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词汇 quibble
释义 quib·ble 英ˈkwɪbəl美ˈkwɪbəlAHDkwĭbʹəl ☆☆☆☆☆高四GST宝八COCA³³⁵²²BNC⁴¹⁰⁷⁶iWeb²⁴³¹⁰Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺

an evasion of the point of an argument by raising irrelevant distinctions or objections
evade the truth of a point or question by raising irrelevant objectionsargue over petty things;

Let's not quibble over pennies

源自拉丁语quibus‘whom,which’。旧时律师在翻阅拉丁文法律文件时,常在有疑点或含糊不清的地方的页边写上quibus 一词,表示质疑。16世纪从quibus产生了英语单词quib夸已废弃不用,它的意思是“模棱两可的话”或“双关语”。 17世纪时quib演变为quibble,它既可用作名词,表示“遁词”、“托词”,也可用作动词,表示“含糊其词回避问题实质”,有时也表示“为小事争吵”。quibble about争辩小分歧quibble over争辩小分歧
GRE红宝书读: 快跑. 见到有人quibble就快跑.
question + ble;拉丁语或法语中以qu开头的,如qui,que 表示疑问 + ble 指不停用疑问,对小地方吹毛求疵来逃避问题的实质;
GRE难词记忆quibble 音“瑰宝”→关键时候用遁词,是脱身的瑰宝谐音记忆quibble音“瑰宝”⇒关键时候用遁词,是脱身的瑰宝来自quipn.妙语;借口近义词 fight战斗hedge树篱differ不同bicker斗嘴cavil挑毛病nitpick挑剔brabble吵嘴quiddity本质criticize批评objection反对pettifog作讼棍equivocation模糊话niggle过分为琐事操心…squabble为琐事争论…equivocate说模棱两可的话…split hairs作无益的琐细的区别…

用作动词Don'tquibbleabout unimportant things with me.别为了琐碎的小事和我狡辩。
Stopquibblingabout the use of the comma.别再争辩逗号的用法了。
When heaven gives a sign,a wise man does notquibble.当老天爷给了启示,聪明人是决不含糊的。
Such aquibbledid not trouble Livingston and his friends.这种诡辩并没有把利文斯顿和他的朋友难倒。用作名词The onlyquibbleabout this book is the lack of colour illustrations.这本书唯一的小瑕疵就是缺少彩色图解。
She's only introducing this as aquibble.她提出此点,纯属遁词。noun.objection, complaint
同义词 nicetyartifice,cavil,criticism,dodge,duplicity,equivocation,evasion,niggle,pretense,prevarication,protest,quiddity,quirk,shift,sophism,subterfuge,subtletyhair-splitter,nit-picker
反义词 approval,directness,facing,honesty,meeting,openness,praise,realityagreement,concurrenceverb.disagree over minor issues
同义词 bicker,carp,spar,squabble,waffle,wranglealtercate,argufy,avoid,cavil,chicane,criticize,dispute,equivocate,evade,fence,flip-flop,hassle,pettifog,pretend,prevaricate,shiftargue over,blow hot and cold,catch at straws,have at it,hem and haw,hypercriticize,make a big thing about,nit-pick,paralogize,put up an argument,set to,split hairs,talk back
反义词 agree,face,meet,tell the truthapprove,concur
argueverb verbally fight
altercate,bandy,battle,bicker,break with,buck,bump heads,contend,cross,cross swords,disagree,dispute,face down,face off,feud,gang up on,get in one's face,go one-on-one,hammer,hammer away,hash,hash over,hassle,have at each other,have at it,jump,jump on,knock around,lock horns,mix it up,pettifog,pick an argument,put up a fight,put up a struggle,quarrel,rehash,row,sass,set to,sock it to,squabble,stick it to,talk back,wrangle
arguesverb verbally fight
altercates,bandies,battles,bickers,breaks with,bucks,bumps heads,contends,crosses,crosses swords,disagrees,disputes,faces down,faces off,feuds,gangs up on,gets in one's face,goes one on one,hammers,hammers away,has at each other,has at it,hash over,hashes,hassles,jumps,jumps on,knocks around,locks horns,mixes it up,pettifos,picks an argument,puts up a fight,puts up a struggle,quarrels,quibbles,rehashes,rows,sasses,sets to,socks it to,squabbles,sticks it to,talks back,wrangles
arguingverb verbally fight
altercating,bandying,battling,bickering,breaking with,bucking,bumping heads,contending,crossing,crossing swords,disagreeing,disputing,facing down,facing off,feuding,ganging up on,getting in one's face,going one on one,hammering,hammering away,hash over,hashing,hassling,having at each other,having at it,jumping,jumping on,knocking around,locking horns,mixing it up,pettifoing,picking an argument,putting up a fight,putting up a struggle,quarrelling,quibbling,rehashing,rowing,sassing,setting to,socking it to,squabbling,sticking it to,talking back,wrangling
bickerverb nastily argue
altercate,brawl,caterwaul,cause a scene,cavil,dig,disagree,dispute,fall out,fight,hassle,pick at,quarrel,quibble,row,scrap,scrape,spar,spat,squabble,tiff,trade zingers,wrangle
carpverb nag
bother,cavil,censure,complain,criticize,find fault,fuss,grumble,hypercriticize,knock,nitpick,objurgate,pan,peck,pick at,quibble,reproach
carpedverb nag
bothered,cavilled,censured,complained,criticized,found fault,fussed,grumbled,hypercriticized,knocked,nitpicked,objurgated,panned,pecked,picked at,quibbled,reproached A pragmatist might contend that this is no time to quibble about economic theories. We need measures that get proven results.
实用主义者或许会声称,现在没有时间辩论经济理论,我们需要能证明结果的措施。 ecocn

It's possible to quibble with these numbers, as you'll see when you play with the fields yourself.
当你随便考虑你自己的领域时会发现,可能用这些数字说些模棱两可的话。 yeeyan

One small quibble is the affectation in the title that this period of California's history began in1950 and ended in1963coincidentally the year of President Kennedy's assassination.
本书的标题特指1950-1963时期的加州历史,这个双关显得矫情,因为1963年正是肯尼迪被暗杀的那一年。 ecocn

Although Wenzhounese quibble about degrees of illegality, there is no question that stepping over the line can lead to serious consequences.
虽然温州人对于其合法性含糊其辞,但是毫无疑问一旦胆敢越雷池一步将会有十分严重的后果。 yeeyan

As defined, it is hard to quibble with.
按照规定,它是很难被挑毛病的。 ecocn

Businessmen quibble that they could better tap fast- growing markets in Asia if the BoJ did more to cheapen the yen.
商人们质疑如果日本央行采取更多行动让日元贬值就会在亚洲的开拓快速增长的市场的做法。 ecocn

But it was mysterious to me that the super- angels would quibble about valuations.
但是对我来说不可理解的是,超级天使会对估值很非常计较挑剔。 yeeyan

But a wise blogger once said that it's a good principle to argue about other people's main points, not to quibble over side issues.
但一睿智的博主曾经说过,辩论别人的主要论点而不是对其片面的观点吹毛求疵是一个良好的习惯。 ecocn

But let's go out on a limb and say there aren't many who would quibble with the description of China as money- obsessed.
不过,让我们冒点风险,这么说吧,如果称中国是个着迷于金钱的国家,恐怕没有多少人会有异议。 fortunechina

Each ecological disaster or problem traces its cause back to carbon. To quibble about this is really fiddling while Rome burns.
每次生态灾难或者生态问题都源于碳含量,对此如果还想为此狡辩,真可谓是大难临头却袖手旁观了。 yeeyan

Few would quibble with“ real chemistry” and more representation of natural bodies, but the idea that women like storylines and hand- holding can grate on some porn-loving women.
少数人也许会吹毛求疵诟病“真实的化学反应”和过多自然酮体的展示,不过女性们喜欢带有故事情节和手握自慰器的影片却是不争的事实。 yeeyan

Final quibble: The tobacco virus“ word” is entirely technical. Its spelling is essentially a syllabic string of abbreviations for amino acids.
最后:那个烟草病毒的“单词”完全是专业名词。它的拼写实质上是各种氨基酸的缩写所构成的一个音节串。 yeeyan

From that point of view, it is hard to quibble with Russia’s desire to protect and sanctify the memory of its millions of soldiers who fell in the fight against Nazism.
从这个观点出发,很难为俄罗斯的这种观点进行诡辩,即想要保护和尊重那些承载着在抗击纳粹中牺牲的几百万士兵的记忆。 yeeyan

Now, before organizations start to quibble over the optimal quality of service for a share service, they might want to agree on what the interface to the shared service needs to look like.
现在,在组织开始对共享服务的最优服务质量吹毛求疵前,可能会希望对共享服务接口的情况达成一致。 ibm

One small quibble is the affectation in the title that this period of California’s history began in1950 and ended in1963 coincidentally the year of President Kennedy’s assassination.
标题的矫饰包含一个小双关语—加州的这段历史跨越1950到1963年肯尼迪总统恰巧在这一年被暗杀。 ecocn

One quibble is that many investigations of genetics and behaviour have relied on participants’ retrospective reports of their earlier psychological states, which are often inaccurate.
一种反驳观点表示,许多关于基因与行为的调查是基于参加者对其早前心理状态的事后回顾报告,而这经常是不准确的。 ecocn

Pedants may quibble that only the DNA of the new beast was actually manufactured in a laboratory; the researchers had to use the shell of an existing bug to get that DNA to do its stuff.
学究们可能会诡辩道,在实验室里人工制造实际只搞出过新怪兽的 DNA。研究人员过去都得用既存的细菌的外壳来获得 DNA来做人工创造。 yeeyan

Pedants may quibble that only the DNA of the new beast was actually manufactured in a laboratory;
书呆子可能会诡辩只有新生物的 DNA是实验室制造的; ecocn

The American administration may quibble about multilateral law enforcement on some issues. But its cyber- sheriffs want an international posse, as soon as possible.
美国当局可能在某些问题的多边执法方面含糊其辞,但其网络安全官需要一个国际武装队,越快越好。 ecocn

There are several other reasons Americans can quibble over the use of GDP per head, especially with reference to Japan.
美国推托使用人均 GDP有其他的一些原因,特别是在以日本为参照的时候。 ecocn

This distinction may seem a quibble, but the yearning to pin the crisis on a handful of supposed criminals distorts the story we tell about it.
这种差别看似吹毛求疵,但想要遏制极少数嫌疑犯的欲望歪曲了我们正在讨论得故事。 yeeyan

WHETHER your purpose is to promote freedom, to curb it, or to quibble about its definition, the reports of Freedom House, an American lobby group, make good reading.
不论您的目的是促进自由、压制自由,还是为自由的定义狡辩,“自由之家”美国一游说团体的报告都是很好的阅读材料。 ecocn

You could always quibble with any study that estimates the effectiveness of one policy versus another. You can also argue circumstances change and different policies become appropriate.
你总是可以通过研究来挑剔一个政策相对另一个的有效性,也可以认为大气候的变化需要不同的政策来适应。 yeeyan




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