

单词 quieted
释义 qui·et·ed 英'kwaɪət美'kwaɪət COCA³³⁸⁵²BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

with little or no sound; not noisy or loud

不动的,静止的; 平静的,安定的

with little or no movement or disturbance


without excitement, activity or interruption


gentle; not forceful


restrained; not expressed loudly


not bright

vt. & vi. 使变平静

make become quiet

vt. 使缓解,使减轻

make less severe


the state of being quiet; quietness

a period of calm weather;

there was a lull in the storm

an untroubled state; free from disturbancesthe absence of sound;

he needed silence in order to sleep

the street was quiet

a disposition free from stress or emotion
characterized by an absence or near absence of agitation or activity;

a quiet life

a quiet throng of onlookers

quiet peace-loving people

the factions remained quiet for almost 10 years

free of noise or uproar; or making little if any sound;

a quiet audience at the concert

the room was dark and quiet

not showy or obtrusive;

clothes in quiet good taste

in a softened tone;

hushed voices

muted trumpets

a subdued whisper

a quiet reprimand

of a body of water free from disturbance by heavy waves;

a ribbon of sand between the angry sea and the placid bay

the quiet waters of a lagoon

a lake of tranquil blue water reflecting a tranquil blue sky

a smooth channel crossing

scarcely a ripple on the still water

unruffled water

of the sun characterized by a low level of surface phenomena like sunspots e.g.
with little or no activity or no agitation `quiet' is a nonstandard variant for `quietly';

her hands rested quietly in her lap

the rock star was quietly led out the back door

sit here as quiet as you can

become quiet or quieter;

The audience fell silent when the speaker entered

make calm or still;

quiet the dragons of worry and fear


❌ Please sit quietly in your seats.

✔️ Please sit quiet in your seats.


❌ The old man doesn't like to sit quietly.

✔️ The old man doesn't like to sit quiet.



❌ He lives in a silent street.

✔️ He lives in a quiet street.

silent主要指“不出声”“缄默的”, quiet主要指“没有吵闹和骚乱”的一种安静状态。


❌ She was a quite girl in school.

✔️ She was a quiet girl in school.


quiet, calm, peaceful, silent, still


1.在修饰环境时各词所指的状态为:calm指风平浪静; peaceful指没有战争或骚乱; quiet指没有吵闹干扰; still指完全没有声音。例如:

The sea was calm yesterday.昨天海水是平静的。
Countries should settle their disputes by peaceful means.各国应通过和平手段解决他们的争端。
Differences among them could have been reconciled by them through peaceful consultations.他们中间的分歧本来可以由他们和平协商调解。
He had a bad headache and needed being quiet.他头疼得厉害,需要安静。
Everything was deadly still.万籁俱寂。

2.在修饰人时:calm指人心平气和,毫不激动; peaceful表示“安详的”“温和的”; quiet指性情温和、安静等,有时也指人的闲散或不活动; still指“一动不动”; silent侧重“沉默”“不说话”,但不一定不动。例如:

The teacher is peaceful when the student appeared.当这个学生出现时,这个老师很温和。
We should keep quiet in the hospital.在医院里我们应该保持安静。
His hands were never still.他的双手一刻也不停。
We've been silent for too long. It's time to speak out.我们沉默得太久了,现在是大胆地发表意见的时候了。
She sat silent in her own room.她在自己的房间里一动不动地坐着。
at quiet, in quiet, on the quiet

这三个短语意思并不相同:at quiet的意思是“安定地”; in quiet的意思是“安静地”; 而on the quiet的意思是“秘密地”。

quiet, quietness, quietude

这三个词都可作“寂静,平静,清静”解。其区别在于:quiet表示事物的状态或气氛; quietness指人或物所展示出来的一种品质; quietude则表示人的习惯。例如:

After a busy week in London, he looked forward to the peace and quiet of his country home.在伦敦忙碌了一周之后,他渴望乡下家里宁静的生活氛围。
We were surprised at the quietness of his manner and gentleness of speech.我们为他那文静的举止和亲切的话语而感到惊讶。
Quietude is out of fashion in these days.如今清静不流行了。quiet,calm,silent,still,noiseless,peaceful,serene









用作形容词 adj.
副词+~absolutely quiet绝对安静quite quiet相当安静用作动词 v.~+名词quiet sb's suspicions消除某人的疑虑quiet the engine使发动机熄火quiet the headache使头痛减轻quiet the students让学生们安静下来~+副词quiet moodily心情平静quiet uncommonly极其平静quiet utterly完全平静quiet oneself/sb down让自己〔某人〕平静下来~+介词quiet from使平静用作名词 n.动词+~enjoy the quiet享受安静的乐趣disturb the quiet打破寂静形容词+~perfect quiet完全安静public quiet社会的安定介词+~at quiet平静live in quiet过安静的生活a piece of quiet一段平静的时期on the quiet秘密地out of quiet心烦意乱
用作形容词adj.as quiet as a mouse〔grave〕

非常宁静 very quiet

quiet down v.+adv.

使安静,使平静 (cause to become calmer; stop)

quiet downThe city quieted down after the disturbances.骚乱过后,这座城市平静了。
Things quieted down and all around was still.万物逐渐安静下来,四周一片寂静。
The storm quieted down.暴风雨停了。
The excitement is quieting down.兴奋的情绪渐渐平静下来。quiet sb/oneself/sth ⇔ downYou should quiet the children down.你应该让孩子们静下来。
He quieted himself down.他很快让自己平静下来。
See if you can quiet the dog down, it's annoying the neighbours with its noise.看你是否能使狗安静下来,它吵得左邻右舍都不安宁。用作名词n.at quiet

安定地 stably; quietly

on the quiet

悄悄地,偷偷地,秘密地 secretly; unobtrusively

近义词 mildeaserestpeacesilentstablegentlepacificrestfulsilencepeacefulnoiselesssoundlessadj. calmspeechlessstationarysteadyv.calmn. calmness反义词 busytalkynoiseactiveexcitedtroubleddisturbedadj. noisyruffledn. disturbance
~+ n.It was a warm, quiet, drowsy afternoon.那是一个暖和、寂静而令人昏昏欲睡的下午。
It is in a quiet, desirable neighborhood that they live.他们住在一个安静、理想的区域。
He lived in a quiet village near the sea.他住在海边的一个僻静的村子里。
It's a quiet street.这是条宁静的街道。
The quiet decor of her home made her feel comfortable and at ease.她家里淡雅的装饰使她感到舒适。
My parents are quiet people.They never go out in the evening.我父母是爱静的人,他们晚上从不出门。
The children's quiet behaviour was unusual.孩子们沉静无声的行为异乎寻常。
Can I have a quiet word with you?我能私下和你谈几句吗?
He may have domestic problems; I'll have a quiet word with him.他也许碰上了家庭难题,我要和他私下谈谈。
S+be+~Be quiet!I'm telephoning.小声点!我正在打电话。
Everything was quiet.一切都很安静。
The downstairs rooms are not as quiet as the upstairs ones.楼下房间没有楼上房间安静。
There was no wind and everything was quiet.没有风,一片寂静。
She put her finger to her lips as a sign to be quiet.她将手指放在唇上示意安静。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseShe is quiet in her demeanor.她举止文静。
I've decided to resign but I'd prefer you to keep quiet about it.我已决定辞职,但我希望你对这事保密。S+be+~+that-clauseIt was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.安静得连掉一根针的声音都听得见。
They came back quiet and cheerless.他们回来了,闷闷不乐。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.The principal tried to quiet the students.校长试图让学生们安静下来。
Boon walked in and quieted the engine.布恩走进来,关掉发动机。
The aspirin seems to quiet the headache.阿司匹林似乎使头痛减轻了。
He quieted my suspicions.他消除了我的疑虑。
The frightened child was quieted by his mother.妈妈正在安慰那个受惊吓的孩子。
The crying boy must bequieted.那个正哭的孩子必须得到安慰。用作名词n.Quiet is requested for the benefit of those who have retired.为了那些退休人员,请大家安静。
He had a bad headache and needed quiet.他头疼得厉害,需要安静。
I enjoy the quiet of the country.我喜欢乡间的宁静。
There was peace and quiet for some time after this storm.这次暴风雨过后有一段宁静。
He spent a whole month just kicking around the countryside, enjoying the peace and quiet.他在乡下随意闲游了整整一个月,享受着宁静的生活。
His letter disturbed my quiet.他的信扰乱了我平静的心情。
I'd like a few hours of quiet after the day's work.一天工作之后,我倒喜欢清闲几个钟头。
In the quiet of studio it sounded like a pistol shot.在寂静的画室里,那声音听上去像有人在开手枪。
Quiet was restored throughout the town.全镇恢复了安定。








用作形容词When you are in a library, you must bequiet.当你在图书馆时,你必须保持安静。
Please keepquietwhile others are studying.在别人学习的时候,请保持安静。
His health has turned all the better for him after aquietholiday abroad.在国外度过一个宁静的假期,他的健康状况有所好转。
Everything wasquietunder the blinking stars.在这闪耀的星光底下,一切都很平静。用作名词Leave me alone. I just want some peace andquiet.别理我,我只想安静一下。
There was such a world of hereditaryquietin her.她身上有一种先天的娴静气质。
The cure for this lies in admitting the part of sane andquietenjoyment in a balanced ideal of life.解决的方法在于承认平衡的理想生活中健全闲适的享受的重要。
He was the bard of the farmers and workers of New England and hisquietverse mirrored the staid New Hampshire countryside.他是新英格兰农民和工人的歌唱者,他的闲适的诗歌反映着新罕布什尔宁静的农村生活。用作及物动词I am well aware that nothing else willquietTom.我很清楚,别的任何办法都不能使汤姆罢休。
The principal tried toquietthe students.校长试图让学生们安静下来。用作不及物动词When hequieteddown, I began to tell him the truth.当他平静下来时,我开始告诉他实情。 A couple of weeks later, things have quieted down at the Gerdes house.
几周以后,我家慢慢归于平静。 qeto

As soon as the curtain rose, the audience quieted down.
大幕一拉开,观众顿时安静下来。 bangkaow

By the time of writing down the title of this essay, I had completely quieted down.
刚刚写上这篇随笔的标题,我就完全平静了。 blog.sina.com.cn

The audience quieted like the dying of a huge fan.
观众们安静下来,就象一架巨扇慢慢停下来一样。 kuenglish

The enemy quieted themselves a while, planning to launch another fierce attack.
敌人暂时平静了下来,企图发起更大的进攻。 nfjy

The storm quieted down at last.
暴风雨终于过去了。 hotdic

The storm quieted down at last.

The story of how these ties were forged dates back to the middle of the last century, sometime after the guns of war had quieted in the Pacific.
这些关系的历史可追溯到上个世纪中叶,太平洋地区的战火熄灭后不久。 putclub

After things quieted down at training camp, Lakers owner Jerry Buss stirred them up again by saying he would listen to trade offers for Bryant.
训练营事件平息下来后,湖人老板巴斯又把它挑起来,声称科比的交易并非那么不可能。 tianya

It's a Draconian measure, but along with curfews, the injunction has quieted the streets considerably.
这是一项严厉的措施,并同时实行宵禁,因此这项禁令使街头巷尾宁静了许多。 yeeyan

Perhaps also the fanaticism and emptiness of the orthodoxy of the Kantians and Hegelians who were his first masters in America stirred in him a revolt which has not yet quieted down.
也或许康德与黑格尔他在美国的最早的老师的正统思想的那种异想天开和空虚无聊,刺激他造了反,至今还没有平静下来。 blog.sina.com.cn

She quieted down and we got home.
她静了下来,我们到家了。 yeeyan

Suddenly the girl quieted down and with curiosity began looking all around.
小女孩突然静了下来,用好奇的眼光开始观察四周。 zftrans

The cicadas quieted.
蝉声安静下来。 yeeyan

The city quieted down after the political disturbances.
政治骚动后这座城市平静了下来。 huixue

The situation has quieted.

The storm quieted down.
暴风雨平静了。 hotdic

The students quieted as Yoda approached.
学生们渐渐安静下来。 starwarsfans.cn

Then, to everyone's amazement, he quieted down.
后来,令大家吃惊的是,它居然安静了下来。 blog.sina.com.cn

We are encouraged that talk of sending foreign forces into Libya— a very bad idea — has quieted.
作为下下之策——向利比亚派遣地面部队的会谈暂时搁浅倒使我们倍受鼓舞。 yeeyan

When the teacher walked in, the class quieted down.
当教员走进来时,教室里安静下来。 hotdic




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