become quiet or quieter;The audience fell silent when the speaker entered
make calm or still;quiet the dragons of worry and fear
cause to be quiet or not talk;Please silence the children in the church!
近义词 hush肃静allay减轻quell压制calm平静的soothe缓和banish驱逐dispel驱散lull使安静silence沉默still静止的assuage缓和mollify安慰quiet安静的quiesce静默shut up关闭alleviate减轻tranquillisevicalm down使)平静fall silent沉默下来settle down安下心来tranquilize使平静quiet down使安静下来tranquillize(使镇静hush up防止 … 张扬出去…pipe down吹哨让水手下班…反义词 louden使声音变响亮…
用作动词She tried toquietenherself down.她试图使自己镇静下来。
You mustquietendown when the teacher comes into the classroom.老师来到教室时你们必须安静下来。