

单词 quantize
释义 quan·tize 英ˈkwɒnˌtaɪz美ˈkwɑnˌtaɪzAHDkwŏnʹtīz' 高COCA¹⁰⁹⁹²⁶iWeb³⁵⁶⁰³
approximate a signal varying continuously in amplitude by one whose amplitude is restricted to a prescribed set of discrete valuesapply quantum theory to; restrict the number of possible values of a quantity or states of a physical entity or system so that certain variables can assume only certain discrete magnitudes that are integral multiples of a common factor;

Quantize gravity

quant-ize使成为⇒vt.使量化²⁵;数字转换⁷⁵近义词 quantise量化
First,3D wavelet transform is performed to the original image sequence, and an extension of set partitioning in hierarchical trees algorithm is used to quantize the wavelet coefficients.
对原始图像序列进行时间、水平和垂直三维小波分解,并采用改进的等级树集合分区的算法对小波系数进行量化。 cnki

Firstly, on bisecting K- means is used to quantize image roughly and then we refine the image by improved spectral clustering based weighted distance.
首先利用高效的二分 K均值聚类进行粗略量化,然后使用基于加权距离的谱聚类进行再次量化。 dictall

For very low bit rate speech coding algorithms, it is important to quantize these parameters accurately using as few bits as possible.
甚低位率语音编码算法要求使用尽可能少的位率编码语音谱参数。 cnki

It enhanced the distorted quantize technology. realized the interest-based video coding.
引入了不平衡量化技术,实现了基于用户感兴趣区的视频编码。 fabiao

Then it presents the method of acquiring the date of training BP neural network which is used to quantize nonlinearly the exact gain.
采用 BP神经网络对增益的量化步长进行非线性自适应量化,并提出一种新的用于训练 BP神经网络的数据的获取方法。 cnki

This article begins with the characteristics of Traditional Chinese MedicineTCM information, discusses how to quantize the information of TCM, and elaborates it's applications.
从中药信息的特点出发,探讨了如何对中药信息进行“量子化”处理,并就中药信息量子化及其应用进行了阐述。 ajutcm

Value- at- RiskVaR is a model developed in recent years to quantize and control financial risk.
在险价值是近年来发展起来的一种用于量化和控制金融风险的模型。 cnki

We study weighting network and propose a definition of survivability of network basing on weight reduced method which can distinguish and quantize different survivability of networks.
对有权网络抗毁性进行探讨,提出了一种基于权值降低法的有权网络抗毁度定义,该定义可以区分并量化不同网络的抗毁性。 fabiao

WT- TCQ uses TCQ to quantize wavelet coefficients and gains better compression performance. The advantages of this algorithm are more obvious at large rate.
TCQ算法利用TCQ算法复杂性中等而性能与矢量量化相当的优点,可以获得更高的压缩信噪比,编码率较大时,压缩算法的性能优势更明显。 cnki

A digital image is represented by a matrix of numeric values each representing a quantize intensity value.
一幅数字图像就是一个由量化后的光强值组成的矩阵。 iciba

According to the physical mechanism of the generation of the resistance or the electron phonon interaction, a new method is proposed to quantize the RLC electric circuit.
根据电阻产生的物理机制即电子声子相互作用提出了 RLC电路量子化的一种新方法。 cnki

As in the particle in a box, it is the boundary conditions that force us to quantize the energy.
象在箱中粒子那样,边界条件迫使我们使能量量子化。 kuenglish

Based on policy- based workflow management system, it uses soft constraints network to quantize policy and optimize policy, which are used to guide policy decision-making.
在基于策略的工作流管理系统的基础上,使用软约束网络进行策略数值化和策略优化,工作流引擎根据结果做出策略决策。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

Delete Measure, Delete Track, Erase, Copy, Quantize.
删除措施,删除轨道,抹除,复制,量化。 gangqinwang

Finally, in split vector quantization based on LCT research, split vector quantization is adopted to quantize LCT transform coefficients and to design the codebook.
最后,在基于局部余弦变换的分维矢量量化的研究中,对 LCT变换系数采用分维矢量量化的方式进行码书设计。 fabiao

Objective: To set up a quantized management model, we probe into a new sort of qualitative and quantitative evaluation method which could manage and quantize the CDC work quality scientifically.
目的:建立疾病预防控制中心工作质量量化管理模型,探讨一种新的定性与定量相结合的疾病预防控制中心工作质量科学管理量化考核的评价方法。 wendian

Only does the nature appraisal in limited environmental impact appraisal, negative effects in environmental impact do not go on economy quantize.
在有限的环境影响评价中也只做定性评价,并不对环境影响的负面效应进行经济量化。 cnki

Real estate analysis from angle that quantize to real estate annotation explanatory note of market against cycle chess match of policy, it is exploration and summary of the government policy law;
房地产反周期政策的博弈分析是从量化的角度对房地产市场的诠释,是对政府政策规律的探索和总结; cnki

So we quantize LSF parameters each frame to overcome the shortcoming of high delay.
为了保证较低的算法延时,只能对 LSF参数逐帧进行矢量量化。 cnki

Song editing functions include both event and track-based tools like quantize, swing, remap, controller scaling and more.
宋编辑功能包括事件和追踪的工具,如量化,挥杆,映射,控制器缩放等等。 cnkeyboard

The results from the ability of satisfactory and can be used to quantize the ability of air defense missile systems to intercept targets under the conditions given by using an ideal efficiency model.
分析得到的结果是令人满意的,从而进一步解决了如何通过较理想的效能模型,全面地预测防空导弹武器系统在给定条件下完成规定任务的能力问题。 cnki




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