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QE ˌkjuːˈiː BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹ 基本例句 n.仰角⁵⁰;量化宽松 =Quantitative Easing⁵⁰ Is first mastered at the Developer Lead's database replica sitein the Opened state and is then mastered at the QE Lead's site when the Task is in the Activated state. 首先受控于开发人员领导的数据库镜像站点打开状态,然后当任务处于激活状态时,受控于 QE领导的站点。 ibm The Bank of England is expected to resume the quantitative easing QE— injecting money into the economy by buying financial assets—which it stopped earlier this year. 英格兰银行要重新使用其在今年早些时候停止了的量化宽松政策 QE——以购买金融资产的方式将资金注入经济中。 ecocn Another potential cost is that by driving the dollar down, QE merely shifts the burden of growth to other countries, perhaps fueling asset bubbles in their markets in the process. 美元贬值造成的其他潜在的成本是, QE只是将经济增长的负担转移到其他国家,在此过程中,或许将推涨这些国家市场上的资产泡沫。 ecocn But central bankers are paying renewed attention to monetary measures as one gauge of the impact of “ quantitative easing” QE: printing money to buy longer-term securities. 但作为“量化宽松” QE效应之标尺的货币措施现在重新引起央行行长们的关注:印刷钞票来购买长期证券。 ecocn But continuing QE could cause further currency weakness. 但继续 QE可能造成货币进一步走弱。 yeeyan But since one of the benefits of QE is that it largely bypasses the banking system, it is less helpful to small firms that rely on banks for finance. 但由于量化宽松政策的一个好处就是它在很大程度上可以绕过银行体系,这对于依靠银行融资的小企业帮助很少。 ecocn He believed in the potency of“ quantitative easing, ” or QE— printing money to buy bonds. 但他对“量化宽松”,或曰“ QE”——即用印来的钱买债券——的效力深信不疑。 yeeyan Investors have been relying on the Fed not just to revive the American economy but to prop up asset markets through its bouts of quantitative easing QE. 投资者一直仰仗着美联储来重振美国经济,不仅如此,他们还期望其实行量化宽松政策 QE以支撑资产市场。 ecocn So that leaves the option of quantitative easing QE, or creating more money to purchase assets. 应为:因此,“量化宽松” QE,或者说是印制更多的钞票去购买资产就成了仅剩的选项。 ecocn So expect the next round of QE to rival the first in size. 所以我们可以期望下一轮的量化宽松在规模上将与第一轮不相上下。 ecocn Some see this as competitive QE, a game of“ I can print more money than you can”. 有人认为这是竞争性的量化宽松,是一种“我能比你印刷更多钞票”的游戏。 ecocn That was about what markets expected but far less than the $1.75 trillion of debt it bought between early2009 and early2010 in its first round of QE. 这次融资虽符合市场预期但是同2009年初至2010年初实施的第一轮量化宽松中美联储所购的1.75万亿美元国债相比简直是相去甚远。 ecocn The Fed cut interest rates to nearly zero and then, in two rounds of QE, bought$2.3 trillion of government and mortgage- backed bonds. 美联储把利率降至了接近零,然后,两轮的量化宽松政策 QE,购买了2.3万亿美元的政府和抵押贷款支持的债券。 ecocn The Fed will do all it can to ensure that the next direction is down. So expect the next round of QE to rival the first in size. 美联储将竭尽全力以确保下一个走向是走低,所以下一轮量化宽松很可能会与第一轮规模相当。 ecocn The author also played a role in the evolution of“ quantitative easing” QE, or using newly created money to buy debt. 这个作家也在“量化宽松” QE的演变进化中起过作用,做过拆东墙补西墙之类的事情。 ecocn The quality engineering QE team that performs these tests acts primarily as a customer advocate in verifying the application's ability to fulfill customer needs or business imperatives. 执行这些测试的质量工程 QE团队,在验证应用软件实现客户需求或业务规则方面,扮演了一个支持客户的角色。 ibm The renewal of QE might prove more effective if the bank bought bonds issued by companies and commercial banks, thus directly lowering their borrowing costs. 如果银行买了公司和商业银行发布的债券的话,这可能预示着新一轮 QE会更有效,从而直接降低他们的买入价格。 ecocn These interventions, though, seem relatively minor compared with the possibility of a third bout of “ quantitative easing” QE: buying bonds with newly created money. 不过,这些干预措施与可能实施的第三轮“量化宽松” QE政策的效果相比,似乎只能算小打小闹了。 ecocn This year QE is creating a surplus of dollars and pounds and is thus driving both currencies down. 而今年的 QE正在创造美元与英镑的供给过剩,因此这一机制驱使两种货币下跌。 yeeyan This role may be represented by engineering, product and project managers, QE, or documentation. 该角色可能由工程、产品和项目经理、 QE,或文档编制部门来代表。 ibm To be most effective, QE teams must be able to apply appropriate testing tools as they focus on system-level quality issues. 为了最有效地测试, QE团队必须在他们关注系统级质量问题时,能够应用合适的测试工具。 ibm Velocity has been falling— which means each dollar the Fed prints has less oomph. POINT: For QE. 对 QE的观点:如今周转率正在下降——这意味着联储印出的每一个美元都不太有魅力。 yeeyan QE is a foregone conclusion right after Election Day, so let's finish discounting it. QE在选举日后将是一个预知的结果,所以让我现在就来贴现它吧。 yeeyan |