

单词 quarantined
释义 quar·an·tine·d 英'kwɒrəntiːn美'kwɔːrəntiːn 高COCA⁴⁸⁵⁴⁹BNC⁷⁰⁰⁴¹iWeb⁴³¹⁴⁸Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
enforced isolation of patients suffering from a contagious disease in order to prevent the spread of diseaseisolation to prevent the spread of infectious disease
place into enforced isolation, as for medical reasons;

My dog was quarantined before he could live in England

quarantine flag黄色检疫旗表示船上…quarantine service检疫所quarantine station检疫站quarantine vessel检疫船quarantine period检疫期,留验期…quarantine area检疫隔离地带…animal quarantine动物检疫quarantine buoy检疫浮筒quarantine office检疫站modified quarantine适度检疫quarantine officer交通检疫员quarantine declaration经 检疫申报单…quarantine measures检疫措施quarantine anchorage检疫锚地quarantine regulations检疫规定quarantine act检疫法quarantine range检疫范围quarantine disease检疫疾病quarantine boat检疫船
近义词 hold拿着detain扣留seclude隔离confine限制lock up上锁imprison监禁isolate使孤立isolation隔离seclusion隔离set apart分开segregate分离separation分离separate分开的confinement拘禁cordon sanitaire防疫封锁线solitary confinement单独监禁

用作名词Quarantine restriction have been lifted on import animal from that country.对来自那个国家的进口动物的检疫隔离限制已被解除。
Thequarantineis now abolished.这项检疫隔离措施现已取消。
He had been kept inquarantinefor a week.他接受了一星期的检疫隔离。用作及物动词Dengue is difficult to diagnose and impossible toquarantine.登革热很难被诊断出来也不可能被隔离。
They united toquarantinethe aggressor nation.他们团结起来孤立侵略国。用作不及物动词He had been kept inquarantinefor a week.他接受了一星期的检疫隔离。
Thequarantineis now abolished.这项检疫隔离措施现已取消。adj.(isolated
同义词 confined,detained,restrained,secludedcordoned off,sealed off,shut off,shut up,under quarantine
screenedadjective secluded
abandoned,alone,aloof,beleaguered,blockaded,cloistered,close,closet,confidential,covert,cut off,deserted,hermetic,hidden,incommunicado,insular,isolate,lonely,lonesome,off the beaten track,out-of-the-way,personal,private,quiet,reclusive,remote,removed,reserved,retired,secluse,seclusive,secret,segregated,sequestered,shut off,shy,singular,solitary,tucked away,unapproachable,unfrequented,uninhabited,unsociable,withdrawn
secludedadjective isolated, sheltered
abandoned,alone,aloof,beleaguered,blockaded,cloistered,close,closet,confidential,covert,cut off,deserted,hermetic,hidden,incommunicado,insular,isolate,lonely,lonesome,off the beaten track,out-of-the-way,personal,private,quarantined,quiet,reclusive,remote,removed,reserved,retired,screened,secluse,seclusive,secret,segregated,sequestered,shut off,shy,singular,solitary,tucked away,unapproachable,unfrequented,uninhabited,unsociable,withdrawn The headteacher of a group of schoolchildren hospitalised and quarantined in China over swine flu fears has attacked British embassy staff for a slow and “ disappointing” response.
由于担心猪流感,一群在中国访问的英国学生被送往医院治疗,并被隔离;他们的校长指责英国大使馆人员反应迟钝,“令人失望”。 yeeyan

The team set loose the malicious software on a quarantined computer, recording all the files and strings of instructions processes created and modified by the malware.
团队把恶意软件置于一台隔离的计算机中,记录被恶意软件创建和篡改的所有文件和命令字符串处理。 yeeyan

The quarantined group was among a party of around600 British students and teachers from across the UK who had travelled to China for a two- week language and cultural immersion trip.
被隔离的人群来自一个由大约600名英国学生和教师组成的交流团,他们在中国展开为期两周的语言和文化感受之旅。 yeeyan

When he did not come she believed herself spurned; in fact, he lay in his barracks, quarantined and dying from Spanish flu— the same disease that killed the young woman days later.
等不到情人的出现,她以为自己被情人抛弃了。 殊不知此刻他的情人正躺在隔离营房内,身患西班牙流感而死亡——几天后这位年轻女人被同样的疾病夺去了生命。 ecocn

Any animals that might have come into contact with an infected animal should be quarantined and observed for monkeypox symptoms for30 days.
对那些可能与受感染的动物有过接触的动物应当进行30天的检疫并观察猴痘症状。 who

But it added that it had quarantined the batch used at the school as a precaution.
但是它补充说,作为预防它隔离了曾在学校使用的这批疫苗。 xmlchina

But they're only in the quarantined areas.
但它们只是在隔离区以内活动。 yeeyan

China's response has drawn complaints from Mexico that its citizens were quarantined on the basis of their nationality alone.
中国的这一“过度”反应引起墨西哥的不满,认为墨西哥公民遭到了仅凭国籍就予以隔离的不公待遇。 yeeyan

CNN is reporting that officials there have quarantined nearly350 people in relation to his case.
据CNN报道,那里的官方已经隔离了与他相关的人,将近350人。 yeeyan

If the analysis shows that a message looks or acts suspicious, the technology routes it to a quarantined queue for review by an appropriate supervisor or administrator.
如果分析显示一条消息非常可疑,那么这种技术就将其路由到一个隔离队列中,供适当的超级用户或管理员进行审查。 ibm

If an outbreak is suspected, the animal premises should be quarantined immediately.
如果怀疑发生疫情,动物处所应立即隔离。 who

If you set a “ spam” score of7, then the e- mail is treated as spam and deleted or quarantined, accordingly.
如果您将评判“垃圾邮件”的得分标准设置为7,那么会将该电子邮件作为垃圾邮件,并且相应地对其进行删除或者隔离。 ibm

In 1989, Reston, an Ebola virus subtype, was isolated in quarantined laboratory cynomolgus monkeys Macacca fascicularis in Reston, Virginia, USA.
1989年,在美国弗吉尼亚州的莱斯顿,检疫实验室在猕猴身上分离出了埃博拉病毒的莱斯顿亚型。 who

In the Canadian province of Alberta, health and agriculture officials said about220 pigs on a farm were quarantined after being infected by a worker who had recently returned from Mexico.
卫生和农业部门官员称,在加拿大艾伯塔省一个农场的约220头猪被从墨西哥城返回的一名工人感染后,现已隔离。 yeeyan

In1997, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission dropped a requirement that such patients be quarantined in the hospital.
其实早在1997年,核管制委员会就已规定这类患者必须在医院进行隔离。 yeeyan

Letting computer viruses loose on a quarantined computer and recording their pattern of activity could lead to a better way of spotting them in the “ wild”.
把计算机病毒导入一台被隔离的计算机,并记录他们的行为模式,可能找到一些较好的办法从而把病毒从“野生”的环境中识别出来。 yeeyan

More than70 Mexican travellers were quarantined in hospitals and hotels in China as part of sweeping measures against swine flu.
作为一系列预防猪流感的措施之一,中国在医院和宾馆中隔离了超过70名墨西哥旅行者。 yeeyan

Nearly300 people quarantined in a Hong Kong hotel because of the feared Swine influenza A- H1N1 have been allowed to leave after a week's forced stay.
香港当局由于担心甲型 H1N1流感病毒传播而将近300人强制隔离在一间酒店内一个星期。现在,这些人已经可以离开酒店。 iciba

None of43 Mexicans that China had quarantined showed symptoms of H1N1, prompting Mexico to accuse China of discrimination.
被中国隔离的43人没一人出现 h1n1流感症状,这导致墨西哥政府指责中国歧视墨西哥人。 yeeyan

Sick animals were immediately quarantined and soon culled.
病畜迅速得到检疫并立刻被扑杀。 fao

There is only one plausible explanation. Earth is being quarantined!
只有一个解释:那就是地球被人为隔离了! yeeyan

They were then quarantined and administered nasal drops containing the common- cold- causing rhinovirus.
他们随后被隔离,在指导下服用含有感冒病毒的鼻病毒。 ebigear




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