

单词 qds
释义 qds 英k'juːd'iː'es美k'juːd'iː'es COCA⁹³⁰⁰⁷
abbr.=quick-disconnect series 快速断开序列¹⁰⁰;Quality Data System 质量数据系统
Due to strong confinement effects of electrons and holes, QDs exhibit novel physical properties leading to important applications in microelectronics and optoelectronics.
量子点中电子和空穴强的量子限制作用使其表现出一些新颖的物理性能,从而在微电子和光电子器件方面有着重要的应用价值。 cnki

The FWHM of photoluminescencePL peaks becomes large owing to different shape and size between the first layer and the other four layers of QDs.
由于第一层量子点与其他四层量子点的大小、形状不同,导致量子点光致发光峰的半高宽增加。 cnki

The properties of QDs and recent developments in QDs synthesis, bioconjugation as well as their applications are discussed.
本文阐述了量子点的特性、在合成及生物结合方面的最新进展以及量子点在生物医药学中的应用。 dictall

The reaction mechanism and influencing factors of preparation of nanoparticle quantum dots QDs in the reverse micelle system was explained, and new progress on preparation of QDs was introduced.
阐述了反胶束体系制备纳米量子点的反应原理及影响因素,并介绍了制备方面取得的最新进展。 dictall

The size-tunable optical properties and high photoluminescence quantum yields have made QDs a novel and ideal optical material for light-emitting diodes, lasers, and biological fluorescent labels.
它们因具有尺寸可调的光学性质和高的荧光量子产率而成为用于制备发光二极管、激光器和生物荧光标记物的新颖理想的光学材料。 fabiao

There is currently a major ongoing research effort across the world to grow and characterize semiconductor quantum dots QDs.
半导体量子点的生长和性质已成为当今研究的热点。 cnki

As a new type of fluorescence materials, semiconductor quantum dots QDs have many advantages over the traditional materials.
半导体量子点作为一种最新型的荧光材料,与传统的荧光材料相比具有多种优势。 cnki

Based on the previous works and research frontiers of semiconductor QDs, the ideas for research of this thesis was presented.
针对半导体量子点研究领域的发展方向和有待解决的科学问题,提出本论文的选题依据及研究思路与研究内容。 fabiao

In the first chapter, the general concepts, synthesis, properties and application of semiconductor QDs were reviewed.
本文第一章综述纳米材料尤其是半导体量子点概念、制备、特性及应用等相关领域的研究进展。 fabiao

Most attention has been paid to quantum dots QDs.
其中研究最多的是半导体量子点。 cnki

Objective: To study the clinical effect and mechanism of Qingdu suppository QDS in treating cervical human papilloma viral infection HPV.
目的:观察清毒栓治疗宫颈人乳头瘤病毒 HPV感染的临床疗效,并探讨其作用机理。 dictall

Quantum dots QDs, with zero- dimensional electronic properties, have stimulated great interest due to their important roles in fundamental physical research and for developing novel devices.
由于半导体量子点具有零维电子特性,它不仅成为基本物理研究的重要对象,也成为研制新一代量子器件的基础。 cnki

So research concerning the potential toxicity of QDs had also gained a great amount of interest.
同时量子点的生物安全性和环境安全性研究也逐渐引起了人们的重视。 fabiao

The second part involves voltage controlled slow light effects in asymmetry double quantum dots QDs.
第二部分是在非对称的双量子点中电压调控的慢光效应。 kekenet




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