

单词 quickest
释义 quickest 英kwɪkɪst美kwɪkɪst 高COCA²³⁵³⁸BNC¹⁷⁶⁴²Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
most quickly近义词 fastest最快的

用作形容词Thequickestway to sew is with a sewing machine.最快的缝纫办法是用缝纫机。
Which animal is thequickestof the three?哪个动物是这三个里跑得最快的?adj.fast, speedy
同义词 abrupt,active,agile,brief,brisk,cursory,energetic,expeditious,hasty,hurried,immediate,instantaneous,keen,nimble,rapid,sudden,swiftalert,express,fleet,flying,going,promptASAP,a move on,accelerated,animated,breakneck,curt,double time,expeditive,harefooted,headlong,impatient,impetuous,lively,mercurial,move it,on the double,perfunctory,posthaste,pronto,snappy,spirited,sprightly,spry,the lead out,winged
反义词 clumsy,delayed,idle,inactive,later,lazy,leisurely,slow,sluggish,unhurriedignorant,stupid,uneducatedadj.smart
同义词 vigorous,effective,deft,able,active,wise,ready,sharp,keenknowing,acute,prompt,slick,adept,whiz,savvyadroit,apt,astute,bright,canny,capable,clever,competent,dexterous,discerning,effectual,intelligent,on the ball,perceptive,perspicacious,quick-witted,receptive,shrewd,skillful,wired,all there,nimble-witted,quick on the draw,quick on the trigger,quick on the uptake,sharp as a tack,smart as a whip
反义词 dull,blunt,slow,inept,weakuneducated,sluggishclumsy,unintelligent,ignorant,lazy,stupid,useless,ineffective,inactive,impotent,idle I’m dieting from a short term framework where I try and achieve my results the quickest way possible; then applying a more long- term approach afterwards.
我会按照可能最快完成我要的效果的方法来做为我的饮食计划大纲,然后进一步运用更适合长期执行的方法。 yeeyan

In the first race we were quick enough to qualify at the front and in the second race we had our cars third and fifth on the grid, but we were not quickest in terms of overall race pace.
我们的车足够快,在第一场比赛中获得第一第二及在第二场比赛中获得第三和第五当之无愧,但我们的车并不是所有赛车中最快的。 yeeyan

The attraction of franchising is that it is the quickest way to expand.
特许经营的优势是它是最快的一种扩张方式。 ecocn

The quickest approach is to look at what customers currently do, or look at historical case studies that bear some similarity to your idea.
最快的方法是看一下客户目前的做法,或通过历史案例研究,以此来证明与你的相似。 yeeyan

“ Energy efficiency would do the most, the quickest” to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released from fuel combustion in China, he says.
他说,节能在降低中国因燃料燃烧所排放的二氧化碳总量方面“将发挥最重要的作用,取得最快的效果”。 worldbank

Ask these same drivers where the closest gas station is, or what's the quickest route to downtown, and they'll know.
但是问问这些司机最近的加油站在哪里,或者去市中心最快的路,他们都知道。 yeeyan

Because their mates were getting back first, they were getting back quickest.
由于他们的队友都第一个回去,他们回去的最快。 yeeyan

But they worked out that to take a route through a city, always take as many right turns as possible, even if the route is a bit longer, because that's going to be quickest.
但是,他们计算出通过一个城市的路线,始终尽可能多地向右转,即使这条路线会多远一点儿,因为这样做是最快的。 yeeyan

Consumer prices in China rose at the quickest pace in three years, by 5.5% in May from a year earlier.
中国消费价格连续三年以最快的速度腾飞,五月的数据较去年同期同比增长5.5%。 ecocn

Figure out the quickest, cheapest way to do something market-facing to start the iterative process that so frequently typifies innovation.
面向市场需求,找出最快、最便宜的方式,开始逐次迭代的过程,也就是人们常说的创新。 yeeyan

However, in some instances it is the quickest way to achieve a goal.
但是,在有些情况下这是达到目标最快的一种方式。 ibm

In general, their goal is typically very simple, considering their technical experience: to seize control of a system or group of systems using the quickest and easiest techniques available.
总的来说,根据他们的技术经验,他们的目标通常很简单:使用最快最简单的技术获得对单个或一组系统的控制。 ibm

In times of expansion and technological advances, these fields also grow the quickest.
并且,由于技术进步、产业扩张,这些领域也是发展最快的。 yeeyan

It is the cheapest and quickest way of achieving an insignificant reduction.
这是最廉价和最快捷地实现微不足道的碳减排的方法。 yeeyan

Later on, they also will realize that the quickest way to a good credit rating is a history of regular, successful savings.
以后,他们会认识到最快获得好的信誉级别的方式是通过日常的一系列成功储蓄。 yeeyan

Oatmeal before bed is the quickest way to the sleep, because oatmeal stimulates the production of melatonin in the body at night.
睡前食用燕麦片是最快进入睡眠的方法,因为燕麦片刺激身体在晚间产生褪黑素。 yeeyan

So industries are exploring options for quickest go to market with support for flexibility and responsiveness, where BPM can play a major role.
因此各个行业正在探索支持灵活性和响应能力的最快上市选择,而 BPM可以扮演主要角色。 ibm

Studies show that one of the quickest and surest ways to boost your mood is to exercise.
有研究表明,使你变得积极快乐的最快,最有效的方法之一就是运动。 yeeyan

That’s the quickest way to end this.
这才是终结这场战争的最快方式。 ecocn

The quickest way to de- simplify your code in any language, however, is to write too much of it at once.
不过,用任何语言反简化代码的最快方式都是一次编写大量的代码。 ibm

These financial pressures all feed into higher rates of investment, which is the quickest way for cities to expand their economies and increase their revenue.
这些财政上的压力导致了更高速的投资,因为这是扩张城市规模和增加收入的最快方法 ecocn

These two types of retrievals are the quickest, as no additional data structures have to be built.
这两种检索类型是最快的,因为它们不需要构建额外的数据结构。 ibm

They have to learn not only the streets, landmarks and hotels, but also the quickest way to get there.
他们必须学习不仅是街道,建筑物及酒店,而且最快的方式到达那里。 ebigear

They seemed anxious to get out of the sight of the houses and of their kind, and this road appeared to offer the quickest means of doing so.
他们似乎要急于避开挡住他们视线的那些房屋和诸如此类的建筑,而从这条大路走似乎为他们提供了一条最快的捷径。 ebigear

This is perhaps why Poland has been quickest to embrace shale gas; it trusts Russia as it would trust a bear to guard a picnic hamper.
这也许就是为什么波兰成为最快接受页岩天然气开发的国家。相信俄罗斯,那就是相信一头熊也能保卫野餐篮。 ecocn

Users can get results based on the quickest, cheapest or greenest options using a variety of methods of transport, including air, rail and taxi.
网站通过显示不同的交通方式,包括飞机、铁路和出租车,可以使用户得到基于“最快”、“最便宜”或“最环保”的搜索结果。 yeeyan

Using them as a basis for writing your own installer is the quickest approach to getting a working installer.
以它们为基础编写自己的安装程序,这是获得一个可运行的安装程序的最快方法。 ibm




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