释义 |
Qigu 基本例句 漆占¹⁰⁰ Blooms the other side, forgetting that the barrier-water the flowers appear at your fingertips. Blood red burns my eyes, Xieshui coldQigu, the endless heartache.花开彼岸,忘川水阻隔了那看似触手可及的花朵。血红色灼伤了我的眼,血水冰冷刺骨,又是无尽的心痛。 In the reservoirs ofQiguFormation in Wellblock Che2,clay minerals are relatively higher,and it has the character of strong water sensitivity and low resistivity oil production.车2井区齐古组油藏,储层粘土矿物含量相对较高,具有强水敏低电阻出油的特点。 Lead by ProfessorQiguJiang a native of Shanghai, and Professor Stanley Murashige, a group of 15 students will travel to major cities of China such as Beijing, Xian, Chengdu, Nanjing and Shanghai.作为学习考察的一个项目,蒋奇谷和他的学生将展示他们的作品并希望借此机会与上海的艺术家及艺术学生们进行交流。 Fossils Charophytes from theQiguFormation of the Lianmuqin Section, Turpan Basin, Xinjiang… Yuan Feng-tian and Zhang Ze-run(333吐鲁番盆地连木沁剖面齐古组轮藻化石…袁凤钿张泽润(333 QiguFormation of Jurassic侏罗系齐古组 |