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词汇 QTL
释义 QTLCOCA¹⁹³³⁶⁸
A summary was made on basic principle and method of QTL location and molecular marker assisted selection for quantitative traits, as well as some problems in application.
本文简述 QTL定位和数量性状分子标记辅助选择的基本原理、基本方法,以及在实际应用中存在的一些问题。 cnki

An intercross between Meishan and Large White pig population was used to map quantitative trait loci QTL for protein percentage in muscle.
用梅山猪与大白猪构建的资源家系检测影响肌肉蛋白质含量的数量性状座位 QTL。 cnki

However, with the increase of QTL effect, the relative advantage of the MBLUP improved correspondingly, especially in the case with low heritability and high QTL effect.
特别是在高 QTL效应和低遗传力的情况下标记辅助 BLUP的优势最为明显,个体遗传评定的相对准确性增加幅度也最大。 cnki

The allelic variations at QTL has similar molecular basis to the variations at simple Mendelian loci and the basis is that gene expressions or protein functions vary.
QTL等位基因变异与孟德尔基因变异具有类似的分子基础,即基因表达或蛋白质功能发生改变。 cnki

The effects of interval mapping for quantitative trait loci QTL of single trait under different heritabilities and marker densities in a F2 population were compared by computer simulation.
采用计算机模拟方法系统比较了目标数量性状的遗传力和标记密度对 F2设计下单个性状数量性状座位 QTL区间定位效果的影响。 dictall

The QTL analysis of multiple phenotypic traits provides the basis for marker assisted selection MAS of important agronomic characters.
多表型性状的数量性状分析,为重要的农艺性状标记辅助选择 MAS提供基础。 iciba

At present, the QTL location of Chinese cabbage mainly focus on character of configuration, character of agriculture, character of resistance disease and so on.
目前对大白菜的 QTL定位主要集中在形态特征、农艺性状、抗病性等方面的定位。 cnki

Being a hotspot in genetic studies, QTL mapping is a powerful tool in molecular quantitative genetics, which is an inter-discipline between quantitative genetics and molecular genetics.
QTL定位分析则属于分子数量遗传学范畴,是数量遗传学与分子遗传学相结合的产物,是当今遗传学研究中的一个热点。 cnki

Genetic main effects and GE interaction effects were predicted by an adjusted unbiased prediction AUP method and used in QTL mapping.
运用调整无偏预测 AUP法预测遗传主效应值和 GE互作效应值,并用于 QTL定位。 iciba

Hardy- Weinberg disequilibrium HWDmeasures that do not depend on marker allele frequencies have been proposed using dense markers to fine map a quantitative trait locus QTL.
使用紧密相邻的标记位点且与标记基因频率无关的哈迪-温伯格不平衡 HWD指数被用来对数量性状位点 QTL进行精细定位。 dictall

However, in generally speaking, a QTL is still a considerable DNA fragment frequently containing multiplex genes.
但是一般地说, QTL仍然是一个相当大的 DNA片断,往往含有多个基因。 cnki

However, most of current methods for QTL mapping cannot simultaneously analyze epistasis and their interaction with environments.
然而,现行 QTL作图方法大多不能同时分析上位性及其与环境的互作效应。 cnki

Information coming from molecular genetic markers, and a model which consists of a random QTL effect for the evaluation of animals were used.
利用分子遗传标记信息和随机 QTL效应模型,研究了个体遗传评定的效果。 cnki

Most of the QTL are detected in single environment, indicating the significant interactions between QTL and environments.
大部分产量QTL只在单一环境下被检测到,说明产量相关 QTL与环境之间存在明显的互作。 cnki

Quantitative trait loci QTL for yield components were identified based on an RFLP map from a DH population.
在构建 DH群体 RFLP图谱的基础上定位了产量因子的数量性状位点 QTL 。 dictall

So they can be used as the linkage analyse between the production traits and makers, and used for further location of QTL.
因此它们可以作为进行生产性状与标记间连锁分析的遗传标记,用于进一步的 QTL定位研究。 cnki

Some major genes and QTL associations had been identified in sheep and goats, in which genetic imprinting gene and sex determining gene were first reported in domestic animals.
已在绵羊和山羊中发现了一些主要基因和 QTL关联,其中遗传印记和性别决定基因属首次在家畜中发现。 cnki

SSR can be expected to complement existing RFLP, RAPD, AFLP maps, and are useful for genotype identification. gene and QTL analysis, marker assisted selection in breeding and pedigree analysis.
林木的微卫星标记可扩充现有的 RFLP、 RAPD、 AFLP 遗传图谱,以及 QTL分析,并应用于基因型鉴别,分子标记辅助选择育种。 cnki

SSR markers can be expected to complement existing RFLP maps, are useful for genotype identification, gene and QTL analysis, marker assisted selection in breeding and pedigree analysis.
大豆的微卫星标记可扩充现有的 RFLP图谱,广泛应用于基因型鉴定,基因和 QTL分析,分子标记辅助育种和家系分析等。 cnki

The single segment substitution lines SSSLs were perfect materials for analysis of gene especially for QTL.
单片段代换系是进行基因分析特别是 QTL分析的理想材料。 dictall

The study also indicated that individual QTL showed a range of sensibility to environments as some QTLs were detected only in a single environment while others were detected in two environments.
研究还表明, QTL对环境的敏感性不同,有的 QTL只能在一个环境中检测到,而另一些 QTL能在二个环境中都检测到。 cnki

With the development of molecular quantitative genetics, many statistical models are proposed for mapping quantitative trait loci QTL.
随着分子数量遗传学的发展,人们提出了很多统计模型用于 QTL定位分析。 cnki

With the epistasis existed, MIM would obtain better estimates of QTL additive effects.
在有上位效应存在的情况下, MIM对 QTL的加性效应的估计较准确。 cnki

QTL mapping has been developed as a powerful tool in studying the genetic basis of complex traits and locus- locus interactions.
QTL作图已成为解析生物复杂性状遗传基础和基因座之间互作机制的一种有效的研究工具。 cnki

QTL root positioning plays an important role in study of genetic mechanisms. In rice, many QTLs related with roots' characteristics are positioned using different groups.
根系 QTL定位对深入研究根系遗传机制有重要作用。在水稻上,已利用不同群体定位了许多与根系性状相关的 QTL。




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