

单词 QUI
释义 QUI ,kjuju'aɪ 高COCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
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When Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn brought the nine-year old boy before the Council, Yoda sensed much fear in him, and felt his future was clouded.
绝地大师魁—刚·金把这个九岁大的男孩儿带到委员们的面前时,尤达感受到男孩内心的恐惧,觉得他前途未卜。 starwarschina

“ How can we discover the real factory?” Qui-Gon asked.
“那我们怎样才能发现真正的工厂呢?”魁刚问。 starwarschina

“ I am surprised to see you out of prison, ” Qui-Gon said dryly.
“的确,看到你出了监狱,很让我惊讶。”魁刚冷漠地说。 starwarsfans.cn

“ I see that you work for the Guardians, ” Qui-Gon said.
“我看出来了,你正为卫队工作,”魁刚说。 starwarsfans.cn

“ I'll check, ” Qui-Gon offered, moving to the onboard computer.
“我去查,”魁刚说着走到计算机前。 starwarsfans.cn

“ With all this information, what would your first step be?” he asked Qui-Gon.
“有了这些信息,你的第一步会是什么?”他问魁刚。 starwarsfans.cn

“ You arrest people for being late?” Qui-Gon asked mildly.
“你们会拘捕迟到的人?”魁刚温和地问。 starwarsfans.cn

“I'm afraid we don't have any, ” Qui-Gon said.
“我们暂时还没有,”魁刚答道。 starwarschina

As they came up toward the vehicle, Qui-Gon used the Force to disturb a precariously stacked column of boxes.
当他们走向运输飞船时,魁刚使用原力移动一堆松散堆放的箱子。 starwarsfans.cn

At that very moment, he also heard the voice of Qui-Gon Jinn, a Jedi Master slain a decade previous.
而就在此时,尤达也听到了在十年前遇害的绝地大师魁—刚·金的声音。 starwarschina

But Obi- Wan wouldn't venture another plan. His lips pressed together, and he shook his head. He was afraid to disappoint him again, Qui-Gon saw.
可欧比万再也不敢提出任何计划。他的嘴唇紧闭着,不断地摇头。魁刚看出来了,欧比万很怕再次让他失望。 starwarsfans.cn

Dooku tells Qui-Gon that he has one weakness: his compassion for all life.
杜库告诉魁刚他只有一个弱点,就是对所有生命的怜悯。 blog.sina.com.cn

Obi- Wan didn't nod or show any sign, but Qui-Gon knew that his apprentice was ready.
欧比万没有点头或是作出任何反应,但是魁刚心里明白他的徒弟已经准备好了。 starwarsfans.cn

There came a silence so long that Obi- Wan wondered if Qui-Gon had fallen asleep. Then his voice rose out of the darkness, soft and deep.
又是一阵长久的沉默,以至于欧比万怀疑魁刚是否睡着了。随后,魁刚的声音从黑暗中传来,柔软而低沉。 starwarschina

Though Yoda forbade Qui-Gon to train Anakin, he capitulated to the will of the Council after Qui- Gon's death.
虽然尤达禁止魁—刚训练阿纳金,但魁—刚牺牲后,他勉强屈服于委员会的意志。 starwarsfans

Through meditation, he was able to commune with the spirit of Qui-Gon Jinn.
通过冥想,他与魁—刚·金的灵魂进行了交谈。 starwarschina

Together, Dooku and Qui-Gon go on numerous missions across the galaxy.
魁刚和杜库一起穿行于星系之中,执行了无数的任务。 blog.sina.com.cn

When maverick Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn approached the Council with a prospective candidate to fulfill that prophecy, Windu was hesitant.
当特立独行的绝地大师魁—刚·金带着一个有希望实现预言的孩子来到绝地委员会时,温杜有些迟疑不决。 fishyp

Qui-Gon makes a brief appearance in an episode of the animated micro series Star Wars: Clone Wars.
魁刚在动画版星球大战:克隆人的进攻中出现过。 blog.sina.com.cn

Qui-Gon takes Xanatos to the Jedi Temple for training, even though the child is much older than the accepted age for training.
魁刚把他带回绝地神殿,让他接受训练,虽然他年龄已经比规定年龄大了许多。 blog.sina.com.cn

Qui-Gon: He has special powers.
奎刚:他有特殊的能力。 yeeyan

Qui-Gon: You should be very proud of your son.
奎刚:您应当为您的儿子感到自豪。 yeeyan

Qui-Gon walked forward and gave their names to a clerk. The clerk's fingers faltered when he gave their home world as the Jedi Temple, Coruscant.
魁刚向前走了几步,向职员报上他们的姓名。当听到他们来自科洛桑的绝地圣殿时,那职员的手指不由颤抖了一下。 starwarschina




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