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QTVI 基本例句 定量组织多普勒¹⁰⁰ The systolic peak velocity and the systolic peak displacement in 6 mitral annulus sites were measured withQTVIand TT.应用QTVI及TT获得左心室侧壁、后间隔、前壁、下壁、前间隔、后壁二尖瓣环处的收缩期峰值速度、收缩期最大位移,6个室壁的平均Vs、平均D。 Object: 1.In order to explore the probable value of AMM andQTVIon CAD,we observe the feature of myocardial motion in normal subjects and patients with CAD.目的:1.;应用解剖M型超声心动图AMM及定量组织速度成像QTVI技术分析正常人和冠心病病人的左室壁心肌运动的特点,探讨AMM、QTVI对冠心病室壁运动评价的价值。 Object:1.In order to explore the probable value of AMM andQTVIon CAD,we observe the feature of myocardial motion in normal subjects and patients with CAD.目的:1.;应用解剖M型超声心动图AMM及定量组织速度成像QTVI技术分析正常人和冠心病病人的左室壁心肌运动的特点,探讨AMM、QTVI对冠心病室壁运动评价的价值。 Methods The segmental left ventricular wall motion velocity was measured in 45 normal subjects and 48 patients with CAD,and the parameters ofQTVIwere analyzed between the two groups.方法应用QTVI技术对45例健康者及48例冠心病组进行左室壁各段心肌运动速度检测,并将异常组与对照组进行显著性检验。 |