

单词 Queanbeyan
释义 Queanbeyan
n.昆比恩在澳大利亚;东经 149º17' 南纬 35º24'
I have never thought it would be this way to lead me to start a bus riding life fromQueanbeyanto Canberra Civic.昨晚,我们将已腌制了20天的咸鸭蛋拿出来煮熟剖开。
The water broke and one of senior person, who is also a RN, drove her to theQueanbeyanHospital.第四次终于撑到了20秒,只见他们神情紧张,身上东摇西晃,最后还是惨遭不幸。
but everytime when I get back to our little corner inQueanbeyan, I was soothed and cooled down, and I almost couldn’t remember what I had ever experienced during the day.妈千里迢迢给买了红腰带、红袜子和红内衣。




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