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词汇 quiescence
释义 qui·es·cence 英kwaɪ'ɛsns美kwaɪ'ɛsns 高GCOCA⁷¹⁰⁸⁹BNC⁴⁶⁵²²iWeb⁴⁷¹⁰²Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

a state of quiet but possibly temporary inaction;

the volcano erupted after centuries of dormancy

quiet and inactive restfulnessquiescent静止的system quiescence系统停止release quiescence解除休止radio quiescence无线电静默
词根记忆qui+escence开始…的=产生静=静止近义词 calm平静的inertia惯性latency潜伏dormancy休眠stillness静止inertness惰性rest剩余的部分stagnation停滞sleeping睡着的inactivity不活动sluggishness惯性quiescency静止状态沉寂…

用作名词The sales-force of enterprise was taken as an example to illustrate the characteristic of thequiescenceand the potential influencing factors.以企业营销人员作为研究对象,说明了其静止状态的特徵,以及可能刺激这种状态的因素。noun.(repose
同义词 calm,dormancy,inaction,inactivity,quiet,rest
反义词 action
abeyancenoun being inactive or suspended
discontinuation,dormancy,inactivity,intermission,latency,postponement,recess,remission,suspension,temporarily deferred,waiting
abeyancynoun abeyance
dormancynoun abeyance
inactionnoun state of doing nothing
intermissionnoun break, recess
abeyance,abeyancy,breakoff,breather,breathing spell,cessation,doldrums,dormancy,downtime,interim,interlude,interregnum,interruption,interval,latency,layoff,letup,lull,parenthesis,pause,quiescence,quiescency,respite,rest,spell,stop,stoppage,suspense,suspension,time,time-out,wait
interruptionnoun break;interference
abeyance,abeyancy,arrest,blackout,breach,breakoff,cessation,check,cutoff,delay,disconnection,discontinuance,disruption,dissolution,disturbance,disuniting,division,doldrums,dormancy,gap,halt,hiatus,hindrance,hitch,impediment,interim,intermission,interval,intrusion,lacuna,latency,layoff,letup,obstacle,obstruction,parenthesis,pause,quiescence,rift,rupture,separation,severance,split,stop,stoppage,suspension Because image material is important in the multimedia courseware, this article focuses on the quiescence image and active image and the technology of their collection.
图像素材在多媒体课件中占据较为重要的地位,本文主要论述了多媒体课件中静止图像、活动图像素材的格式及其采集技术。 cnki

It is demonstrated that the most earthquakes were occurred during anomaly quiescence and far from the anomaly areas after the regional anomaly concentration.
与地震活动的联系表明,地震多发生在区域异常集中出现后的异常平静时,且远离异常集中区。 cnki

It is discovered that the duration time of quiescence episodes in each active period reduces in a non-linear manner.
发现在每个地震活动期里地震平静幕的持续时间以非线性方式衰减。 cnki

Observation of a delayed flowering phenotype in lines over- expressing SUB1A led to the finding that inhibition of floral initiation is a component of the quiescence survival strategy in rice.
过量表达 SUB1A的株系表现出开花延迟,说明对花的发生的抑制是水稻静止存活策略的一种形式。 ricedata

The Eurasian seismic belt still remained in extreme quiescence.
亚欧地震带仍保持非常平静的状态。 cnki

Before west to Kunlun Mountain Pass MS8.1 earthquake, the anomaly coupling phenomena of seismicity quiescence in large area, high b value, high modulation and low entropy value appeared obviously.
昆仑山口西8.1地震前明显地出现大区域地震活动平静、高 b值、高调制、低熵值的异常配套现象。 cnki

For modern democracy has rediscovered what the emperors knew: grotesque entertainments guarantee the quiescence of the populace.
因为现代民主再次证实了帝王们的共识:怪诞的娱乐能使民众安于平静。 weibo

Furthermore, we show that gases sampled immediately after the eruption have metal concentrations that are orders of magnitude higher than those of gases emitted during periods of quiescence.
此外,我们还展示新喷发的火山气样本中的金属富集高于其静止期释放的火山气样本好几个数量级。 soudoc

If Edgar Linton meets me, I shall not hesitate to knock him down, and give him enough to insure his quiescence while I stay.
如果埃德加·林惇遇见我,我将毫不犹豫地一拳打倒他,在我待在那儿的时候保证给他足够的时间休息。 putclub

If supposing the middle mass is quiescence, the transmission loss curve is mainly influenced by acoustic mode inside the acoustic enclosure and the acoustic enclosure's structure mode.
若不考虑中间质量的振动传递,隔声罩透射损失主要受罩内声腔模态和罩板结构模态的影响。 cnki

In this paper, the variations of duration time of seismic quiescence episodes in North China seismic region are studied.
本文研究了华北地震区地震平静幕持续时间的变化。 cnki

In established cases rheumatoid arthritis there are periods of activity and periods of quiescence.
如确定是类风湿关节炎,其活动期与静止期往往交替出现。 soudoc

Like members of other oppressed groups, Jane nurses sentiments which belie her apparent quiescence: “ I did not love my servitude” p.508.

The Eurasian seismic belt still remained in quiescence.
亚欧带仍保持平静。 cnki

The fact that the trouble coincided with Ramadan might—or might not— be a factor in this quiescence.
事实上与斋月同时发生的麻烦在某种程度上确实是一种诱因。 renren

The seismicity of the western part of the Eurasian belt remained in quiescence.
亚欧带西段地震活动发展停滞。 cnki

The predicting methods used are multiplied periodicity, criterion of activity in quiescence and the geophysical disaster chain.
所用的预测方法是倍周期性、静中动判据和地球物理灾害链。 dictall

The relative distance between the homologous genes was greater at proliferation phase than at quiescence phase.
同源基因之间的相对距离在增殖期明显大于静止期。 cnki




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