

单词 quadrupling
释义 quadrupling 英'kwɑdrʊplɪŋ美'kwɑdrʊplɪŋ 高COCA⁸²⁸⁸⁸BNC⁷⁵⁹⁹¹⁺¹²Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
increase by a factor of fourquadru-pling⇒n.四倍动词quadruple现在分词形式.
用作名词Progressively increasing the amplitude leads to the bouncing period doubling thenquadrupling.假如逐渐增大振幅,水滴跳动的频率将会加倍,继而再变成四倍。
Rather than using energy for height, the stunted crops put it toward making grain instead,quadruplingproduction in some cases.这些矮茎作物不把能量用来增高,反而用来制造更多种子,有时,产量甚至多达四倍。 Outperformance came only in the decade just gone, with emerging markets almost quadrupling investors’ capital since the end of2000.
过去的十年间转变才来临,自2000年起新兴市场将投资者的资本翻了2番。 yeeyan

The government is quadrupling the size of its main airport and a high-speed railway will eventually connect to Shanghai.
政府将其主机场规模扩建了四倍,同时一条高速铁路将最终将重庆和上海连接起来。 yeeyan

The police have cracked more than3,200 cases of online porn- related crimes, quadrupling that of the previous year, the ministry said.
公安部发表声明说中国警察已破获了3,200多起涉及色情的网络犯罪案件,是去年的四倍。 transcn

A Samsung representative, via the Korean Herald, said that quadrupling the resolution would only increase the clarity at most only three to five percent.
一名三星的代表通过 Korean Herald网站表示分辨率变成原来4倍只会增加至多3%到5%的清晰度。 yeeyan

Against that quadrupling of deals he plans to boost his sales staff by 80% 200 people and his writing bullpen by 100% 70 people.
为了达到交易翻两番的目标,他计划销售人员增加80%200人,而写手则增长一倍70人。 yeeyan

But instead of taking a single path, light can bend around the object in one of two, or four different routes, thus doubling or quadrupling the amount of information scientists receive.
但是光并非只走一条路径,而是可以从两个或四个不同路径中的一个绕过物体,这样科学家可以获得两倍或四倍的信息量。 yeeyan

Egypt has just asked for a quadrupling of its€150m annual EU aid programme.
埃及刚刚要求欧盟将1500万欧元的年度援助项目增加四倍。 ecocn

Even though the economy was in a statistical recovery, it was a jobless one, burdened by the quadrupling of the debt in the last twelve years.
尽管从统计数据来看,经济正在复苏,却没有创造就业机遇。在过去12年,国债增加到了四倍,使经济背上了沉重的负担。 yeeyan

It features tax breaks, preferences for Brazilian firms in government procurement and a quadrupling of the number of inspectors to monitor imports.
政策主要特点:减税、政府采购业务中优待巴西公司以及增加四倍检测进口商品投资商的数量。 ecocn

Luke Ravenstahl, the city’s29- year-old mayor, is quadrupling the900-strong police force by shipping in 1,500 state troopers and borrowing cops from cities like New York.
通过召集了1500名州骑警并从纽约等城市借调警察,已经做了29年匹兹堡市长的 Luke Ravenstahl把现有900多警力翻了4倍。 ecocn

The IMF foresees a double-digit annual- growth rate for years to come; and a quadrupling of GDP per head— currently a measly$2,000—by2018.
世界贸易组织预计,未来几年蒙古的经济将以每年两位数的速度增长,到2018年人均 GDP将翻四倍。现在蒙古的人均 GDP只有可怜的2000美元。 ecocn

Then there was a sudden spurt during the industrial revolution which produced, between1900 and2000, a near- quadrupling of the world's population.
但是由于工业化革命,使得人口突然增加,在1900年到2000年间,世界人口几乎增加了四倍。 ecocn




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