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qi 英tʃiː美tʃiAHDchē Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺² 基本例句 n.希腊语字母表第22字母X;х=chiabbr.质量指标=Quality Index Chu and Qi were only able to compete with them. 当时只有楚国和齐国能与之抗衡。 edu.21cn.com In some forms of Qi Gong from China and Yoga from India suggest that ability to forget and surrender are the most elevated forms of healing and are often called soul healing. 中国的气功和印度的瑜伽的某些招式中就蕴含着这样的意义,即“忘”和“忍”是最高境界的疗法,有时也称作心灵疗法。 yeeyan There is, apparently I once learned on QI, only one road in the whole of the USA where pedestrians are not allowed in Michigan, way off our route. 我知道,在美国只有一条道路是不允许行人行走的,这条路在密歇根,不在我们的路线上。 yeeyan “ Excessive gains in prices are mainly due to a shortage of supply, and a major part of the demand for housing is due to unreasonable demand,” Qi said. 齐骥认为,部分城市房价上涨过快的主要原因是供求矛盾突出,其中,不合理的需求占了比较大的比重。 www.chinadaily.com.cn “ The mudslide was caused by geology, but it was worsened by deforestation, ” Dr. Qi says today. “这次泥石流是由地质因素引起额,但是有森林开伐而变得更加严重,”齐博士今天说道。 yeeyan After the first roll of drums from the Qi side to summon Lu to battle, the Lu ruler wanted to attack. 鲁国的国王鲁庄公带着谋士曹刿指挥作战。 齐军第一次击鼓以后,鲁军备发起进攻。 ebigear Astonished, the people take the baby back and name it Qi or Abandon. 对此,人们惊奇不已,于是又把他抱回来,给他取了这个名字叫“弃”。 jukuu Confucius was asked by the Baron of Qi to help defend against a rebellion, but he declined. 孔子被齐国的王公请去帮助平息叛乱,但是他拒绝了。 jukuu In the sports attire section of a nearby department store, Qi Tong scoffs at such reasoning. 在附近的百货商店的运动装束区,齐同音译嘲笑这种逻辑。 yeeyan Meanwhile, Pixel Qi, a California- based startup, is showing LCD displays that can do double duty as color screens as well as low-power, black-and-white displays. 与此同时,加利福尼亚的新兴公司 Pixel Qi所展示的液晶显示屏具备双重功能,既可实现彩色显示,亦能作为低功耗的黑白显示器。 yeeyan New color display technologies like Qualcomm’s Mirasol and another MIT IT-offshoot called Pixel Qi proved unreliable and difficult to produce in large quantities. 新的彩色演示技术像是高通公司的 Mirasol电子纸技术,还有 MIT的 IT实验室发明的 Pixel Qi技术最后被证明是不可靠的,并且很难大规模生产。 yeeyan Now, qi is just the total molecular partition function. 现在 qi是分子总配分函数。 open.163.com Pixel Qi, a start-up, believes that there is scope to tweak LCD technology within the constraints of standard manufacturing methods and materials. 新公司 Pixel Qi认为,在标准制造方法与材料限制下,仍有机会调整 LCD技术。 ecocn Pixel Qi expects to go into mass production with10-inch displays by the end of2009, targeting the netbook and e- reader markets. Pixel Qi预期在2009年底前,10英寸显示屏可投入大规模生产,瞄准了上网本与电子阅读器市场。 ecocn The existing LCD technology pioneered by OLPC is now being commercialized by Pixel Qi, a startup founded by former OLPC chief technology officer Mary Lou Jepsen. OLPC现有的、其自主开发的 LCD技术正通过 Pixel Qi,一家由 OLPC原核心技术员玛丽·露·杰普森 Mary Lou Jepsen创办的新兴公司进行商业化运作。 yeeyan We need willpower to channel our Qi, our spiritual energy. 我们需要自己的意志力来运气,我们的精神能量。 tingvoa When I asked about the psychological effects of such a shock, Qi emphasized the positive. The government had provided free medical care. 当我问到这一打击对他心理的影响时,齐承斌强调其积极面:政府提过了免费医疗。 yeeyan Qi Baishi's style of painting often leaves the audience guessing. 齐白石的绘画作品常让观赏者猜想。 mysearch.100e.com Qi Zheng, a psychologist at a Shenzhen- based consulting center, says stories like Du's show that young people have come to misunderstand the purpose of gift-giving. 深圳某咨询中心的心理专家齐峥表示,像杜敬琳这样的经历显示出年轻人已经误解了赠送礼物的初衷。 iciba Qi, meanwhile, suggests that couples try to be more understanding of each other. 同时,齐峥也建议情侣们努力加深相互间的了解。 iciba Qi’s wife added that she was very satisfied with all that had been done for them. 齐承斌的妻子补充说,对人们为他们所做的一切,她心存感激。 yeeyan Qi began to launch the second round of attacks. They beat the drums again. 齐国开始发动第二轮进攻,他们重新擂起战鼓。 hjenglish Qi began to experiment with painting. 齐白石开始在绘画上作尝试。 mysearch.100e.com Qi Lu, president of Microsoft’s online services division, sees the situation this way: “ To break through, we have to change the game. But this is a long-term journey.” Qi Lu,微软在线服务部门的总裁,针对这种形势这样说道“要想突破,我们必须改变这场游戏,但是这是一个很长的过程”。 yeeyan |