

单词 quickening
释义 quickening 英'kwɪkənɪŋ美'kwɪkənɪŋ 高COCA⁴⁸²⁹¹BNC⁵¹⁹²⁷iWeb⁴¹³⁵⁵Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
the process of showing signs of life;

the quickening of seed that will become ripe grain

the stage of pregnancy at which the mother first feels the movements of the fetusthe act of accelerating; increasing the speedquicken使加快
蒋争熟词记忆quicken加快-ing…的⇒加快的quicken加快-ing…的⇒加快的近义词 speedup加速增速acceleration加速

用作形容词With thequickeningof the urban modernization, the city scale of Qingdao expands rapidly.随着现代化城市建设进程的加快,青岛的城市规模迅速膨胀。
Along with thequickeningof urbanization, the number of farmers who have lost their land is increasing day by day.随着城市化进程的加快,失地农民数量日益增多。
Let us believe that God's Word is indeed full of aquickeningpower that will make us strong, gladly to expect and receive great things from God.让我们相信,神的话充满了复苏的力量,这种力量能使我们变得坚强,并能欣然期盼和接受神的恩赐。
In the increased vibration, thequickeningof movement of the molecular structure allows for the records to be reviewed and then released and erased for good.在振动的增加中,细胞结构活泼的运作容许记录被检查,而随后被永久地释放与抹除。用作名词This so calledquickeningwas formerly believed to be the moment when life entered the new body.从前,人们认为这个称之为胎动的现象为生命进入身体的时候。adj.(stimulating
同义词 animating,appealing,arousing,bracing,challenging,electrifying,energizing,enlivening,exhilarating,gripping,inspiring,interesting,invigorating,moving,rousing,stirring,thrilling,titillating,vitalizing,vivifyingadrenalizing,breathtaking,hair-raising,hectic,lively,provocative,spine-tingling,thought-provoking
反义词 boring,depressing,discouraging,dull,unexciting,unstimulating,upsetting
accelerationnoun increasing speed, timing
dispatch,expedition,hastening,hurrying,speeding up,spurring,stepping up,stimulation
animatingadjective stimulating
bracingadjective brisk;exhilarating
exhilaratingadjective stimulating, cheering
exhilarationnoun great happiness, excitement
a rush,animation,cheerfulness,delight,elation,electrification,elevation,enlivenment,euphoria,exaltation,excitation,firing,gaiety,galvanization,gladness,gleefulness,head rush,high spirits,hilarity,inspiration,invigoration,joy,joyfulness,liveliness,mirth,quickening,sprightliness,stimulation,uplift,vitalization,vivacity,vivification
invigoratingadjective stimulating
aesthetic,bracing,brisk,charged,energizing,exhilarating,exhilarative,fascinating,fresh,healthful,high,hyper,interesting,lively,quickening,refreshing,rejuvenating,rejuvenative,restorative,salubrious,tonic,uplifting,vitalizing It is my task to clear away the debris of dead emotions, regrets, and petty ambitions that the quickening light may come through.
我的任务便是清除死去的情感、悔恨和卑鄙欲望的残骸,迎接加速前进的光明。 hjenglish

The developed members should help the developing ones and support them in quickening development.
发达成员应该向发展中成员提供帮助,支持发展中成员加快发展。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

The pace of change always seems to be quickening.
改革的步伐似乎总是在加快。 yeeyan

The tempo of repression is quickening.
镇压的步伐还在加快。 ecocn

And there are some real risks: higher blood pressure and a quickening of heartbeats.
但是也有一些切实的风险:高血压,心跳加速。 yeeyan

Hill's mission to China and Russia, following his Washington meeting earlier this week with South Korean and Japanese envoys, reflects a quickening pace in the nuclear talks.
希尔前往中国和俄罗斯,以及他此前在本周早些时候与韩国以及日本特使的会晤,显示出北韩核项目问题会谈的步伐正在加快。 ebigear

In other fields like cereals, overseas investors were quickening their pace and spending more money on buying Chinese enterprises, he said.
在其他领域,例如谷类,海外投资者也加快了他们的步伐并且在收购中国企业上加大了投资,他指出。 putclub

Indeed, the growth of Facebook itself to more than half a billion users since2004 is just one symptom of an apparently ever- quickening world.
事实上,自2004年以来脸普网自身增长到五亿多用户仅仅是一个表面上世界不断加快的症状。 yeeyan

It had been an idle and joyful celebration, but the quickening onset of dusk with its long-fingered and persecuting shadows provokes a sense of malaise.
这是一个悠闲欢快的庆典,但是黄昏的加速开始和它不断拉长的阴影引起一种不安的感觉。 yeeyan

It is truly a time of quickening, amplification and indeed celebration.
它真的是加速、放大和值得庆祝的一年。 blog.sina.com.cn

Loyalists insist that Mr Brown can revive Labour’s fortunes by leading Britain out of recession, quickening reform of public services and overhauling politics.
忠实的拥护者们坚持布朗先生只要带领英国走出经济衰退,加快公共服务改革,以及刷新政治就可以复兴工党。 ecocn

News over the Christmas period will not have cheered Brown, as economists expressed surprise at the quickening pace of the economy's shrinking.
圣诞节期间的新闻不会令布朗雀跃,正如经济学家们对加速的经济紧缩所表现的惊讶一样。 yeeyan

Owing to the quickening pace of life, competition goes increasingly fierce in all walks of life, stimulating everyone to pursue one goal after another.
由于生活节奏的加快,各行各业的竞争日趋激烈,激励每个人去追求一个又一个的目标。 ebigear

Retinoids are a type of vitamin A that speeds up cell division quickening your skin's renewal and prevent skin collagen from breaking down.
类维生素 A是维生素 A的一种,可加速细胞分裂加快皮肤的更新,防止皮肤胶原蛋白的破坏。 hjenglish

The season does induce a quickening of the blood and a heightening of human kind’s sensual pleasures.
这个季节的确会加速血液循环、提高人们感官的兴奋程度。 putclub

The technology, they warned, posed a danger of quickening the spread of nuclear weapons because of the likely difficulty of detecting clandestine plants.
他们警告说,这项技术有加速核武器扩散的危险,因为很可能难以发觉秘密工厂。 yeeyan

These decentralized threats grow out of the widening spread and quickening pace of globalization and are magnified by it.
全球化的日渐扩张和日益加速使这些分散的威胁呈愈演愈烈的态势。 yeeyan

This is designed to probe the nature of“ dark energy”, which is thought to be responsible for the quickening expansion of the universe that Hubble helped bring to the world’s attention.
这个项目被设计用于探索“暗能量”的本质——“哈勃”让世界意识到宇宙正在加速膨胀,而暗能量被认为是这一现象的成因。 yeeyan

With the quickening of RMB reforms, Shanghai is also scrambling to devise new RMB backflow methods.
随着人民币改革的加快,上海也纷纷制定了新的人民币回流方法。 yeeyan

Quickening his pace, he soon left all the other runners behind.




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