释义 |
Queensbury ˈkwiːnzbəri 高 基本例句 n.昆斯伯里在英国;西经 1º50' 北纬 53º46' Fighting under the Marquis ofQueensburyrules, he held the “crown” for 10 years.在英国昆斯伯里伯爵拳击规则下,他占据拳坛霸主地位10年之久。 TheQueensburyrules enumerate under the heading of “fouls”, some good targets which the boxer is not trained to defend.拳击规则列举了一系列“犯规”,拳击手没有被训练去防守一些很好的目标。 At some time or other, most of you, probably, have been taught at least the rudiments of boxing, under theQueensburyrules.你们中的大多数人,在某个时候,至少学过拳击规则下基本拳击技术。 M-ofQueensburyRules昆斯伯里拳击基本规则 So forget theQueensburyrules;所以,忘记拳击规则; |