

单词 Quechua
释义 Kech·ua 英ˈketʃwə, -ˌwɑː美ˈkɛtʃwə, -ˌwɑAHDkĕchʹwə, -wä' COCA⁵⁹⁹⁴⁹BNC⁶⁴¹⁸⁰

a member of a South American Indian people in Peru who were formerly the ruling class of the Inca empirea community of South American Indians in Peru who were formerly the ruling class of the Incan Empirethe language of the Quechua which was spoken by the Incas 近义词 Kechua=quechua南…Quechuan盖丘亚人语的…Kechuan(印加人的克丘亚语…
Language: Spanish and Quechua are the official languages, and Aymara is widely used.语言:西班牙和克丘亚语为官方语言,通用阿伊马拉语。
“They don't understand what we're struggling for” said the tiny old Quechua woman I'd been chatting to.同我聊过天的一个盖丘亚族妇女说:“他们根本不了解我们游行的目的是什么。” The name Sabancaya means “ tongue of fire” in the Quechua Indian language.
在克丘亚印地安语中,萨班卡亚是“火舌”的意思。 yeeyan

The newfound native language may have borrowed from Quechua, a language still spoken by indigenous peoples of Peru, Quilter said.
奎尔特称新发现的原住民语言可能借鉴了克丘亚语,一种秘鲁原住民现在仍然还在使用的语言。 www.ngmchina.com.cn

The children would sing in piping Spanish, high- pitched and pure; they would sing“Nearer My God to Thee” in Quechua, very fast.
孩子们会用西班牙语放声歌唱,歌声又高又纯;他们会用盖丘亚语唱“上帝离你更近”,唱得非常快。 kekenet

Far away, in the mountains of Cuso, a7-year-old girl confidently reads the same text in her native Quechua.
在遥远的库索 Cuso山区,一个七岁女童自信地朗读着用土著克丘亚 Quechua语编写的同样的课文。 worldbank

Most of the workers are indigenous Quechua people. They have been working here for generations and live precariously on the outskirts of the salt mines.
大多数工人是当地的盖丘亚族人。他们大多数世代在这里工作并且在这里居住在不太安全的盐矿地上。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn

Most of the workers are indigenous Quechua people.

The model involves features such as a rope and bench for vertical delivery position, inclusion of family and traditional birth attendants in the delivery process and use of the Quechua language.
该模式包括直立分娩体位所用的绳索和条凳、在分娩过程中允许家人和传统接生婆加入以及说盖丘亚语。 who




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