

单词 qipao
释义 qipao 英kɪ'paʊ美kɪ'paʊ COCA²²⁸⁰⁰¹
Attempts to deal with features of Qipao in terms of national characteristics, function and limitation.
从民族性、机能性、局限性等方面,对中国旗袍的特性进行了阐述; chemyq

Read like Wong Kar-wai's“In the Mood for Love” as in the marvellous A. provides some background Qipao, the end of some puzzling, there is no hope that the feelings.
就像看了王家卫的《花样年华》般,在曼妙扭动的旗袍的背影中,结束了一段莫名其妙、毫无希望的感情。 iask.sina.com.cn

The originality, popularity and decline of Qipao style have mirrored the development of feminine consciousness in China.
旗袍的产生、兴盛和衰退过程,折射了中国女性意识的发展轨迹。 cnki

The popularity of Qipao style was not only the starting point for women's emancipation from feudal and patriarchal forces, but also a means to praise the beauty of women's body.
旗袍风尚是女性开始摆脱封建宗法势力的标志,也是对女性肢体美的颂扬。 cnki

The skirt of the Chinese “ Qipao” is slit up to the thigh on each side.

The origins and developments of the Qipao are Introduced.
介绍了旗袍的起源与发展。 chemyq

The various factors that have influence dissemination of Qipao are analyzed.
分析了影响旗袍传播的各种因素。 chemyq

The Qipao is a traditional dress of China, the apparel proudly possessed by the Chinese all over the world, and also loved by the people of the world.
旗袍是中华民族的传统服装,也是各区域华人共同拥有并引以为自豪的服装,又是深受世界人们喜爱的一种特色服装。 cnki

Qipao absorbs some features of One-piece Dress, and then developes modern Qipao which is more elegant and fashionable.
西方服饰注重人体美的特点被运用到旗袍中,发展出优雅时尚的现代旗袍; fabiao

As a Chinese, Qipao and chopsticks are very important for us.
身为中国人,旗袍和筷子可是非常重要的。 blog.sina.com.cn

Chongqing, as journalist said, is just like a beautiful piece of Chinese Qipao, red, green and so tempting;
作家说,重庆就像一件精美的旗袍,“花花绿绿,透着诱惑”; netat

Different from Qipao, One- piece dress always pursuits the beauty of the body at all times.
然而,无论在哪个阶段,西方女裙都追求突出女性的曲线美,这是和中国传统服饰不同的地方。 fabiao

However, Qipao style had its own limitation. It was a compromise made to the feudal forces, as its aesthetic form was male-oriented.
同时旗袍又有其局限性,它是女性对旧势力的折衷妥协,其服饰的审美形态仍然是男性话语权下的女性观照。 cnki

It covers the waist, collar, front, sleeve and slit of Qipao and suggests innovation and improvements.
并对旗袍的衣身、衣领、胸襟、袖型、开衩等结构进行了介绍; chemyq

Looking for a custom-made Qipao shop?
哪里能找到性价比最高的旗袍定制店? smgbb

Most importantly, the contestants will have chances to further developed their self-confidence and gracefulness through the art of QiPao.
最重要的是参加的佳丽有机会进一步透过旗袍的艺术建立自信和魅力。 mschineseqipaobeauty

Mother tells me that Qipao is the traditional dress for women in China.
母亲告诉我,旗袍是妇女在中国的传统服装。 fannaojieda.com

Now, not only Chinese women like to wear Qipao, even many foreign women also like to wear Qipao.

Speaking of Qipao, people first reaction is“ China.”
说起旗袍,人们第一个反应便是“中国”。 iask.sina.com.cn

The development trend of Qipao is given.
提出了其发展趋势。 chemyq

The goal of this research is to describe and analyze the development of the Qipao and it aesthetics characteristic during Republic Period. In this study, there are three aspects.
论文的目标主要是分析民国时期旗袍发展的相关问题和其美学特征,文中分了三部分。 fabiao

Yes, Qipao a symbol of Chinese civilization, she euphemisticallyChina's unique cultural heritage.
是的,旗袍象征着华夏文明,她委婉地道出中国所特有的文化底蕴。 iask.sina.com.cn

You have an excellent shape, I think you will look very beautiful in Qipao.
您的身材不错,我想您穿旗袍一定很好看。 ebigear

Qipao and One- piece Dress have their own features in material, structure, decoration and aesthetic culture, and show different beauty.
旗袍和西方女裙在材料、结构、装饰细节、审美文化这些方面都有着各自的特点,体现着不同的美感。 fabiao

Qipao has come into style again.
旗袍又开始流行起来。 hjenglish




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