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词汇 Qiuci
释义 Qiuci
These Figs provide the viewers a glimpse of theQiucimusic and dance that had once enchanted the entire county.使我们得以重睹当年风靡中原的龟兹乐舞风采。
Thanks to the Buddhism thriving inQiuciin history, now we are able to find many Buddhist caves here.由于历史上佛教曾在其地兴盛一时,因此至今我们仍能发现大量的佛教石窟遗存。
The Kezir Grottoes of the ancientQiuciGrottoes in Xinjiang Uygur autonomous Region are the biggest in scale and most intact in preservation.新疆古龟兹石窟群中规模最大、保存较好的克孜尔石窟
At its peak,Buddhist temples mushroomed in the oases around the Tarim Basin with large numbers of monks and nuns. Yutian,Shule,Qiuciand Gaochang were all centers of Buddhism.佛教鼎盛时期,在塔里木盆地周缘各绿洲,佛寺林立,僧尼众多,还形成了于阗、疏勒、龟兹、高昌等著名的佛教中心。
At the same time,the central government stationed garrisons inQiuci,Yutian,Shule and Suiye ,which were known as the “four garrison commands of Anxi.同时,还在龟兹、于阗、疏勒、碎叶设军事建制,史称“安西四镇”。
At the same time, the central government stationed garrisons inQiuci, Yutian, Shule and Suiye , which were known as the ”four garrison commands of Anxi.同时,还在龟兹、于阗、疏勒、碎叶一度是焉耆设军事建制,史称“安西四镇”。




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