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词汇 quick
释义 quick 英kwɪk美kwɪkAHDkwĭk


moving fast or doing sth in a short time


done in a short time

灵活的,灵敏的; 伶俐的,机警的

lively; active; alert


easily roused; sensitive


intelligent; competent

快地; 迅速地

fast; quickly


soft tender flesh, especially below the fingernails

any area of the body that is highly sensitive to pain as the flesh underneath the skin or a fingernail or toenail
accomplished rapidly and without delay;

was quick to make friends

his quick reaction prevented an accident

hoped for a speedy resolution of the problem

a speedy recovery

he has a right to a speedy trial

hurried and brief;

paid a flying visit

took a flying glance at the book

a quick inspection

a fast visit

moving quickly and lightly;

sleek and agile as a gymnast

as nimble as a deer

nimble fingers

quick of foot

the old dog was so spry it was halfway up the stairs before we could stop it

apprehending and responding with speed and sensitivity;

a quick mind

a ready wit

performed with little or no delay;

an immediate reply to my letter

a prompt reply

was quick to respond

a straightaway denial

easily aroused or excited;

a quick temper

a warm temper

with little or no delay;

the rescue squad arrived promptly

come here, quick!


❌ He's quick in learning languages.

✔️ He's quick at learning languages.


❌ He was clever and quick in sketching.

✔️ He was clever and quick at sketching.

表示“在…上敏捷”“在…上聪明”时, quick后面的介词一般用at,不用in。


❌ The speed of the car was very quick.

✔️ The speed of the car was very high.

修饰speed不用quick, slow,而用high, low。


❌ Please give me a fast answer.

✔️ Please give me a quick answer.


❌ This is a fast acting medicine.

✔️ This is a quick acting medicine.

fast一般指运动着的人或物体的速度快; quick一般指动作敏捷和迅速,在较短时间内完成或发生某个动作。


❌ He has a fast temper.

✔️ He has a quick temper.


❌ He is fast-tempered.

✔️ He is quick-tempered.


quick, fast, hasty, rapid, sudden, swift


1.quick指运动动作发生或完成的迅速、敏捷,强调的是单一动作的突然性或短暂性,也指才智和反应的敏捷和灵敏; swift意为“快”或“突然发生”,所指的运动速度最高,同时强调运动的平稳潇洒和轻捷、不费力气等,有时带文学色彩,为较正式的用语; fast多指运动的物体,位置移动的迅速,强调物体运动的方式; rapid是正式用语,多指运动本身,强调运动的高速度,所指的速度有时有“对人有益”的含义,常常可与fast互换使用,但语气比fast强; hasty指“草率,匆忙”; sudden则指“突然”。

2.swift, fast和rapid一般都指运动的速度,通常动作都有持续性和连续性。hasty一般都不指运动的速度。例如:

He gave me a quick response to my question.他对我的问题给出了迅速的回答。
The swift fading of autumn into winter.秋色迅速退去,随而进入冬天。
The fast train was exchanged for a local one.快车被换成了慢车。
He made such rapid progress that his parents were very glad.他取得了如此快的进步,以至于他的父母都很高兴。
She's too hasty—if she would only think before speaking she wouldn't have so much trouble.她太性急了,要是她讲话之前多考虑一下,就不会有那么多麻烦了。
A sudden clap of thunder woke me.一阵突然的雷声把我惊醒了。quick, fleet


1.fleet强调走得快、跑得快、飞得快等; quick则不仅指包括“走”“跑”“飞”等在内的动作迅速,还指能在瞬间或在短时间内完成许多事,含有匆忙、仓促的意味。例如:

That is a fleet horse.那是匹快马。
My quick action earned me his praise.我的行动敏捷,受到他的赞扬。

2.fleet也可指时间或事物是短暂的、转眼即逝的; quick还可指智力等方面反应敏捷、灵敏,此时,其后可接of或at短语,还可以接动词不定式。例如:

That is a fleet imagination in his mind.那是在他头脑中一闪而过的想象。
He is quick of sight.他目光锐利。下面两个句子的意思相同:

He is quick of understanding.

He is quick to understand.他理解力强。
quick, quickly

副词quick和副词quickly意思上差别不大,非正式口语中多用quick。另外, quick表示的“迅速”侧重指行动前不耽误时间; 而quickly表示的“迅速”侧重指动作速度快。例如:

As we get older the years seem to pass more quickly.随着我们年纪越来越大,日子好像过得更快了。
The train will get you there quicker than the bus.乘火车到那里去比乘公共汽车快。quick, early, shortly, soon

这组词的共同意思是“不久”“即刻”“快”。其区别在于:early常指时间比原来或通常早些; quick含有匆忙、仓促之意; soon指在某一特定时间过现在之后不久,多用于将来时或过去时,通常放在句末或主要动词之前; shortly与soon同义,但比soon更郑重,常用于新闻报道等。例如:

You have to think quick with the mind and act quick with the body.你必须脑子转得快,行动也得快。
I came early, and had to wait for others, but soon after five o'clock they appeared.我来得早,得等其他人,可是刚过5点他们就都来了。
Shortly after that, the police arrived.那事情发生不久警察就到了。当体说I am hurt to the quick我的心被深深刺伤了,你是在使用quick的原义,就如圣经中的一个短语the quick and the dead生者与死者的quick 一样。quick一词在古英语里拼作cwicu,原义是living/alive活着的,活的,所以在从前livestock牲畜叫做quickstock。 mercury水银称quicksilver,因为它好像是有生命的;而hedge树篱叫做quick fence,有别于stone fence石栏和wooden fence木栏,那是因为hedge会生长的缘故。quick lime是“生石灰”,quick wine是“冒泡闪亮的酒”,the quick则指“有感觉的活肉”,尤指“指甲下的嫩肉”。此外,quick的原义还反映在quick with child感到胎动一语中。
以后,quick的词义从living/alive逐渐转为lively充满生气的,活泼的,到了13世纪才转为表示swift迅速的。这一变化过程是比较自然的,正如人们今天在口语中也常常用短语look alive/lively,step lively等叫人行动敏捷点一样。一般认为,早先列车员或公共汽车售票员常爱对乘客说“Step lively”或“Be quick”是促成这一词义变化的因素之
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词quick temper急性子~+介词quick about one's work活做得挺快quick at arithmetic在算术方面很灵敏quick at doing things做事快,做事手脚麻利quick at learning new things新东西学得快quick at picking up a new language很快学会一种新语言quick in temper性子急quick of hearing耳朵灵quick of sight眼尖quick on one's feet跑得快quick with one's hands手巧用作副词 adv.动词+~get quick迅速地得到go out quick快出去run quickest跑得最快think quick脑子转得快用作名词 n.介词+~to the quick触到敏感的部位,触及痛处,彻头彻尾cut sb to the quick深深地伤害某人
用作形容词 quick at

对…很机敏 be swift at sth; be lively at sth

be quick at sthHe is quick at calculation.他计算的速度很快。
He is quick at arithmetic.他算术方面很灵敏。
His spelling's poor but he's quick at figures.他拼写差,但算术好。be quick at v-ingHe is quick at learning languages.他学语言学得很快。
He is quick at hearing.他的听觉很灵敏。
She is quick at taking offence.她容易生气。be quick off the mark

迅速开始 make a prompt start

be quick on uptake

学得快 be quick to learn

quick one

匆匆喝下的酒 quick drink

the quick and the dead

活着的和死去的 the living and the dead

用作名词n.cut to the quick

深深地伤害 hurt sb deeply by speaking or acting unkindly

cut sb to the quickHe cut me to the quick with that unkind remark.他那无礼的话深深地伤害了我。
She was cut to the quick by his insults.她受他侮辱而十分伤心。
When she realized that they had been laughing at her, she was cut to the quick.当她意识到他们是在嘲笑她时,她的心深受刺痛。故事记忆最近老狼 Sick病了家里只有 Brick砖块想把食物 Lick舔遇见一只 Chick小鸡专心把米 Pick啄老狼心生 Trick诡计危险时钟 Click发出咔哒声鸡妈妈拿起 Stick棍子狼跑速度 Quick快的故事记忆有一个 Chick小鸡羽毛很 Thick厚厚的一肚子 Trick诡计跳桌上 Lick舔把米饭 Pick啄被主人 Kick踢用筷子 Prick戳又拍了 Brick砖块结果就 Sick病了末日很 Quick快了非常记忆qu取〖拼音〗icIC(卡)〖编码〗+k机枪〖编码〗⇒迅速地取了IC卡买机关枪故事记忆动作 Quick迅速把只 Cock公鸡藏进 Sock袜子故事记忆一只 Chick小鸡动作 Quick快把我 Kick踢小学英语速记联想记忆:钟表的tick滴答声真quick很快的近义词 keenfastrapidswiftfleetsuddenspeedywingedclevershrewdhurried
intelligentsharpadv. abruptly反义词 slowlazydullstupidadj. longpatientadv. slowly
~+ n.He is a quick worker.他手脚很快。
His quick judgements are valueless.他的迅速判断毫无价值。
They wanted her to give them a quick answer.他们要她给他们一个迅速的答复。
He has a quick temper.他是一个急脾气。
Nothing can escape her quick ears.没有什么能逃过她灵敏的耳朵。
My son is a quick student and always has high grade.我儿子是个聪明的学生,总是得高分。n. +~Women quick with child waited there.即将分娩的产妇们等在那里。
S+be+~Be quick!快点!
Compared with other methods of learning, the learn-while-you-sleep method isquicker.与其他学习方法相比,睡觉时学习要学得快些。
Who will be therequickest?谁会最快到那里?S+be+~+ prep .-phraseShe is quick about her work.她工作敏捷。
Bring me that book, and be quick about it!快点把那本书带来。
Be quick about it.I'm in a hurry.快点儿,我得赶快。
He is quick in action.他行动很迅速。
She is quick in temper.她性情急躁。
He is quick of perception.他感觉灵敏。
He is quick of catching others' mistakes.他精于抓人家的毛病。
He was quick on his feet like a rabbit.他跑得像兔子一样快。
He was quick on the draw.他理解事物很敏捷。
She is quick with her hands.她手很灵巧。
That young teacher was too quick with her students.那位年轻教师对学生太不耐心。S+be+~+to- vHe is quick to promise.他易于应允。
He is quick to take offence.他容易发怒。
He was quick to realize his advantage.他很快就看到自己的有利条件。
Be slow to promise and quick to perform.承诺要慢,行动要快。
Henderson was quick to stop the blow.Joe failed to hit him.亨德森很快阻止了那一击,乔没能击中他。
His opponents were quick to take advantage of his mistake.他的对手很快利用了他的错误。用作副词adv.
Who ranquickest?谁跑得最快?
Everyone is trying to get rich quick nowadays.现在每个人都想快速地发财致富。
Let's go out quick.It's no good wasting time.让我们快出去,浪费时间没好处。
You have to think quick with the mind and act quick with the body.你必须脑子转得快和行动得快。
Who will be therequickest?谁将最快到达那儿?
Come as quick as you can.你要尽快来。
I'll be round as quick as I can.我将尽快回来。
The bus will get you there as quick as the train.公共汽车将像火车那样迅速地把你送到那里。用作名词n.The child bit his nails down to thequick.孩子咬指甲一直咬到肉根。
His fingernails were back into thequick.他的指甲往肉里倒长。
What you said stung to thequick.你的话触及了要害。
That picture was drawn to thequick.那幅画画得栩栩如生。Pquick-make急造Pquick-break急断Pquick-silver水银Pquicklyad.很快地Pquick-lunchn.快餐Pquicklimen.生石灰Poverquicka.过于快的Pquick-firern.速射枪Pquick-actinga.速效的Pquick-changea.速变的Pquick-eyeda.眼睛尖的Prequickenvt.重新振作Pquick-freezevt.使速冻Pquick-disconnect急分离Pquick-eareda.听觉灵敏的Pquick-operating快速操作Pquicknessn.急速迅速速度Pquicksandn.流沙危险状态Pquick-firea.急射的速射的Pquick-frozena.快速冰冻的Pquick-firinga.急射的速射的Pquick-tempereda.性急的易怒的Pdouble-quicka.很快的ad.很快地Pquick-witteda.富有机智的机敏的Pquickstepn.齐步快步进行曲快狐步舞Pquickeningn.胎动初期a.加快的活跃的Pquick-sighteda.目光灵敏的眼力锐利的慧眼的Pquickien.匆匆做成的事a.简短的迅速的突发的Pquicksetn.插活的树树篱a.树篱构成的速调的快干的Pquicksilvern.水银汞vt.涂水银于a.水银似的易变的Pquickenvt.加快激发使有生气鼓舞使复活vi.加快变活跃进入胎动期



quick在句中可用作表语或定语。用作表语时其后可接介词about, at, with或动词不定式。








用作形容词Everyone is trying to get richquicknowadays.现在每个人都想要尽快发财致富。
He gave aquickanswer to the teacher's question.他对老师的提问作出了迅速的回答。
They are pressing us to make aquickdecision.他们正在敦促我们迅速作出决定。
Come onquickor we'll be left behind.快,不然我们就掉队了。
She walked with short,quicksteps.她以小而快的步子走路。
He isquickto understand.他理解能力强。
He isquickat spying the faults of others.他敏于发现别人的错误。
Aquicksuspicion flashed across him.一丝疑惑突然产生在他的脑海里。用作副词He antidoted the poison withquickmedication.他迅速地用药物解毒。
She penned aquicknote to her mother.她迅速地给母亲写了张便条。
He snatched at the book but notquickenough.他想抢走那本书,但动作不够快。
Bequick, not a moment to be lost!快点,一刻也不能耽搁。, speedy
同义词 abrupt,active,agile,brief,brisk,cursory,energetic,expeditious,hasty,hurried,immediate,instantaneous,keen,nimble,rapid,sudden,swiftalert,express,fleet,flying,going,promptASAP,a move on,accelerated,animated,breakneck,curt,double-time,expeditive,harefooted,headlong,impatient,impetuous,lively,mercurial,move it,on the double,perfunctory,posthaste,pronto,snappy,spirited,split-second,sprightly,spry,the lead out,winged
反义词 clumsy,delayed,idle,inactive,later,lazy,leisurely,slow,sluggish,unhurriedignorant,stupid,
同义词 able,active,deft,effective,keen,ready,sharp,vigorous,wiseacute,adept,knowing,prompt,savvy,slick,whizadroit,all there,apt,astute,bright,canny,capable,clever,competent,dexterous,discerning,effectual,intelligent,nimble-witted,on the ball,perceptive,perspicacious,quick on the draw,quick on the trigger,quick on the uptake,quick-witted,receptive,sharp as a tack,shrewd,skillful,smart as a whip,wired
反义词 blunt,dull,idle,ignorant,impotent,inactive,ineffective,inept,lazy,slow,stupid,unintelligent,useless,weak,clumsysluggish,uneducated
abruptadjective happening suddenly and unexpectedly
acceleratedadjective sped up
activeadjective very involved in activity
aggressive,agile,alert,alive,animated,assiduous,bold,brisk,bustling,busy,chipper,daring,dashing,determined,dexterous,diligent,dynamic,eager,energetic,engaged,enlivened,enterprising,enthusiastic,eventful,fireball,forceful,forcible,fresh,frisky,hard-working,high-spirited,hyper,industrious,intense,inventive,jumping,keen,lively,nimble,on the move,perky,persevering,purposeful,pushing,quick,rapid,ready,resolute,sharp,sprightly,spry,whiz,zealous
adeptadjective very able
accomplished,ace,adroit,brainy,capable,clean,crack,crackerjack,deft,dexterous,expert,hot,hotshot,know stuff,masterful,masterly,no dummy,no slouch,nobody's fool,on the ball,on the beam,practiced,proficient,quick,savvy,sharp,sharp as a tack,skilled,skillful,slick,smooth,there,up to speed,versed,whiz,wizard
agileadjective physically or mentally nimble, deft
active,acute,alert,athletic,brisk,buoyant,bustling,clever,dexterous,easy-moving,energetic,fleet,frisky,limber,lithe,lively,mercurial,prompt,quick,quick on the draw,quick on the trigger,quick-witted,rapid,ready,sharp,spirited,sportive,spright,sprightly,spry,stirring,supple,swift,twinkle toes,vigorous,vivacious,winged,zippy
alertadjective attentive, lively
active,all ears,bright,cagey,careful,circumspect,clever,fast on the draw,good hands,heads up,heedful,hip,intelligent,jazzed,observant,on guard,on one's toes,on the ball,on the job,on the lookout,on the qui vive,perceptive,psyched-up,quick,ready,sharp,spirited,switched on,vigilant,wary,watchful,wide-awake,wired,wise,with it




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