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词汇 Qi Hui
释义 Qi Hui
National swimming team coach and swimming star athleteQi Huiand so on all arrives, increased many anticipations for the signing ceremony.国家游泳队教练及游泳健将齐晖等悉数到场,为签约仪式增加了不少看点。
Qi Huiof high oil paintings Museum is located in Liuzhou on the new district, the Museum possession of a high-superoxide creation more than 60 pieces of fine painting.高仁歧油画馆座落在新区柳州路上,馆内藏有高仁歧创作的60多件油画精品。
Chinese swimmerQi Huistormed to victory in the 200m individual medley Tuesday night at the National Games, breaking the Asian record set by Chinese swimmer Wu Yanyan in 1997.20日晚,齐晖在全运会女子200米混合泳中勇夺冠军,打破了由吴艳艳1997年创造的原亚洲纪录。
In the national team, withQi Hui, and so if the people rise gradually, together with Wang Mei and others are in when it hit, “mouse” can be more focused effort in a club match on.而在国家队,随着惠若琪等新人的逐渐崛起,在加上王一梅等人正处于当打之年,“耗子”可以把更多的心思专注在俱乐部比赛上了。




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