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词汇 Qom
释义 Qom 英kəʊm美komAHDkōm Economist¹⁵⁰⁵⁵
库姆伊朗西北部城市什叶派穆斯林的圣城异体字Qum At a young age, he was enrolled at a local seminary, and as he grew older he was sent to Qom, the seat of Shiite religious education in Iran.
年轻时代,他曾在当地神学院接受教育,年长一些之后,他又被送到什叶派宗教教育的摇篮——库姆。 yeeyan

Iran’s plans for Qom include installing faster- spinning centrifuge machines than those now enriching uranium at its other known plant, at Natanz.
伊朗对于库姆核工厂的计划包括安装比位于纳坦兹的另一家核工厂的浓缩铀机器转速更快的离心分离机。 ecocn

The decorative strips of neck-fabric are outlawed in the holy city of Qom.
在圣城库姆,在颈部佩戴装饰性的布条不管何种形式都是非法的。 hjenglish

The discovery of a plant for making potentially weapons- usable uranium, dug secretly into a mountain on a military compound near the city of Qom, means that the test of their sincerity is Iran.
隐藏在圣城科姆附近军事广场深山中制造未来核武器可使用的铀的工厂的发现,意味着检验他们对承诺的忠诚的试金石就是伊朗。 ecocn

The reports say many mourners chanted anti- government slogans and carried green symbols of Iran's opposition movement during Monday's funeral procession in the northern holy city of Qom.
报导说,星期一在伊朗北部圣城库姆举行的葬礼过程中,许多致哀者高喊反政府口号,手持伊朗反对派运动的绿色标志。 iciba

After inspectors paid a visit to a once- secret Iranian nuclear facility near Qom, the Islamic Republic stuck to its guns: Hey, it’s just part of our peaceful atomic energy program!
在观察员参观了库姆 Qom附近曾经隐秘的核设施之后,伊朗仍然坚持原来的说法,表示该设施只是和平利用原子能计划的一部分。 yeeyan

AT FIRST glance the holy city of Qom, Iran’s pre-eminent place of Shia scholarship, still feels pretty conservative. Almost all its women are covered from head to toe.
乍看起来,作为伊朗什叶派圣地,圣城库姆仍然弥漫着保守的风气.在该城,几乎所有妇女从头到脚包得严严实实,什叶派神学领袖的毛拉们则身着棕色长袍. ecocn

Before Qom, Iran’s president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, had said Iran wanted to buy this from abroad.
在建立库姆核工厂之前,伊朗总统穆罕默德·内贾德曾表示伊朗愿意从其他国家购买燃料。 ecocn

But during Mr Sadr’s time in Iran, where he has been studying in the holy city of Qom, he renewed his friendship with the mullahs.
但萨德尔在伊朗期间,一直在圣城库姆潜心研究,加深了同伊斯兰神学家之间的友谊。 ecocn

But Qom also raises the possibility of other secret sites, something Iranian officials flatly deny.
但是库姆的发现也增加了伊朗还有其他秘密基地的可能性,而这是伊朗官员所极力否认的。 ecocn

If the uranium deal falls through, and if Iran fails to co-operate fully with the Qom inspections and refuse the “ freeze- for- freeze” proposal, then tougher sanctions are likely.
如果关于铀浓缩的交易失败,且伊朗对视察库姆城工厂不予以充分合作、拒绝接受“冻结换冻结”的提议,那么伊朗很可能面临更严厉的制裁。 yeeyan

In a huff, Mr Ahmadinejad refused to attend cabinet meetings, cancelled a visit to Qom, Iran’s holiest city, and avoided public appearances for more than a week.
出于愤怒,内贾德拒绝参加内阁会议,取消了对圣城库姆的访问,一个多星期没有在公开场合露面。 ecocn

Iran has already begun moving part of its uranium- enrichment capacity to Fordow, a facility buried deep within a mountain near Qom.
伊朗已经开始把它铀浓缩设备的一部分向佛岛 Fordow转移;佛岛是深埋在库姆 Qom附近山中的装置。 ecocn

Iran has already begun moving part of its uranium- enrichment capacity to Fordow, a facility buried deep within a mountain near Qom.
伊朗已经开始将其部分铀浓缩的产能转移到 Fordow——这是一个深埋在库姆附近山中的设施。 ecocn

Islam has a lot to say about the rights of women; the mullahs of Qom have lots of training in how to say the opposite of what they said before.
伊斯兰教对于妇女的权利有很多要说;库姆的毛拉有很多的培训,关于怎么说得跟之前说的相反。 yeeyan

Last month, during a visit to Qom, Karroubi was met by government supporters shouting“ western stooge”.
上个月,卡罗比前往库姆,遭到政府的支持者叫骂为“西方走狗”。 yeeyan

Last month Iranian police issued warnings to 62,000 women who were “ badly veiled” in the Shiite holy province of Qom.
上个月伊朗警方向什叶派圣地库姆省的6.2万名“面纱不整”妇女发出警告。 cri

Letting inspectors into the Qom site is hardly a concession either.
让检查员进入库姆也只是迫不得已的让步。 ecocn

Mr ElBaradei, who had earlier suggested that Iran’s threat had been“ hyped”, said Iran’s actions over Qom put it “ on the wrong side of the law”.
就连先前认为伊朗的核威胁被“夸大了”的巴拉迪主席如今也表示,伊朗在有关库姆核设施上的行为已经是“在和法律对抗”。 ecocn

She decided to become a Muslim six weeks ago after visiting the shrine of Fatima al-Masumeh in the city of Qom.
六个星期以前,在她在访问完库姆城的法蒂玛圣殿后就做出了加入伊斯兰教的决定。 yeeyan

The plant is buried in a mountainside on a military compound near the Iranian city of Qom.
这处设施位于库姆附近,隐藏在一个军事基地的山腰里。 ecocn

They had already informed the International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA, the UN’s nuclear watchdog, of the Qom plant, they said.
他们称已经就库姆的核设施通知了国际原子能机构。 ecocn

Yet even here, you meet people who sympathise with the clutch of Qom’s senior clergy who have spoken out against the ruling establishment.
即便在这里,你仍然可以碰到一些人,他们同情在库姆的那些公开表示对现政权反对的高级神职人员. ecocn

Yet the discovery near Qom gives Iran a chance to change tack— though it has forgone several such chances in the past.
但是,科姆附近铀浓缩工厂的发现给了伊朗一次改变思路的机会---虽然过去已经放弃了几次这样的机会。 ecocn

It secretly built a new enrichment plant inside a mountain near the holy city of Qom, the second time it had been caught out this way.
它在圣城库姆附近的一座山中,秘密地建起了一座新的浓缩工厂,这是它第二次被以这种方式揭发出来了。 ecocn




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