

单词 Qatari
释义 qa·tari 英kʌ'tɑːri美'kɑːtɑːri 高iWeb²⁹⁵⁵³Economist¹¹⁰⁸⁷

a native or inhabitant of Qatar
of or concerning Qatar or its inhabitants;

the Qatari ruling family

Qatari oil wells

近义词 Katari卡塔尔人阿拉伯东部…

用作形容词MostQatariwomen cover themselves, including their faces, when they appear in public.大多数卡塔尔的妇女当她们出去时,都是覆盖着自己,包括脸部。
Many of the details are still rather vague, especially regarding theQatariinvestment, but there is no longer any argument about where the two companies are heading.很多细节尚不清楚,尤其是卡塔尔的投资,但两家公司正向合并之路迈进,这毫无争议。 Al- Jazeera and al- Arabiya are careful not to antagonise their respective Qatari and Saudi sponsors.
半岛和阿拉伯电视台就小心不与各自卡塔尔、沙特的赞助人为敌。 ecocn

The prince communicated his dislike of the design of the modernist complex to the Qatari emir.
查尔斯王子曾告知卡塔尔王室,不喜欢这种现代主义的设计风格。 ecocn

The Shard, for example, was put on hold in 2007 after the first tremors of the credit crunch; work only restarted after an infusion of private money from a Qatari consortium in 2008.
2007年第一波信用危机出现后,碎片大厦项目被暂时搁置,直到2008年,卡塔尔的一个财团注入私人资金后项目才得以重新启动。 ecocn

“ If there wasn’t a power vacuum across the region, Qatar would never have got away with it, ” says a young Qatari businessman, referring to the Libyan adventure.
一名年轻的卡塔尔商人在谈到利比亚人的冒险行动时表示,“如果在整个区域不出现权力真空,卡塔尔将永远不会逃避责罚”。 ecocn

A few days before, an Al Jazeera team was ambushed by gunmen— believed to be Qaddafi loyalists—and a Qatari cameraman died in the attack.
几天后,一组半岛电视台的记者遭遇抢手伏击——相信是效忠卡扎菲的人所做——一名卡塔尔摄影师在袭击中身亡。 yeeyan

He and some of his fellow Qatari sheikhs, often tribal leaders in their own right, hold the traditional majlis where citizens can present petitions and air their problems.
在卡塔尔,公民可以向传统议会呈递请愿书言明他们遇到的问题,该议会由哈马德及他的卡塔尔酋长同僚们掌控,这些酋长通常都有自己独立管辖的部落。 ecocn

In the process, the company aims to create an additional source of profit, besides ensuring food security for the Qatari population.
公司的目标是:在这一过程中,除了能够确保卡塔尔人民的粮食安全之外,还能产生另外一条获利的途径。 ecocn

In a televised debate sponsored by a Qatari foundation and held in English in the upmarket American University of Cairo, 84% of the audience said no.
由一个卡塔尔的基金会赞助的在开罗美国大学举行的一个电视辩论中,84%的人持反对意见。 ecocn

Many of the details are still rather vague, especially regarding the Qatari investment, but there is no longer any argument about where the two companies are heading.
很多细节尚不清楚,尤其是卡塔尔的投资,但两家公司正向合并之路迈进,这毫无争议。 ecocn

Perhaps as an effect of the importation, Wahhabism takes a less strict form in Qatar than in Saudi Arabia, though it still governs a large portion of Qatari mores and rituals.
可能是进口的作用,尽管瓦哈比教派的教义和习俗仍然控制大部分的卡塔尔人习俗和仪式,但在卡塔尔的形式要求却不如沙特阿拉伯严格。 ebigear

Runaway non-rent inflation earlier this year led the Qatari government to peg the riyal to the dollar.
今年的早些时候,失控的通货膨胀文使卡塔尔政府盯紧了美金。 yeeyan

Shortly after the announcement, regime loyalists gathered to support Mr Assad, with some attacking the Qatari and Saudi embassies in Damascus.
在声明发布之后不久,叙政府的支持者举行集会以支持阿萨德,一些人袭击了在大马士革的卡塔尔和苏丹大使馆。 ecocn

The Qatari Supreme Council of Health says it will not hesitate to ban all vegetables from European countries if necessary.
卡塔尔健康最高委员会称,如果有需要,它将毫不犹豫禁止从欧洲进口所有蔬菜。 hxen

They are vulnerable to high Arab politics: al- Jazeera has recently been muting its criticism of Saudi Arabia, probably at the behest of the Qatari royal family.
它们无法抵御来自高层阿拉伯政治的攻击:最近半岛台就收声,不再批评沙特,很可能是因为得到卡塔尔王室的命令。 ecocn

This is the logo of Al Jazeera, the Qatari network that has changed the face of television news since it was founded15 years ago.
这是阿拉伯半岛电视台的象征表示。自从卡塔尔半岛电视新闻网15年前成立以来,它一改往日电视新闻的面貌。 ecocn

Travellers can already use Qatari riyals in a Saudi supermarket, for instance.
例如,旅行者已经可以在沙特的超市里使用卡塔尔里亚尔。 ecocn

Qatari insiders doubt whether the Thanis have a master plan for Islamist domination of the Middle East.
卡塔尔知情人怀疑,萨尼家族是否对中东伊斯兰分子的统治有一个总体计划。 ecocn

Qatari- owned media such as al- Jazeera and IslamOnline have relentlessly criticised Egypt in recent years, notably for its complicity in Israel's blockade of Gaza.
近年来,诸如半岛电视台和“伊斯兰在线”这样的卡塔尔媒体不留情面地抨击埃及,尤其是指责该国和以色列串通一气封锁加沙。 ecocn

Qatari- owned Al Jazeera is the best known of the racier channels, but it is only one of a dozen24- hour Arabic-language news providers.
卡塔尔国营的半岛电视台就是最为出名的种族主义频道,但是它只是众多24小时阿拉伯语新闻提供者之一。 ecocn




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