecrack,witticism
dignoun insult
crack,cut,cutting remark,gibe,innuendo,jeer,quip,slur,sneer,taunt,wisecrack
epigramnoun witticism
aphorism,bon mot,joke,motto,pithy saying,quip,quirk
floutverb show contempt for
affront,defy,deride,disregard,gibe,gird,insult,jeer,laugh at,mock,outrage,quip,repudiate,ridicule,scoff,scorn,slight,sneer,spurn,taunt,thumb nose at SELDOM has Harold Wilson’s quip about a week being a long time in politics seemed more apt.
哈罗德•威尔逊的名言——从政治的角度来看,一个星期是一段长时间——用在此时似乎再贴切不过。 ecocn

The system of subsidy and patronage is so generous that Saudis quip they wish they had been in Tora Bora with Osama bin Laden.
沙特政府对他们的补贴与赞助也是相当大方的,以至自嘲说他们希望这些人能够和奥萨马·本·拉登一起在多哈获得重生。 ecocn

The quip that Mrs Merkel is the only politician who can stop Barack Obama being re-elected attests both to her power and to frustration over how she wields it.
有人讽刺道,默克尔是唯一能够阻止奥巴马连任的政客,这既证明了她权力之大,也证明了大众对她行使该权利的方式的失望。 ecocn

“ Torture the data long enough and they will confess to anything,” statisticians quip.
“数据如果被折磨够久的话也会屈打成招,”统计师此言妙哉。 yeeyan

As I quip in Selfish Reasons to Have More Kids, “ No one asks to be born, but almost everyone would if he could.”
正如我在《儿女满堂的自私原因》中笑谈:“没有人要求降生,但如果可以要求的话,几乎所有人都希望这样。” yeeyan

But the bottom line, Mr Hayward: whatever else you do, resist the urge to quip“ oil’s well that ends well.”
但是唐熙华先生,不论你做什么,底线是你得忍住嘲弄“油好,一切都好”的冲动。 yeeyan

Each letter ends with a p.s. that's a catty quip about the feline in the house, a.k.a. “ The Queen.”
每封信都以一个狡猾的附言结尾——都是对屋里那只叫做“王后”的猫的讥讽。 yeeyan

Her quip, written in1962, was inspired by underemployment in South-East Asia.
她在1962年写的这句俏皮话灵感来自于东南亚的就业不足。 yeeyan

HILLARY CLINTON’S most effective quip, in her long struggle with Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination last year, was that the Oval Office is no place for on-the-job training.
在去年她与奥巴马争夺民主党提名的漫长纠缠中,希拉里克林顿最管用的一句俏皮话就是“椭圆形办公室可不是现学现用的地方”。 ecocn

In characteristic style he did so with a politically incorrect quip that drew criticism even from his supporters.
贝卢斯科尼先生以特有的方式抛出一句不正确的隽语,从而招来甚至是他的支持者的批评。 ecocn

Indeed, some quip that PAG really stands for “ Please Ask the General”.
而实际上,有人讽刺说政策执行组织真正的行动准则是“请问将军”。 ecocn

Mr Putin recently made an obscure quip, saying that, apart from himself, there have been no“ pure democrats” in the world since Mahatma Gandhi.
普京最近说了一个含糊的妙语,他说,除了他自己,自圣雄甘地 Mahatma Gandhi之后,全世界就没有一个“纯粹的民主派”。 ecocn

Now psychologists have found that his quip bears the hallmark of truth.
现在许多心理学家认为,他的这句名言承载有许多哲学真理。 yeeyan

Oh, that Ken Jennings, always quick with a quip.
噢,那个总是机敏而幽默的肯詹宁斯。 yeeyan

ONE of Barack Obama’s political problems, a popular quip has it, is that the remote, dispassionate and professorial president is just “ not very good with the humans”.
奥巴马在政治上的众多问题之一,用句流行的俏皮话一言以概之,即——那高高在上的、毫无同情心而又满是学术派头的总统“有些不食人间烟火”。 ecocn

Sadly, his contribution to matters of immigration and identity is likely to be reduced to a petulant quip during a losing campaign.
可惜的是,从工党在竞选中越来越不利的形势看,他贡献的解决移民问题及融合问题的方法可能只是一句任性的俏皮话了。 ecocn

Sarkozy transmitted his “ highest and warmest regards” to Mandelson when the latter was in Paris recently, prompting the trade commissioner to quip: “ If only he would say that in public.”
最近,当曼德尔森萨在巴黎时,萨科齐向曼德尔森转交了“最高和最热烈的问候”,这促使贸易专员讽刺地说:“要是他在公共场合这么说就好了。” yeeyan

The doctors are not entirely sympathetic: “ If there was a surgery to enlarge brains, we would offer him a free trial, ” they quip.
医生们并不太同情这个家伙,他们讽刺说:“如果有个手术能加大脑瓜的话,我们很愿意给他免费试用。” yeeyan

The quip has gained a frightening new relevance ahead of a “ great leap forward” to an economic union that can keep the markets at bay.
这句俏皮话把可能阻止市场制造更多麻烦的经济联盟和“大跃进”联系了起来。 yeeyan

Then crisis hit, lending weight to the quip“ What you see is what you get; what you don’t see gets you.”
当危机出现时,有句借贷负担的妙语“你看到什么你就能得到什么;你看不到的还是会让你看到。” ecocn

You know you are a graduate student, goes one quip, when your office is better decorated than your home and you have a favourite flavour of instant noodle.
有这么个讽刺:当你工作的办公室装修的比你家漂亮时,当你端起一碗泡面的时候,你就知道自己是一名博士生了。 ecocn




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