

单词 quarrelsome
释义 quar·rel·some 英ˈkwɔːrəlsəm, ˈkwɒr-美ˈkwɔrəlsəm, ˈkwɑr-AHDkwôrʹəl-səm, kwŏrʹ- ☆☆☆☆☆高GSCOCA⁶¹⁸⁶⁸BNC³⁴⁰⁷⁷iWeb⁴¹⁰⁴²Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺

given to quarreling;

arguing children

quarrelsome when drinking

来自quarrel,争吵,-some,形容词后缀。词根记忆quarrel争吵-some充满…的⇒adj.喜欢争吵的¹⁶;好争论的⁸⁴近义词 cross穿过cranky怪癖的peevish易怒的factious内讧的petulant暴躁的irritable易怒的grouchy不高兴的combative好斗的difficult困难的querulous抱怨的belligerent好战的contentious好辩的hot-tempered性急的offensive令人不快的cantankerous脾气坏的argumentative爱争论的confrontational对抗性的

用作形容词His brothers were greedy andquarrelsome.他的弟兄们贪婪且喜欢争吵。
Aquarrelsomeman has no good neighbours.好争吵者无好邻居。
He is aquarrelsomeperson.他是个爱争论的人。adj.being disagreeable
同义词 belligerent,cantankerous,combative,contentious,fractious,litigious,petulant,tempestuous,turbulent,unrulyargumentative,bad-tempered,bellicose,brawling,cat-and-dog,choleric,churlish,crabby,cross,disputatious,dissentious,excitable,fiery,gladiatorial,hasty,have chip on shoulder,hotheaded,huffy,impassioned,irascible,irritable,ornery,passionate,peevish,pettish,pugnacious,querulous,ructious,snappy,thin-skinned,touchy,truculent,violent,war
反义词 agreeable,calm,good-natured,happy,mild,moderate,nice,obedient,pleasantforgiving,friendly,patient
aggressiveadjective belligerent, hostile
argumentativeadjective wanting to quarrel
belligerent,combative,contentious,contrary,controversial,disputatious,factious,fire-eating,having a chip on one's shoulder,litigious,opinionated,pugnacious,quarrelsome,salty,scrappy,spiky,touchy
bellicoseadjective belligerent
belligerentadjective nasty, argumentative
aggressive,antagonistic,ardent,at loggerheads,battling,bellicose,cantankerous,combative,contentious,fierce,fighting,flip,have a bone to pick,have chip on shoulder,have it in for,hostile,hot,hot-tempered,mean,militant,on the outs,ornery,pugnacious,quarrelsome,scrappy,truculent,warlike
cantankerousadjective difficult, crabby
combativeadjective aggressive
antagonistic,bellicose,belligerent,cantankerous,contentious,cussed,energetic,fire-eating,gladiatorial,hawkish,militant,ornery,pugnacious,quarrelsome,ructious,scrappy,strenuous,trigger-happy,truculent,warlike,warring A quarrelsome bhikkhu shrouded by delusion, does not comprehend the Dhamma taught by the Awakened One when it is revealed.
喜欢争论、愚昧痴迷的比丘,即使教他,他也不懂佛陀宣示的法门。 fjnet

A quarrelsome child has few friends.
爱争吵的孩子朋友少。 chinafanyi.com

A quarrelsome man has no good neighbors.
善争好斗的人没有好邻居。 xddhy

On November6th the coalition sought to patch up disputes among its three quarrelsome members with a little extra spending.
11月6日,联合政府试图通过一点额外开支来解决其内部最好争吵的三个成员之间的争执。 ecocn

The best solution he could see would mean dispatching her to Eastwatch and asking Cotter Pyke to put her on a ship to someplace across the sea, beyond the reach of all these quarrelsome kings.
最好的做法是把她送至东海望,让卡特·派克照看她登船航行至大洋彼岸,远离纷争不断的诸王。 cndkc

A foolish son is his father's ruin, and a quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping.
愚昧的儿子,是父亲的祸患;妻子的争吵,如雨连连滴漏。 ebigear

After a year of quarrelsome and ineffective government— including two cancelled elections— many Nepalis doubt that their leaders will deliver what they promise.
在政府一年的吵闹和低效的管理之后,还包括2次被取消的选举,许多尼泊尔人怀疑他们的领导人将抛弃他们的承诺。 ecocn

Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and ill-tempered wife.
宁可住在旷野,不与争吵使气的妇人同住。 ebigear

Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.
宁可住在房顶的角上,不在宽阔的房屋,与争吵的妇人同住。 ebigear

But instead of trying to tame the storm by seeking accommodation with Southern Rhodesia's black leaders— admittedly, a quarrelsome lot— he locked them up.
但是,史密斯先生并没有寻求与南非罗得西亚黑人领袖的相互融合说实话,那是争端四起的举措来试图平息飓风,他反而将这些人都禁闭起来。 ecocn

For example, almost everyone would prefer being friendly to being quarrelsome.
比如,几乎所有人都更愿意友好相处不愿争吵。 yeeyan

He can also take comfort because the centre- right opposition, New Democracy, is in quarrelsome disarray as the full extent of its mismanagement in2004-09 becomes obvious.
他同时也可能深感欣慰,因为新民主党这一右倾反对党自04到09年间的管理不善在全盘曝光之后已经吵得不可开交。 ecocn

He reads through the draft with care, deletes the fussy paragraphs added by C and H and restores the thing back to the form preferred in the first instance by the able if quarrelsome F.
他细心通读了草稿,删去 C和 H添加的蹩脚的段落,恢复到更能干的但是爱争吵 F提供的最初版本。 ecocn

He tends to get quarrelsome when he is drunk.
他喝醉后就容易与人争吵。 tdict

Her husband had turned quarrelsome.

His colleagues were a strange, quarrelsome band, ex-cons and ex- legionnaires, some of whom had been homeless themselves.
他的同事是一群争论不休的怪人,有改邪归正的骗子,有退伍军队,还有一些曾经的流浪汉。 ecocn

If Libra becomes quarrelsome, Pisces will plunge into despondency.
一旦天秤变得争执不休,双鱼便会陷入沮丧之中。 kekenet

The quarrelsome general quarreled about a quarter quart of oil in the headquarters.
好争吵的将军在司令部为四分之一夸脱油而争吵. ebigear

We found your Cotter Pyke to be an uncouth and unpleasant man, quarrelsome and niggardly.
我们发现你的部下卡特·派克不仅粗鲁讨厌,动不动就吵架,而且还是个吝啬鬼。 cndkc




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