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词汇 quarry
释义 quarry 英ˈkwɔːriː, ˈkwɒriː美ˈkwɔri, ˈkwɑriAHDkwôrʹē, kwŏrʹē ★☆☆☆☆高四GIST宝八COCA¹⁴⁵⁸²BNC⁶⁵⁵⁹iWeb¹¹⁵⁹¹Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺

a person who is the aim of an attack especially a victim of ridicule or exploitation by some hostile person or influence;

he fell prey to muggers

everyone was fair game

the target of a manhunt

a surface excavation for extracting stone or slate;

a British term for `quarry' is `stone pit'

animal hunted or caught for food
extract something such as stones from or as if from a quarry;

quarry marble

来自古法语coree,内脏,肠,来自拉丁语cor,心,心脏,词源同heart,cordial.原指给猎鹰猎捕 到猎物后的奖赏,后引申词义猎物。quarry waste采石场废料quarry powder采石炸药quarry face采石面quarry rock采石场毛料,毛石料…quarry car采石场斗车quarry blasting采石爆破quarry sap天然石含水量…quarry stone石块stone quarry采石场quarry faced石料粗面的毛面的…quarry rubbish石渣quarry dust采石场粉尘quarry water矿泉水quarry tile方砖的sand quarry采砂场quarry hammer采石锤
GRE红宝书为了quarry, 大家会quarreln /v 吵架
query 询问,inquiry 调查→追求猎物;quarrel 原指方镞箭,箭的方形箭头,石头做成,采石就采这种石头做箭头;
词根记忆quar采石,来自aquare创始人和quarrelv.争吵一起记近义词 pit坑cut切game游戏mine我的prey牺牲者target目标dig up挖出dig out挖出extract摘录victim受害者excavate挖掘stone pit石坑diggings发掘物excavation挖掘gouge out挖去挖出fair game准许猎取的鸟兽…

用作名词This mountain was the site for aquarry.这座山曾经有一个采石场。
The horseman aimed his lance at hisquarry.骑手把长矛对准了他的猎物。
Each sentence seems aquarryof rich meditations.每一句话似乎都给人以许多冥思默想。
It took the police several days to track down theirquarry.警方用了几天时间追查到案中目标。
Detectives kept thequarryunder surveillance for weeks.侦探们监测那个目标已有好几个星期了。用作动词We watched the workmenquarryout a huge block of marble .我们看到劳工们挖出一大块大理石。
They arequarryingin old manuscripts.他们正在旧手稿中寻找资料。noun.object pursued
同义词 aim,chase,game,objective,prey,prize,quest,victimravin
digverb delve into;hollow out
bore,break up,bulldoze,burrow,channel,clean,concave,deepen,depress,dig down,discover,dredge,drill,drive,enter,excavate,exhume,fork out,go into,gouge,grub,harvest,hoe,investigate,mine,penetrate,pierce,pit,probe,produce,root,root out,rout,sap,scoop,scoop out,search,shovel,sift,spade,till,tunnel,turn over,uncover,undermine,unearth
dugverb delve into;hollow out
accepted,apprehended,caught,comprehended,followed,grasped,recognized,saw,took,took in
excavateverb dig up
excavationnoun site of digging;digging
fair gamenoun legitimate target
clear stage,even break,fair field,fair play,fair shake,level playing field,prey,quarry,target,up for grabs
gamenoun undomesticated animals chased for food
chase,fish,fowl,kill,meat,prey,quarry,raven,ravin,wild animals A team of scientists came to this controversial conclusion by dating human footprints preserved by volcanic ash in an abandoned quarry in Mexico.
对保存在火山灰中的人类足迹进行年代测定后,一个科学家小组得出了这一具有争议性的结论。 这些火山灰是在墨西哥一个废弃的采石场被发现的。 cri

At a distance there is already a modern quarry.
不远处已经有了一座现代化的采石场。 yeeyan

The benefits for Australia in becoming China's quarry are quantifiable and visible, says Tim Harcourt, the chief economist for the government trade organization Austrade.
澳大利亚贸易委员会首席经济学家蒂姆.哈考特说,澳大利亚成为中国采石场的好处是可以计算并清晰可见的。 yeeyan

The garage roof, a limb on a tall tree, a steep rock quarry, whatever it is, it looks tempting to climb.
车库顶,高树上树枝,陡峭的露天采石场,不管是什么,好像都让你非常想去攀爬。 yeeyan

The quarry does not view virtue and vice from the standpoint of the hunter.
猎物自然不会站在猎人的立场上去看待善与恶。 yeeyan

While in prison, he performed hard labor at a lime quarry.
在服刑期间,他在石灰采石场里做着苦工。 yeeyan

A fire thrower named Louis spins light at a gathering in an old quarry.
一个叫路易斯的小伙子在一个古代采石场的集会上耍火棒。 yeeyan

And now he possessed her utterly, primitively- as a hunter does his quarry, a tiger his kill.
他们是原始的猎人与猎物的关系,虎与伥的关系,最终极的占有。 cri

At the conclusion of our excursion, we descended into the valley of Shangri-La only to see a huge gravel quarrysupporting the new road construction located adjacent to an expansive wetlands.
在我们游览结束之时,我们下到香格里拉峡谷中,不想却看到一个巨大的砾石采石场用于新公路施工就坐落在一片辽阔的湿地附近。 ecocn

Back at the quarry, as Mr. Song slowly led his guests on foot out of the pit, their menacers followed alongside in their vehicles, with the driver of the Hyundai still screaming lurid death threats.
重新回到采石场上,宋老伯领着他的访客慢慢的离开,而那些开着车的恐吓者仍然不肯离去,现代车上的司机依旧叫骂不停。 yeeyan

Behind this wall were stone quarries. At a distance there is already a modern quarry.
这座墙后面是当年的采石场。不远处已经有了一座现代化的采石场。 yeeyan

Eventually, he leaves the city to work as a manual laborer at a granite quarry owned by Guy Francon of Francon& Heyer—which by now has become Francon& Keating.
最终,他离开了这座城市,在一个花岗岩采石场当了体力劳动者,这个采石场由弗朗&埃耶尔公司的盖伊·弗朗所有,那家建筑公司如今变成了——弗朗&基廷公司。 yeeyan

Finally, we ended up in an abandoned quarry.
最后,我们到了一个废弃的采石场。 yeeyan

Found in a Utah quarry in1994, the fossils languished in an Oklahoma museum until2007, when Taylor and Wedel convened to study them.
化石是在1994年犹他州的一处采石场被发现的,之后一直躺在了俄克拉荷马州一个博物馆里,直到2007年,泰勒和威德尔召开会议要研究它们。 yeeyan

Instead of being simply the quarry in a chase, he is revealed as a twisted but articulate antagonist, who has devised a horrible plan for concluding his sermon.
并非被追逐的猎物,他显示出了自己是一个虽然变态却清醒的对手,他设计了一个恐怖的计划来完成他的布道。 yeeyan

It is not just the physical grandeur of the place—though a 290-foot 88-metre dome and a quarry's worth of marble certainly helps.
不仅因为它通过其290英尺88米的圆屋顶,和相当于一个采石场价值的大理石获得物理上的庄严、伟大感; ecocn

It was in a quarry, and above the Jews and the soldiers there was an officer sitting on a ledge in the rock, swinging his legs and smoking a cigarette.
那是在露天采石场,在那些犹太人上面是士兵,一个军官坐在突出的岩石上,摇摆着他的腿,吸着香烟。 yeeyan

Larson likened the Times corpus to a quarry of data. He said that the newspaper's API provided the picks and shovels to mine data, and the Linked Data initiative would be the map.
Larson把他们的知识库比作一个采石场,纽约时报的 API提供了凿子和铁锹,而这个关联数据项目就是藏宝图。 yeeyan

Later, law enforcement vehicles crowded in front of agency offices as agents waited to unload their quarry.
不多久,FBI办公室门口就停满了探员们等待交付猎物的执法车辆。 yeeyan

Researchers found the70- millimeter crustacean in the dark shale of an Oklahoma quarry.
研究者在俄克拉荷马采石场的页岩层发现这些70毫米的甲壳纲动物。 yeeyan

The Kaczynskis were clumsy in their corruption- hunting, but their quarry was real.
卡钦斯基兄弟在不善于猎取贪污腐败者,但他们的猎物却是现实存在的。 ecocn

The cemetery, which sat at what is now Les Halles in central Paris, was emptied between1786 and1788; up to a thousand years of human remains were dumped into an old quarry.
以前这些公墓坐落在今天巴黎市中心的雷阿尔地区,在1786-1788年间被清空。 这些已经有1000多年的遗骸都被倒进了一个废弃的采石场。 yeeyan

The Turks retort that Ani's remains have been shaken by blasts from a quarry on the Armenian side of the border.
而土耳其人则反击说,阿尼遗址被亚美尼亚边境上采石场的爆破所影响。 ecocn

These grainy photographs show the man, who some believe to be a poacher, striding towards his quarry and apparently cutting its throat before phoning an accomplice.
这些斑驳不清的照片中,一个被认为是偷猎者的人走近他的猎物,明显看出先割断它的喉咙然后给帮凶打了电话。 yeeyan




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