

单词 quadriceps
释义 quad·ri·ceps 英ˈkwɒdrɪˌseps美ˈkwɑdrɪˌsɛpsAHDkwŏdʹrĭ-sĕps' 高COCA³⁰⁶⁹⁰BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺iWeb²⁴⁵⁴³
a muscle of the thigh that extends the legquadr-,四,-cep,头,词源同captain,cap.引申词义四头肌。quadriceps jerk四头肌反射quadriceps muscle of thigh股四头肌quadriceps tendon四头肌腱bruise of quadriceps femoris股四头肌挫伤…quadriceps reflex膝腱反射,膝反射…
quadri-cepS,⇒n.四头肌近义词 quad用空铅填quadriceps femoris股四头肌musculus quadriceps femoris股四头肌

用作名词Thequadricepsmuscle brings your knee into full extension.四头肌肌肉让你的膝进入完全的延长。
To strengthen weak knees, thequadricepsgroup of muscles need to be strengthened.只有股四头肌被加强的时候虚弱的膝关节才能得到加强。 If you maintain the action of the quadriceps, the feet will follow the lift of your thighs until you are upright.
保持四头肌的紧张,双脚会一直跟随着大腿向上,直到完全直立。 yeeyan

Isolating the lower body while pedaling might feel like a great exercise for the quadriceps, but it can place undue strain on the knees and spine.
站在踏板上作上下蹲的动作,看起来好像对锻炼大腿四头肌特别有效,其实它对膝盖和腰椎都有伤害。 blog.sina.com.cn

The action of firming and lifting your quadriceps front thigh muscles should also raise your kneecaps.
加强和提升股四头肌大腿前侧的动作也应该提起膝盖。 blog.sina.com.cn

The quadriceps at the front of the thigh straightens the knee.
大腿前侧的股四头肌使膝关节伸直。 blog.sina.com.cn

The quadriceps of both legs straighten the knees.
双腿的股四头肌使膝盖伸直。 blog.sina.com.cn

Engage your quadriceps front muscle on thigh and extend your torso until you can melt over your legs.
使用你的四头肌前面的大腿肌肉并延长你的躯干直到你能够将你的腿弄软。 yeeyan

For example, to stretch your quadriceps, lie on your right side and grasp your left ankle with your left hand, pulling your ankle toward the back of your leg.
举个例子,为了伸拉你的股四头肌,先向右侧卧,然后用你的左手抓住你的左脚踝,将你的脚踝向你的腿后侧提拉。 yeeyan

For that reason, full extension of the knee and active quadriceps exercises were avoided.
出于这个原因,被避免做充分延长膝关节和股四头肌主动练习。 blog.sina.com.cn

Half of them stretched their quadriceps, hamstrings, and calf muscles before running, while the other half ran without stretching first.
一半人在跑步前伸展股四头肌、腿腱和腿部肌肉,而另一半则在跑前不做伸展运动。 yeeyan

He grabs my hand and puts it on one of his immense quadriceps. I can feel him pulsing the muscle.
他抓住我的手,放在他强有力的四头肌上,我能感觉这些肌肉群正在搏动。 yeeyan

In Headstand, lift the top of your kneecaps firmly with the quadriceps and keep moving the femurs into the backs of your legs.
保持在头倒立,收紧大腿前的四头肌,绷紧膝盖,仿佛有人在向后推着你的大腿。 yeeyan

Lunges are also an excellent exercise for maintaining quadriceps and hamstring strength.
弓步也是维持股四头肌和腿筋力量的一种好练习。 blog.sina.com.cn

MMF has been mainly detected by deltoid muscle biopsy in adult patients, although it has also been detected by quadriceps muscle biopsy in3 young children.
MMF主要通过三角肌活检在成人患者中发现,但也在3 例幼童中通过四头肌活检发现了MMF。 who

Regaining the strength in your quadriceps muscles can be difficult, because your knee may hurt quite a bit in the first few weeks after your injury.
因为你的膝在你的受伤之后在头几星期有些伤害,所以四头肌肌肉恢复力量可能有点困难。 blog.sina.com.cn

Some surgeons believe that the subvastus approach completely avoids damage to the quadriceps mechanism and therefore would be associated with improved muscle function.
有些外科医生认为下股肌入路可以完全避免股四头肌机能的毁坏,因此可以提高肌肉的功能。 oaopdoc

Steps work wonders for lifting and tightening the gluteal muscles, quadriceps, calves, and hamstrings.
爬台阶有助于提升和收紧臀肌、股四头肌,以及腿筋。 yeeyan

The front leg quadriceps contract to support the body weight.
前腿股四头肌收缩,支撑身体重量。 blog.sina.com.cn

The research focused on eccentric exercise, which creates a motion similar to the way in which quadriceps in human thighs are exercised during a downhill run.
该研究主要关注离心运动,该运动在下山的过程中人类的大腿股四头肌所经历的锻炼相似。 dxy

They don’t know when their fingers are spread wide and their palms are flat against the ground. Nor can they hold their arms straight or their quadriceps engaged for more than a few seconds at a time.
他们感受不到脚底的存在,他们不知道自己的手指和手掌何时有力地张开平放在地面上,他们也不能够一次将手臂伸直或展开四头肌维持几秒钟。 yeeyan

This exercise helps you to maintain quadriceps strength.
这练习帮助你保持四头肌力量。 blog.sina.com.cn

Tighten the skin and muscles quadriceps of both your thighs to lift your kneecaps toward your groins.
收紧两大腿的皮肤和肌肉四头肌,上提膝盖向腹股沟的方向。 blog.sina.com.cn

Quadriceps Stretch: The quadriceps is the muscle in the front of the thigh, important for lifting your knees and increasing your speed.
拉伸股四头肌:股 四头肌是大腿前侧的肌肉,对于你提升膝盖和提高速度很重要。 yeeyan




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