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词汇 QSE
释义 QSE
abbr. qualified scientist and engineer 合格的科学家和工程师
How to win in domestic and international market competition has set higher demands inQSEmanagement to China's oilfield enterprises.如何在国内国际市场竞争中获胜,对我国油田企业的质量、安全、环境管理水平提出了更高的要求。
Participating in the implementation ofQSEprinciples with the empowered authorities.参与行动并在其职能范围内实施QSE准则。
Cooperation withQSEdept, supporting cross plant system issues that impact overall compliance.公司使命 聚焦客户关注的挑战和压力,提供有竞争力的咨询和服务,为客户利益而努力创新。
Report to:QSEManager Main Responsibilities Include: The Supplier Development Engineer must take the full responsibili… …公司名称:美国优异文化综合服务有限公司上海代表处工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-7-18
When the de Broglie wavelength of electrons inside a nanoscale metal particle is comparable to its size, the quantum size effects appear.当金属纳米颗粒中电子的de Broglie波长已经可以和它的大小相比时,量子限制效应QSE就会出现。
It is thought that the growing mechanism for Pb island must be related toQSE.However, how canQSEdominate the growing process is still unclear.人们普遍认为这种岛的生长机制和QSE有密切关系,但是具体的形成原因还没有定论,理论还处于探索的状态。




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